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  • Placeholder
    Comprehensive parameters for the definition of nearly zero energy and cost optimal levels considering the life cycle energy and thermal comfort of school buildings
    (Elsevier, 2021-12-15) Moazzen, N.; Karagüler, M. E.; Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    There has been an increasing interest in studying energy efficiency in buildings in the recent years, as they account for a significant portion of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. While most of the studies focus on the buildings' operational phase, a substantial part of buildings' energy consumption is disguised as embodied energy. It is impossible to have a zero energy building, as it is necessary to use materials to build the building, and those materials need to produce and transport energy. Life cycle analysis is the utmost efficient method to assess how a building affects the environment. Notably, the impact of buildings on the environment across their lifespans are determined by some factors, which comprise materials, design, construction, use and demolition. The study aims to present the implementation of a life cycle approach and occupant thermal comfort during the school building's energy efficiency design. The study's principal objective focuses on the energy use and environmental impact linked to various alternatives of building envelopes in different climates. Within this context, a reference building located in three different climatic regions of Turkey is investigated. Two ranges of efficiency comprise the focal points of the study. Cost-optimal and nearly zero energy levels are defined for each city. In the hot climate, the cost-optimal scenario cannot improve the comfort conditions, whereas the nZEB scenario improves slightly in such a context. In temperate and cold climates, both strategies can improve comfort conditions. The share of embodied energy and carbon in the nZEB level can reach higher than 80 percent, whereas it is lower than 15 percent in the cost-optimal level.
  • Conference paperPublicationOpen Access
    A long-term strategy for energy and cost performance improvement of existing residential buildings: Step-by-step renovation in Turkey
    (2019) Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Yılmaz, Z.; Moazzen, N.; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    Recast version of Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD-Recast) obligate member states to keep the cost analysis in parallel with the energy analysis during the renovation actions for the existing building by taking the cost-optimal level of minimum energy performance requirement to the account. Although this cost-optimal level is indicating the minimum cost level for a period, it can provide buildings’ owners with an enormous initial cost. One of the most challenging barriers to energy efficient and cost-optimal renovation of existing buildings is the reluctance of owners to involve in their project as an investor due to the high cost of application. Particularly in developing countries, such reluctance is more tangible as the governments are not capable of providing enough financial incentives for owners due to a large number of buildings that should be renovated and small available budget. A proper solution for the problem is to divide necessary actions for each building to certain sub-actions and apply them as a step-by-step renovation project. On the other hand, the progressive application of renovation activities has some restrictions. It is necessary to define the due amount for households and keep the cost of each step within the payable range. Moreover, the low rate of building renovation which affects the EU goals can be improved remarkably by application of step-by-step actions not only by increasing the number of owners’ contributions but also by improving the time of implementation, proper distribution of skilled labours and directed economic resources. This paper aims to assess the step-by-step application of the energy efficient renovation actions through energy and cost analysis under Turkey’s climatic, economic and sociological conditions. One of 26 reference residential buildings in Turkey is analysed in this paper. The due amount for each step is defined, and some renovation actions and their combinations applied to the case building and the results compared with the base condition. Then a proper combination of measures established based on the cost-optimal analyses. These appropriately combined actions are then divided into some sub-actions; following this, cost and energy studies are conducted again to determine the appropriate arrangement of sub-actions.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Positive energy districts: Identifying challenges and interdependencies
    (MDPI, 2021-10) Krangsås, S. G.; Steemers, K.; Konstantinou, T.; Soutullo, S.; Liu, M.; Giancola, E.; Prebreza, B.; Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Murauskaitė, L.; Maas, N.; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    Positive Energy Districts (PED) are areas within cities that generate more renewable energy than they consume, contributing to cities’ energy system transformation toward carbon neutrality. Since PED is a novel concept, the implementation is very challenging. Within the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action, which offers an open space for collaboration among scientists across Europe (and beyond), this paper asks what the needs for supporting the implementation of PEDs are. To answer this, it draws on Delphi process (expert reviews) as the main method alongside the literature review and also uses surveys as supplementary methods to identify the main challenges for developing PEDs. Initial findings reveal seven interacting topics that later were ranked as highest to the lowest as the following: governance, incentive, social, process, market, technology and context. These are interrelated and interdependent, implying that none can be considered in isolation of the others and cannot be left out in order to ensure the successful development of PEDs. The resources that are needed to address these challenges are a common need for systematic understanding of the processes behind them, as well as cross-disciplinary models and protocols to manage the complexity of developing PEDs. The results can be the basis for devising the conceptual framework on the development of new PED guides and tools.
  • Conference paperPublicationOpen Access
    Life cycle energy assessment of a school building under envelope retrofit: An approach towards environmental impact reduction
    (EDP Sciences, 2019) Moazzen, N.; Karagüler, M. E.; Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Architecture; Kurnitski, J.; Wargocki, P.; Mazzarela, L.; Zhang, H.; Nastase, I.; Tanabe, S.; Gameiro da Silva, M. C.; Cao, G.; Inard, C.; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    Energy efficiency of existing buildings is a concept to manage and restrain the growth in energy consumption and one of the crucial issues due to the magnitude of the sector. Educational buildings are in charge of about 15% of the total energy consumption of the non-residential building sector. However, not only operational but also embodied energy of a building should be reduced to get the overall benefits of energy efficiency, where, using energy efficient architectural measures and low emitting materials during every retrofit action can be a logical step. The majority of buildings in Turkey and EU was built earlier than the development of the energy efficiency in the construction sector, hence, without energy retrofit, consume an enormous amount of energy that can be averted significantly by the implementation of some even not advanced retrofit measures. Furthermore, demolishing of a building to construct a new one is not a rational approach concerning cost, time and environmental pollution. The study has been focused on the impact assessment of the various architectural scenarios of energy efficiency upgrading on the Life Cycle Energy Consumption (LCEC) and Life Cycle CO2 (LCCO2) emission. Within the scope of the study, a primary school building is selected to be analysed. Through analysis, the total embodied and operational energy use and CO2 emission regarding the life cycle phase of the building is quantitatively defined and investigated in the framework of life cycle inventory. The paper concentrates on the operation and embodied energy consumption arising from the application of a variety of measures on the building envelope. An educational building with low LCCO2 emissions and LCEC in Turkey is proposed. To exemplify the approach, contributions are applied to a case study in Istanbul as a representative school building. The primary energy consumption of the case study building is calculated with a dynamic simulation tool, EnergyPlus. Afterwards, a sort of architectural energy efficient measures is implemented in the envelope while the lighting and mechanical systems remain constant. The energy used in the production and transportation of materials, which are the significant parts of the embodied energy, are taken into account as well.
  • Placeholder
    A multi-criteria approach to affordable energy-efficient retrofit of primary school buildings
    (Elsevier, 2020-06-15) Moazzen, N.; Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Yilmaz, Z.; Karagüler, M. E.; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    The majority of the buildings was built before the energy efficiency prospering in the construction sector. Hence, they are consuming an enormous energy amount that can be preserved considerably by applying some not even advanced retrofit measures. Schools' low budget is a problem that managers are encountered. Thus the high retrofit cost can prevent taking proper actions. However, considering the measures leading to higher energy efficiency with appropriate cost and payback period, together with taking the lifespan of buildings and the economic benefits during this extended period, would make the actions attractive. This research aims at defining a multi-parameter approach to distinguish energy efficient measures with proper cost, payback period and CO2 emission for primary school buildings' retrofit. It is following the concept of cost-optimal building retrofit introduced by the EPBD-recast. To assess the proposed approach, two typical school buildings were considered as case studies, the model was created and validated by real consumptions, and then some measures were applied to the envelope, mechanical and lighting system. After driven cost-optimal measures, the comfort analyses were conducted and some of the measures were excluded due to worsening the comfort conditions. The results indicate that, in the suitable cost-optimal scenarios, the potential of primary energy savings and CO2 emission reductions are approximately 60%, and savings for global cost would amount to more than 42%, while the payback periods are less than seven years.
  • Placeholder
    Energy-efficient building design under climate change adaptation process: a case study of a single-family house
    (IEEE, 2022) Tomrukçu, G.; Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    Purpose: The residential buildings sector has a high priority in the climate change adaptation process due to significant CO2 emissions, high energy consumption and negative environmental impacts. The article investigates how, conversely speaking, the residential buildings will be affected by climate change, and how to improve existing structures and support long-term decisions. Design/methodology/approach: The climate dataset was created using the scenarios determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and this was used in the study. Different building envelope and Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems scenarios have been developed and simulated. Then, the best scenario was determined with comparative results, and recommendations were developed. Findings: The findings reveal that future temperature-increase will significantly impact buildings' cooling and heating energy use. As the outdoor air temperatures increase due to climate change, the heating loads of the buildings decrease, and the cooling loads increase significantly. While the heating energy consumption of the house was calculated at 170.85 kWh/m2 in 2020, this value shall decrease significantly to 115.01 kWh/m2 in 2080. On the other hand, the cooling energy doubled between 2020 and 2080 and reached 106.95 kWh/m2 from 53.14 kWh/m2 measured in 2020. Originality/value: Single-family houses constitute a significant proportion of the building stock. An in-depth analysis of such a building type is necessary to cope with the devastating consequences of climate change. The study developed and scrutinised energy performance improvement scenarios to define the climate change adaptation process' impact and proper procedure. The study is trying to create a strategy to increase the climate resistance capabilities of buildings and fill the gaps in this regard.
  • Conference paperPublicationOpen Access
    Energy efficiency evaluation of different glazing and shading systems in a school building
    (EDP Sciences, 2019) Khalaf, Mohammed Abdel Latıf Mustafa; Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Demirci, Cem; Architecture; Kurnitski, J.; Wargocki, P.; Mazzarela, L.; Zhang, H.; Nastase, I.; Tanabe, S.; Gameiro da Silva, M. C.; Cao, G.; Inard, C.; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj; Khalaf, Mohammed Abdel Latıf Mustafa; Demirci, Cem
    The energy conversations methods and techniques take a significant role in the energy performance of the buildings. Façade and shading systems are in continuous development, and recent studies are showing the importance of implementation of such systems to reduce energy consumption and enhance the effectiveness of the building performance. School buildings are mostly being used during daytime, hence, require active use of sunlight. A measure that is taken on a school building envelope can prevent overheating and overcooling and reduce the heating and cooling energy consumption but at the same time can increase the lighting energy consumption vice versa. Thus, it is necessary to optimise the energy required for climatisation of a building with lighting energy demand. The main aim of the paper is to provide analysis for façade and shading systems applied to a school building and study the effectiveness of it on energy consumption and conservation. The case study for this paper is a typical building project designed to be located in Istanbul, Turkey and has a traditional façade system which is clear double layer windows without any shading devices. The analyses of the energy efficiency of these systems will be presented. The different glazing types and shading systems alternatives will show the most efficient one to be used as some optimised alternatives for the systems. Findings indicate that proper glazing and shading systems can reduce the needed energy for heating and lightening and thus total energy consumption of a school building significantly.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Enhancing school buildings energy efficiency under climate change: A comprehensive analysis of energy, cost, and comfort factors
    (Elsevier, 2023-12-01) Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    Incorporating future weather predictions into building assessments is essential for enhancing resilience, energy efficiency, cost savings, comfort, and sustainable infrastructure development in response to climate change. This study investigates the interplay between climate change and building performance, primarily focusing on energy usage, cost implications, and occupant comfort. It examines how future weather conditions impact school buildings in different climates, analyzing energy, cost, and comfort aspects. The research underscores the significance of tailored climate adaptation strategies for various regions and emphasizes considering future performance, even for highly energy-efficient buildings. Employing a comprehensive simulation-based approach, the study implements and validates future weather data in a Turkish school building, incorporating envelope improvements and photovoltaic applications to boost energy efficiency. A distinctive feature is the rigorous validation of future weather predictions against current measured data, facilitating a regional-level assessment of climate change effects on building energy consumption. The study's novelty lies in its detailed evaluation of climate change's multifaceted impacts on buildings, innovative future climate data validation, and contribution to a more localized and climate-specific approach to addressing building energy-cost-comfort performance. Findings reveal that in hot climates, there is a potential for nearly doubling primary energy consumption, global costs, and CO2 emissions in the future for both cost-optimal and nearly zero-energy scenarios. Consequently, the savings would decrease from 53-63 % to 13–30 %. In contrast, in cold climates, the impact on these parameters differs slightly, with reduced primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions but higher global costs. Notably, a building retrofitted to a high energy efficiency level may experience a substantial increase in future energy consumption and global costs, approaching the levels of currently inefficient buildings.
  • Placeholder
    The impact of glazing ratio and window configuration on occupants’ comfort and energy demand: The case study of a school building in Eskisehir, Turkey
    (Elsevier, 2019-05) Ashrafian Bonab, Touraj; Moazzen, N.; Architecture; ASHRAFIAN BONAB, Touraj
    Various investigations have confirmed that pupils and teachers' learning/teaching performance and health depend heavily on the quality and amount of daylight and indoor thermal conditions. The primary aim of using natural light in schools is to reduce energy consumption and costs, but it should also improve students' performance. An appropriate configuration of windows improves visual and thermal comfort by reducing glare, distributing light and controlling solar energy gain. The study focuses on the impact of different transparency ratios (WWR) and window combinations in two critical orientations (west and east) on occupants' comfort and the energy demands of a classroom. A building was selected for a case study investigation at the design stage. One east-facing and one west-facing classroom were studied. The two classrooms were simulated with the aid of the lighting and energy simulation programs DIALux Evo 6.0, DesignBuilder 5.5 and EnergyPlus 8.9. The results indicated that a glazing ratio of 50% would reduce the requirement for artificial lighting by at least 15% as well as providing more comfortable conditions.