GÖÇER, Özgür

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  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Kent dışı bir üniversite kampüsünün dış mekânlarında ısıl konfor, kullanım ve mekân dizim analizi
    (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2018) Göçer, Özgür; Torun, A. Ö.; Bakoviç, M.; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür
    Günümüzde Türkiye’de yeni üniversiteler, kent içinde yer bulunamaması ya da arsaların çok pahalı olması nedeniyle kent çeperlerinde ya da kent dışında kurulmaktadırlar. Sahip olduğu nüfus ve içerdiği işlevsel alanlar bakımından kentsel ölçekte bir yerleşme olarak ele alınabilecek bu kampüslerde birimler arası ilişkileri ve bu birimleri çevreleyen dış mekânların kullanım değerini araştırmak, kendi başına yeterli bir yaşam alanı haline gelen kent dışı kampüslerde çok daha büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu bağlamda yürütülen bu çalışma, kent dışı bir üniversite kampüsünde dış mekân fiziksel koşullarını incelemek üzere yapılan ısıl konfor, kullanım ve mekân dizim analizlerini içermektedir. Çalışmada üç yöntem izlenmiştir. İlk yöntem davranış haritalaması ile kampüsün kullanılan/kullanılmayan alanlarının tespit edilmesi ve bu tespitler doğrultusunda kullanıcı davranış haritalarının oluşturulmasıdır. İkinci yöntem kullanıcı davranış haritalarıyla ortaya konan kullanım değeri üzerinde etkili bir diğer unsur olan kullanıcıların deneyimledikleri mekânda ne derece konforlu olduklarının araştırılmasıdır. Üçüncü yöntem ise, mekân dizim analizi ile fiziksel çevreye bağlı olan durumu tespit edip kampüsün bütünleşik ve yalıtılmış alanların ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Bu üç yöntemin sonuçları çakıştırılarak kampüs tasarımının güçlü ve zayıf yanları tespit edilmiş, iyileştirilmeler ve potansiyel alanların değerlendirilebilmesi için öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
  • Placeholder
    A BIM-GIS integrated pre-retrofit model for building data mapping
    (Springer Nature, 2016-10) Göçer, Özgür; Hua, Y.; Göçer, Kenan; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür; GÖÇER, Kenan
    In response to rising energy costs and the impetus to reduce environmental impacts, upgrading the large building stock that is responsible for 40% of the total energy consumption to maximum energy efficiency is becoming an important task. Despite the many benefits associated with retrofit projects, they are still only slowly being implemented because of the many challenges that exist. One of these challenges is optimizing the decision between renovation scenarios based on economic and environmental goals, which can be made possible with an accurate pre-retrofit model. The intention of this paper is to introduce a pre-retrofit model that efficiently obtains and integrates multiple forms of building data as a critical step to develop a comprehensive understanding of a building to be renovated. Opportunities for utilizing building information modeling (BIM) and geographical information systems (GIS) for retrofitting projects were explored through the study of a historical campus building. With the use of as-is geometric data and as-is data, building data maps were obtained. The next step of this study is to use the model to conduct scenarios comparison and optimize renovation decision based on economic and environmental goals.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Esnek çalışma mekânlarının çalışan memnuniyetine etkisinin akıllı bir ofis binası örneğinde i̇ncelenmesi
    (Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesİ, 2018) Göçer, Özgür; Karahan, Ebru Ergöz; İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Architecture; Industrial Design; GÖÇER, Özgür; KARAHAN, Ebru; OYGÜR İLHAN, Işil
    Çalışma mekânları içinde bulundukları dönemin sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik ve toplumsal yapısı ile şekillenen ortamlardır. Günümüzde, teknolojinin ve sürdürülebilirlik olgusunun yaşam ve iş yapma biçimlerini değiştirmesiyle çalışma mekânları yeniden kurgulanmaktadır. Çalışma mekânlarının değişmesinde en etkili unsurlardan biri esneklik kavramıdır. Esnek çalışma mekânları çalışanların iletişimini kuvvetlendirecek ve yatay hiyerarşiyi destekleyecek şekilde tasarlanmaktadır. Esnek çalışma mekanlarında açık ofis alanları aktivite odaklı alanlarla desteklenmekte ve çalışanların konsantrasyon gerektiren çalışma, toplantı ve ekip çalışması gibi ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak şekilde planlanmaktadır. Bu durumun bir göstergesi olarak günümüz bilgi ve teknoloji çağında organizasyonlar ofis olarak akıllı binaları ve esnek çalışma mekânlarını tercih etmeye başlamışlardır. Fiziksel çevre tasarımının çalışan memnuniyeti ve verimi üzerine etkileri bilindiğinden, bu yeni tip çalışma mekânları özelinde tasarımın ve çevre kalitesinin çalışan memnuniyeti, verimi ve yapılan işin kalitesine etkileri üzerine araştırmalar dünyada, özellikle Kuzey Amerika ve Avrupa’da hız kazanmıştır. Ancak, Türkiye’deki çalışma mekânları özelinde bu gibi çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada, bu boşluğu doldurmak amacı ile İstanbul’da yer alan LEED sertifikalı bir binada hizmet veren bir firmanın esnek çalışma mekânı örnek olarak seçilmiştir. Anket, görüşme ve yerinde gözlem yöntemlerine dayanan bir kullanım sonrası değerlendirme çalışması yürütülmüştür. Elde edilen bulgular esnek çalışma düzeni, fiziksel çevre koşulları ve mekânsal tasarım bağlamında çalışan memnuniyetine etkileri açısından değerlendirilmiştir.
  • Conference ObjectPublicationOpen Access
    The use of building performance simulation tools in undergraduate program course training
    (2015) Göçer, Özgür; Dervishi, E.; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür
    Not only in building construction industry, but also in engineering and architectural education the use of simulation tools has a great interest. Rapid advances in the capabilities of simulation tools and computer technologies have provided additional potential and choices for the designers and trainers. There are several kinds of simulation tools for energy efficiency and daylighting. During training practitioners, use some of them. This paper aims to discuss if there is any way to define and compare which one is appropriate for different stages of design process. Some of them are very complicated; on the other hand, some of them are much unsophisticated and not verified. The authors provide experiences of two workshops to show how the simulation tools successfully used to train the students. In addition, guidelines provided to maximize the usefulness of simulation for training student skills in sustainable design.
  • Placeholder
    Exploring mobility & workplace choice in a flexible office through post-occupancy evaluation
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) Göçer, Özgür; Göçer, Kenan; Karahan, Ebru Ergöz; İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Architecture; Industrial Design; GÖÇER, Özgür; KARAHAN, Ebru; OYGÜR İLHAN, Işil; GÖÇER, Kenan
    Developments in information and communication systems, organisational structure and the nature of work have contributed to the restructuring of work environments. In these new types of work environments, employees do not have assigned workplaces. This arrangement helps organisations to minimise rent costs and increase employee interaction and knowledge exchange through mobility. This post-occupancy evaluation (POE) study focuses on a flexible office in a Gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-certified building in Istanbul. An integrated qualitative and quantitative POE technique with occupancy tracking via barcode scanning and instant surveying has been introduced. Using this unique approach, we examined the directives/drivers in workplace choice and mobility from different perspectives. The aggregated data was used to discern work-related consequences such as flexibility, workplace choice, work and indoor environment satisfaction, place attachment and identity. The results show that employees who have a conventional working culture develop a new working style: ‘fixed-flexible working’.
  • Placeholder
    Contribution To PeriodicalPublication
    The effects of transportation modes on campus use: A case study of a suburban campus
    (Elsevier, 2019-03) Göçer, Özgür; Göçer, K.; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür
  • Placeholder
    Introduction of a spatio-temporal mapping based POE method for outdoor spaces: Suburban university campus as a case study
    (Elsevier, 2018-11) Göçer, Özgür; Göçer, K.; Başol, Altuğ Melik; Kıraç, Mustafa Furkan; Özbil, A.; Bakovic, M.; Siddiqui, Faizan Pervez; Özcan, Barış; Computer Science; Architecture; Mechanical Engineering; BAŞOL, Altuğ Melik; KIRAÇ, Mustafa Furkan; GÖÇER, Özgür; Siddiqui, Faizan Pervez; Özcan, Barış
    Outdoor spaces are important to sustainable cities because they establish a common identity for social life by improving quality of urban living. The relation between outdoor spaces and building groups, competency, use period, and interaction of micro-climatic factors are needed to be investigated from a holistic approach. Unfortunately, the limited and narrow scoped POE studies on outdoor spaces make an overall assessment without causality relation. Other existing studies in outdoor spaces are mostly grouped under the headings such as; user satisfaction, space syntax and behavioral mapping, and biometeorological assessments. The intention of this paper is to introduce a new post-occupancy evaluation (POE) method integrates these studies focusing on various problems in outdoor spaces using spatio-temporal mapping. The comprehensive methodology applied in this research attempted to overcome some of the shortcomings of related studies by conducting a longitudinal study (during a year, as opposed to a few days) and also by objectively analyzing the associations of user behavior and physical attributes as well as the configurational properties of the campus layout. With this method, outdoor spaces can be evaluated in the context of the interaction between the physical environment and its users' behavior and activities, level of satisfaction and perceptions of comfort. The method has been applied on a suburban university campus in İstanbul, Turkey. The main courtyard of the campus has been subjected for map creation and result discussions.
  • Placeholder
    Pedestrian tracking in outdoor spaces of a suburban university campus for the investigation of occupancy patterns
    (Elsevier, 2019-02) Göçer, Özgür; Göçer, K.; Özcan, Barış; Bakovic, M.; Kıraç, Mustafa Furkan; Computer Science; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür; KIRAÇ, Mustafa Furkan; Özcan, Barış
    The design of a livable and comfortable environment has been one of the main aims of sustainable university campus design. The creation of outdoor spaces for accommodating amenities has a positive effect on users with regard to various physiological and psychological aspects. Knowing how daily activity patterns and pedestrian movements are distributed across space is important for assessing whether or not human use and design plans are in fact successful. The aim of this study is to determine occupancy patterns and pedestrian routes in outdoor spaces during different seasons at a sustainable university campus by using spatial statistical analyses that involve ANN, MC and SDE. To perform these analyses, the researchers attempted to use a pedestrian tracking method from camera surveillance to aggregate the required data by conducing a longitudinal study. The data that were aggregated by pedestrian tracking was visualized with the use of a spatio-temporal mapping method in GIS. Logistic GWR was performed to seek the relationship between occupancy pattern (clustered distribution) and design layout of open spaces, comprising the variables of proximity to the attraction centers/entrances, and visual integration. The results confirmed that occupants prefer to use the areas that have high visual integration value and are close to attraction centers.
  • Placeholder
    Completing the missing link in building design process: Enhancing post-occupancy evaluation method for effective feedback for building performance
    (Elsevier, 2015-07) Göçer, Özgür; Hua, Y.; Göçer, K.; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür
    This paper provides a review of the improvements in the evaluation of building performance and introduces a new method for post-occupancy evaluation (POE) to complete the missing link in the building design process. Existing studies were reviewed to understand the possible reasons for the missing link of “building performance feedback”. The intention of this paper is to set out a new vision for how future post-occupancy evaluation can close the building performance feedback loop to better inform building design. The spatial mapping method adopted extends the use of building information modeling (BIM), which has shown great potential for the future of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, and uses geographical information systems (GIS), which is a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing relationships between geographical units and their data. This study explores how to establish a communication platform for different stakeholders in order to engage them in the collaborative effort of continuous building performance improvement by using the results of POE embedded into BIM. In this paper, the experiences of a POE study of a LEED® Platinum building and a historical building on a university campus are reported as examples to illustrate the proposed new method.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    A quantitative investigation of the factors affecting patterns of occupation in a suburban campus: The case of Ozyegin University In Istanbul
    (ArchNet, 2018) Özbil Torun, A.; Göçer, Özgür; Bakovic, M.; Göçer, Kenan; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür; GÖÇER, Kenan
    This study investigates the patterns of occupation of outdoor spaces on a suburban university campus and seeks to understand the factors that affect them. The comprehensive methodology applied in this research attempted to overcome some of the shortcomings of related studies by conducting a longitudinal study (behavioral mapping during a year, as opposed to a few days) and by objectively analyzing the associations of user behavior and physical attributes, and the configurational properties of the campus layout. The results show that campus users fail to capitalize on the potential offered by the spatial configuration of outdoor spaces because they are not supported by amenities for pedestrians such as seating, shading elements and catering facilities. Supporting campus outdoor spaces that have the configurational potential of bringing various types of users (students and staff) with amenities for pedestrians and service facilities would create a lively and sustainable campus for its users.