SEZER, Can Bora

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    Conference paperPublication
    Studying children's manipulative gestures in spatial puzzle play with VR hand tracking: Analysis of goal-directed actions
    (ACM, 2022-12-01) Baykal, Gökçe Elif; Leylekoğlu, Ali; Sezer, Can Bora; İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Communication Design; Industrial Design; BAYKAL, Gökçe Elif; SEZER, Can Bora; OYGÜR İLHAN, Işil; Leylekoğlu, Ali
    This paper presents insights about children's manipulative gestures in a spatial puzzle play (i.e. tangram) in both real and virtual environments. We present our initial work with 11 children (aged between 7 and 14) and preliminary results based on a qualitative analysis of children's goal-directed actions as one dimension of gestural input. Based on our early results, we list a set of goal-directed actions as a first stage for developing a manipulative gestural taxonomy. For a more comprehensive view, we suggest a further in-depth investigation of these actions combined with hand and finger kinematics, and outline a number of paths for future research.