ÖZKAL, Özlem

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Publication Search Results

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  • Placeholder
    Ottoman foundations of Turkish typography: A field theory approach
    (MIT Press, 2018) Özkal, Özlem; Communication Design; ÖZKAL, Özlem
    This paper examines the formation of the field of typography in the Ottoman Empire from within a field-based perspective. By approaching typography as a strategic action field, it analyzes the typographic environment and its various actors from mid-nineteenth to early twentieth centuries according to the criteria of field formation. Through explicatory historical evidence, it demonstrates that the field of typography was in the process of formation in the late Ottoman period.
  • Placeholder
    Book ChapterPublication
    Ottoman women's print network and their creative contribution to print culture in Turkey
    (Peter Lang AG, 2022-11-04) Özkal, Özlem; Durmaz, Ö.; Communication Design; Archer-Parré, C.; Moog, C.; Hinks, J.; ÖZKAL, Özlem