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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Placeholder
    Multi-stage scenario-based stochastic programming for managing lot sizing and workforce scheduling at Vestel
    (Springer, 2023-12) Seyfishishavan, Seyed Amin; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Yılmaz, G.; Industrial Engineering; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan; Seyfishishavan, Seyed Amin
    This study proposes a multi-stage stochastic production planning approach for a joint lot sizing and workforce scheduling problem under demand uncertainty. Scenario trees are used to model uncertainty in demand, and a multi-stage scenario-based stochastic linear program is developed. This model allows for both here-and-now and wait-and-see decisions providing flexibility for decision-makers to adjust production quantities according to the realized portion of demand and improve the overall effectiveness of production planning by better managing the number of active lines, workforce, and inventory levels. A matheuristic is developed for large-sized instances, which yields near-optimal solutions in practicable computation times. The proposed methods are demonstrated over a real data set taken from a Turkish home and professional appliances company, Vestel. The results show significant improvements in cost and CPU time performances for benchmark approaches, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Placeholder
    A column generation-based approach for the adaptive stochastic blood donation tailoring problem
    (Taylor & Francis, 2023) Elyasi, Milad; Özener, Okan Örsan; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Ekici, Ali; Dolgui, A.; Industrial Engineering; ÖZENER, Okan Örsan; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan; EKİCİ, Ali; Elyasi, Milad
    Managing blood donations is a challenging problem due to the perishability of blood, limited donor pool, deferral time restrictions, and demand uncertainty. The problem addressed here combines two important aspects of blood supply chain management: the inventory control of blood products and the donation schedule. We propose a stochastic scenario-based reformulation of the blood donation management problem that adopts multicomponent apheresis and utilises donor pool segmentation into here-and-now and wait-and-see donors. We propose a flexible donation scheme that is resilient against demand uncertainty. This scheme enables more flexible donation schedules because wait-and-see donors may adjust their donation schedules according to the realised values of demand over time. We propose a column generation-based approach to solve the associated multi-stage stochastic donation tailoring problem. The numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed optimisation model, which provides solutions with less than a 7% optimality gap on average with respect to a lower bound. It also improves the operational cost of the standard donation scheme that does not use wait-and-see donors by more than 18% on average. Utilising multicomponent apheresis and flexible wait-and-see donations are suggested for donation organisations because they yield significant cost reductions and resilient donation schedules.
  • Placeholder
    Conference paperPublication
    Load dependent lead time modelling: a robust optimization approach
    (IEEE, 2018-01-04) Albey, Erinç; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Uzsoy, R.; Industrial Engineering; ALBEY, Erinç; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan
    Although production planning models using nonlinear CFs have shown promising results for semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities, the lack of an effective methodology for estimating the CFs is a significant obstacle to their implementation. Current practice focuses on developing point estimates using least-squares regression approaches. This paper compares the performance of a production planning model using a multi-dimensional CF and its robust counterpart under several experimental settings. As expected, as the level of uncertainty is increased, the resulting production plan deviates from the optimal solution of the deterministic model. On the other hand, production plans found using the robust counterpart are less vulnerable to parameter estimation errors.
  • Placeholder
    Conference paperPublication
    Capacitated stochastic lot-sizing and production planning problem under demand uncertainty
    (Elsevier, 2022) Seyfishishavan, Seyed Amin; Yılmaz, Görkem; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Industrial Engineering; YILMAZ, Görkem; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan; Seyfishishavan, Seyed Amin
    This paper proposes two multi-period, multi-item capacitated stochastic lot-sizing problems under demand uncertainty. We model uncertainty via a scenario tree. The first model considers production, inventory, backlogging, line status, and worker group assignment decisions, where inventory and backlogging decisions have wait-and-see structure. The second model converts line status and worker group assignment decisions to the wait-and-see structure. Also, the second model enables us to take corrective extra-ordering decisions using scenario-based wait-and-see decisions. Numerical results compare the optimality and CPU time performances of two models and solution approaches using a data set inspired by a real-life electronics company.
  • Placeholder
    Conference paperPublication
    A robust optimization approach for production planning under exogenous planned lead times
    (IEEE, 2019) Albey, Erinç; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Uzsoy, R.; Industrial Engineering; ALBEY, Erinç; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan
    Many production planning models applied in semiconductor manufacturing represent lead times as fixed exogenous parameters. However, in reality, lead times must be treated as realizations of released lots' cycle times, which are in fact random variables. In this paper, we present a distributionally robust release planning model that allows planned lead time probability estimates to vary over a specified ambiguity set. We evaluate the performance of non-robust and robust approaches using a simulation model of a scaled-down wafer fabrication facility. We examine the effect of increasing uncertainty in the estimated lead time parameters on the objective function value and compare the worst-case, average optimality, and feasibility of the two approaches. The numerical results show that the average objective function value of the robust solutions are better than that of the nominal solution by a margin of almost 20% in the scenario with the highest uncertainty level.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    A practical guide to robust optimization
    (Elsevier, 2015-06) Gorissen, B. L.; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Hertog, D. den; Industrial Engineering; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan
    Robust optimization is a young and active research field that has been mainly developed in the last 15 years. Robust optimization is very useful for practice, since it is tailored to the information at hand, and it leads to computationally tractable formulations. It is therefore remarkable that real-life applications of robust optimization are still lagging behind; there is much more potential for real-life applications than has been exploited hitherto. The aim of this paper is to help practitioners to understand robust optimization and to successfully apply it in practice. We provide a brief introduction to robust optimization, and also describe important do׳s and don׳ts for using it in practice. We use many small examples to illustrate our discussions.
  • Placeholder
    Robust parameter design and optimization for quality engineering
    (Springer, 2022-03) Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Albey, Erinç; Okçuoğlu, S.; Industrial Engineering; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan; ALBEY, Erinç
    This paper proposes a methodology to determine the optimal settings of key decision variables that affect the resilience of an engineering design against uncertainty. Uncertainty in quality engineering is often caused by environmental factors, and scarcity of data due to limitations in the experimentation phase amplifies the level of ambiguity. The proposed robust parameter design and optimization approach utilizes the Taguchi method to find critical variables to be used in the optimization, and it utilizes robust optimization to immunize the obtained solution against uncertainty. To demonstrate our approach, we focus on design optimization of an injection molding product, a refrigerator door cap, made from thermoplastic raw material and its key quality characteristic, warpage. The near-optimal designs found by the robust parameter design and optimization approach are implemented in a real-life manufacturing environment. The numerical experiments show that the new designs significantly improve the warpage quality characteristic and the total production cycle time compared to the current design used in the manufacturing company.
  • Placeholder
    A robust optimization approach for humanitarian needs assessment planning under travel time uncertainty
    (Elsevier, 2020-04-01) Koyuncu, Burcu Balçık; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Industrial Engineering; KOYUNCU, Burcu Balçık; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan
    We focus on rapid needs assessment operations conducted immediately after a disaster to identify the urgent needs of the affected community groups, and address the problem of selecting the sites to be visited by the assessment teams during a fixed assessment period and constructing assessment routes under travel time uncertainty. Due to significant uncertainties in post-disaster transportation network conditions, only rough information on travel times may be available during rapid needs assessment planning. We represent uncertain travel times simply by specifying a range of values, and implement robust optimization methods to ensure that each constructed route is feasible for all realizations of the uncertain parameters that lie in a predetermined uncertainty set. We present a tractable robust optimization formulation with a coaxial box uncertainty set due to its advantages in handling uncertainty in our selective assessment routing problem, in which the dimension of the uncertainty (number of arcs traversed) is implicitly determined. To solve the proposed model efficiently, we develop a practical method for evaluating route feasibility with respect to the robust route duration constraints, and embed this feasibility check procedure in a tabu search heuristic. We present computational results to evaluate the effectiveness of our solution method, and illustrate our approach on a case study based on a real-world post-disaster network.
  • Placeholder
    Robust strategic planning of dynamic wireless charging infrastructure for electric buses
    (Elsevier, 2022-02-01) Alwesabi, Y.; Avishan, Farzad; Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Liu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Industrial Engineering; AVISHAN, Farzad; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan
    Electromobility in public bus systems is growing rapidly and experiencing a fundamental transformation in their infrastructure and operations. The dilemma of limited driving range and charging time of battery electric buses (BEBs) hinders their adoption. A novel approach to address BEB limitations is to utilize dynamic wireless charging (DWC) technology that allows buses to charge while in motion. This paper aims to analyze robust strategic planning of DWC and BEB fleet scheduling based on a real bus network at Binghamton University. The problem is first formulated as a new deterministic mixed-integer linear programming model to simultaneously optimize both the charging planning problem and fleet scheduling problem in an integrated fashion. To address the uncertainty of energy demand and charging time, a robust counterpart model (RCM) has been derived. To increase RCM flexibility, the battery status variable is formulated in a cumulative form. Dependent and independent budget uncertainty sets have been developed to control the robustness. A sensitivity analysis has been conducted to study the system behavior in response to different charging types, auxiliary energy demand, depth of discharge, charging options at terminals, battery degradation, and electricity cost. The deterministic model shows that eight homogeneous BEBs are required to operate on the selected routes with a battery capacity of 54.01 kWh and a total cost of $3,636,347. The results show that joint planning of charging infrastructure and fleet scheduling can save 19.2% of total cost compared to disjoint planning. The RCM results in 10 BEBs to ensure feasiblility against uncertainty.
  • Placeholder
    Decision rule bounds for two-stage stochastic bilevel programs
    (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications, 2018) Yanıkoğlu, İhsan; Kuhn, D.; Industrial Engineering; YANIKOĞLU, Ihsan
    We study two-stage stochastic bilevel programs where the leader chooses a binary here-and-now decision and the follower responds with a continuous wait-and-see decision. Using modern decision rule approximations, we construct lower bounds on an optimistic version and upper bounds on a pessimistic version of the leader's problem. Both bounding problems are equivalent to explicit mixed-integer linear programs that are amenable to efficient numerical solution. The method is illustrated through a facility location problem involving sellers and customers with conflicting preferences.