SORAN, Semih

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  • Conference ObjectPublicationOpen Access
    Determinants of the entrepreneurial intentions: testing the Ajzen’s Model in Turkish sample
    (Future Academy, 2019) Soran, Semih; Şeşen, H.; Gökalp, Pınar Horasanlı; Professional Flight Program; Ozsahin, M.; Hidirlar, T.; SORAN, Semih
    Many theories have been put forward in explaining the intentions of individuals to become entrepreneurs. In one of these, Ajzen (1991) sees planned actions as the conclusion of conscious decisions to act determinedly. The intentions that guide these actions are a combination of experiences, individual traits, and own personal motivation. According to Ajzen, the individual tends to be entrepreneurial in the direction of personal expectations and social norms in the society and intends to achieve entrepreneurial behavior by providing personal motivation through perceived behavioral control. In this context, the most critical outcome is the finding that human behavior is a planned action driven by intentions. In this context, it is essential that the university students, who are at the very beginning of their working life, have entrepreneurial intentions. In this studying the light of data that were collected with a questionnaire from 459 university students and Ajzen'sPlanned Behavior Theory tested on student's entrepreneurial intentions. Data were analyzed with correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that attitude and perceived behavioral control are quite useful to explain entrepreneurial intentions of university students.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Toplumsal kültürün üni̇versi̇te öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇ni̇n gi̇ri̇şi̇mci̇li̇k ni̇yeti̇ne etki̇si̇: sosyal ağ kullanımının aracılık rolü
    (Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, 2014) Şeşen, H.; Soran, Semih; Caymaz, E.; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih
    Girişimcilik son dönemlerde ekonomik olgusunun yanında sosyal özelliklerinin ön plana çıkmasıyla çok önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir ve gün geçtikçe inceleme alanları artmaktadır. Girişimcilik, fırsatlardan yararlanarak var olan parçaları bir araya getirmek ve pazar payı oluşturmak olarak tanımlanabilir. Girişimcilik niyeti doğuştan gelen veya sonradan kazanılan özelliklerle, risk, karar verme ve yönetme gibi fonksiyonları kullanarak süreci hayata geçirme faaliyetidir. Girişimcilik niyeti bireysel ve toplumsal birtakım olgulardan etkilenebilmektedir. Kültür ve sosyal ağların da girişimcilik niyeti açısından önemli bir yere sahip olduğu değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı toplumsal kültürel değerlerin öğrencilerin girişimcilik niyetlerine etkisinde, öğrencinin sosyal ağını kullanma şeklinin önemli bir aracı rolü olup olmadığının incelenmesidir. Girişimcilik Niyeti, Toplumsal Kültürel Değerler ve Sosyal Ağ Kullanımını ölçmek ve değerlendirmek için üç farklı anket kullanılmıştır. Anketler dört ayrı üniversitede öğrenim gören 358 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Anketlerden elde edilen veriler SPSS istatistik programında analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, toplumsal kültürel değerlerin öğrencilerin girişimcilik niyetlerine etkisinde sosyal ağ kullanımının, toplulukçuluk alt boyutu için kısmi, belirsizlikten kaçınma için tam aracılık etkisine sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    The impact of leadership styles on performance and mediating effect of organizational culture: A study in flight schools
    (Elsevier, 2022) Gökalp, Pınar Horasanlı; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih; HORASANLI, Pinar
    Nowadays, the aviation sector is growing rapidly and the need for human resources in the airline industry is increasing. In order to meet the increasing pilot need, the number of flight schools and universities that provide pilot training with the support of relevant authorities is also increasing. This increase in the number of student pilots is accompanied by questions about how to ensure the continuity of quality and safety in flight training. In this context, it is very important for the flight schools to evaluate the variables that may affect the student pilot performance and to take the necessary precautions. In our study teacher leadership and organizational culture are assessed as important variables and examined. In aviation literature, there is a very small number of explanatory studies on flight performance and leadership. Additionally, no study has been found on teacher leadership of student pilots. In this context, how leadership styles affect student pilots' performances positively and negatively was investigated in our research. Organizational culture is considered as an important predictor of performance in today's organizations. In this context, it has emerged that studies have been carried out that the organizational culture is an important variable in improving organizational and individual performance. Leadership styles of teacher pilots and organizational culture have been explored in the student pilots' performance process. In this context, our work has included performance, leadership styles and organizational culture. Regarding the methodology part of this study, 151 student pilots in the flight training organizations formed the universe and a survey was conducted, analysed and explained. Considering the effect of dynamic leadership, the present study analysed the impact of leadership and culture on flight performance. It is assumed that the most effective leadership styles can be found within group dynamics consisting of members who have diverse and individual cultural orientations. Individual differences that are caused by cultural norms can be considered as the outcomes of leadership behaviour. It was concluded that flight crew leadership cannot be analysed without considering the culture variable since behaviour is influenced by both individual and environmental factors. Moreover, since the performance outcomes of the crew resource management were evaluated, the cultural attitude of the crew and leader was considered.
  • Placeholder
    The moderating role of organizational tenure on the relation between job crafting and job boredom: A study on accountants
    (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2023) Türegün, Nida; Sesen, H.; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; Hotel Management; TÜREGÜN, Nida; SORAN, Semih
    The aim of this study is to examine the moderating role of organisational tenure on the relationship between job crafting and job boredom. For this purpose, a sample of 315 professional accountants from 82 independent audit companies listed on the Public Disclosure Platform was used. The data were analysed using hierarchical regression in addition to slope analysis. Analysis results show the neg-ative relationship between job crafting and job boredom is significantly stronger for short organisational tenure. Additionally, strong job crafting is more likely to disengage accountants from job boredom when they have short tenure compared to long tenure.
  • Conference ObjectPublicationOpen Access
    The effect of job satisfaction and self-efficacy to the intrapreneurial behaviors
    (Future Academy, 2019) Soran, Semih; Şeşen, H.; Güven, B.; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih
    Organizations need to constantly make innovations due to the rapid changes in the political, economic, technological and social areas. In this sense, entrepreneurship is one of the concepts that have become more valuable in recent times. Since those which cannot manage to change might lose their competitive advantages and hence organizational effectiveness, the organizations should act as an entrepreneur, discover and employ the individuals having high entrepreneurial spirit and establish a new organizational environment to promote intrapreneurship. Today, the intrapreneurship is now essential for both private and public bodies and agencies. The citizenry who are habituated to the innovative services provided by private firms expect the same services and modern approaches from public institutions. Therefore, public service providers should also reveal the entrepreneurial qualifications of their personnel. In this context, intrapreneurial employees play critical roles in organizational change and development. 175 information technology managers from various businesses have participated in this research. Data were analysed with correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that job satisfaction and self-efficacy are quite effective to explain intrapreneurial behaviours of technology managers.
  • Placeholder
    Exacerbating effect of energy prices on resource curse: Can research and development be a mitigating factor?
    (Elsevier, 2020-08) Gu, J. Q.; Umar, M.; Soran, Semih; Yue, X. G.; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih
    This study investigates the impact of natural resources in the presence of research and development and energy prices on the improvement of financial development for the Group of Seven (G7) economies for the period of 1990-2017. In doing so, the study employs a cross-sectional dependence test, Westerlund cointegration approach, and Common Correlated Effect Mean Group methods. Moreover, for robustness checks, this study uses cross-sectionally augmented ARDL (CS-ARDL) and augmented mean group (AMG) tests. Unlike previous studies, our study uses a multidimensional approach to financial development, which captures the performance, accessibility, and depth of both financial institutions and markets. The outcomes indicate that natural resource abundance for G-7 countries helps expand financial development. In contrast, rising energy prices adversely affect the expansion of financial development. However, research and development expenditures increase financial development. From the empirical findings, this study suggests the promotion of research and development expenditures, control the increasing energy prices to further benefit from the abundance of natural resources in G-7 economies.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Çatışma yönetim stratejilerinin izlenim yönetimi taktiklerine etkisi: üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma
    (Özel Akademi, 2014) Serin, A. E.; Balkan, M. O.; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih
    Bu çalışmanın amacı organizasyonlarda sürekli var olan çatışma ve çatışmanın yönetim stratejileri ile çalışanların kullandıkları izlenim yönetimi taktikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu anlamda bir kamu ya da özel sektör kuruluşunda çalışan 171 yüksek lisans öğrencisi üzerinde, çatışma yönetim stratejileri ile izlenim yönetimi taktikleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, Rahim tarafından geliştirilen Rahim Organizational Inventory II (ROCI-II) ve Bolino ve Turnley (1999) tarafından geliştirilen ve Basım (2006) tarafından Türkçeleştirilen İzlemin Yönetimi Taktikleri ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri ile yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, uzlaşmanın izlenim yönetimi taktiklerinden tehdit ve kendini sevdirme ile anlamlı ilişkisi bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, hükmetmenin, tehdit ve işe sahip çıkma ile tümleştirmenin, kendini sevdirme ile işe sahip çıkma ile anlamlı ilişkisi bulunmuştur. Kaçınmanın ise hiçbir izlenim yönetimi taktiği ile anlamlı bir ilişkisine rastlanmamıştır
  • Placeholder
    Awareness level of airline pilots on flight-associated venous thromboembolism
    (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2020-04) Kılıç, Bilal; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; KILIÇ, Bilal; SORAN, Semih
    INTRODUCTION: Studies have identified a great number of physiological conditions, including venous thromboembolism and hypoxia, that may give rise to medical disqualifications and in-flight incapacitations that can be costly to individuals and organizations. Over the past three decades, much attention has been focused on venous thromboembolism among passengers. However, studies on venous thromboembolism among commercial airline pilots are very scarce. With this consideration in mind, differently from the literature, this study set out to examine pilots' awareness of venous thromboembolism signs, symptoms, risk factors, and countermeasures. METHODS: For this purpose, a venous thromboembolisrn questionnaire was developed and applied to collect data.There were 427 airline pilots who participated in the questionnaire. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to analyze the results of the questionnaire. RESULTS: According to the results of this study, approximately one-half (57.1%) of the participants had just heard of this particular health issue and 63.9% of the participants were unaware of flight-associated venous thromboembolism. Airline pilots between 20 and 40 yr of age were much less aware of venous thromboembolism in comparison to pilots 41 yr or older, and pilots flying more than 90 h/mo were at a greater risk. DISCUSSION: Airline pilots between 20 and 40 yr have less knowledge about venous thromboembolism and preventive measures against it in comparison to older pilots. Therefore they may be more vulnerable to possible risk factors. The findings of this study will contribute to increasing pilots'awareness on flight-related venous thromboembolism and can improve the overall safety of civil aviation.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    İnsan kaynakları yöneti̇m süreçleri̇ni̇n performansa etki̇si̇: örgütsel öğrenmeni̇n aracılı rolü ve bi̇r uygulama
    (Doğuş Üniversitesi, 2016) Soran, Semih; Serin, E.; Balkan, M. O.; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih
    Bu çalışma algılanan performans üzerinde etkili olabileceği değerlendirilen insan kaynakları yönetim süreçlerinin ve örgütsel öğrenmenin etkilerini ve örgütsel öğrenmenin, insan kaynakları yönetim süreçlerinin algılanan performansa etkisindeki aracılık etkisini incelemektedir. Araştırma kapsamında bilgi teknolojileri ve iletişim sektöründen olmak üzere, 18 farklı işletmede çalışan, 220 kişiden toplanan veriler hiyerarşik regresyon analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları insan kaynakları yönetim süreçlerinin algılanan performans üzerinde etkisi bulunduğunu, ayrıca örgütsel öğrenmenin insan kaynakları yönetim süreçlerinin algılanan performansa etkisinde aracılık etkisinin mevcut olduğunu göstermektedir.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Transforming Turkish universities to entrepreneurial universities for sustainability: From strategy to practice
    (MDPI, 2020-02-17) Genc, S. Y.; Sesen, H.; Castanho, R. A.; Kirikkaleli, D.; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, Semih
    Today, universities are seen as the main actors of technological change, innovation, and social development; this situation causes new roles for universities, as well as forces them to change. At present, universities face very important expectations such as research and entrepreneurial activities by providing the industry-university cooperation along with education and training. In order to manage that transformation, it is seen that the universities across the world evolve to context of entrepreneurial university. Within this general framework, the main objective of this research is to determine where Turkish universities stand on the transformation of entrepreneurial university. In order to achieve this goal, 68 public universities' strategic plans, which are thought to reflect the intentions for the future, were subjected to content analysis. The findings showed that the majority of universities in our country did not have entrepreneurial university features but they have strong intention and desire for a transformation in this direction.