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  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    The digitalization of studio practices and its impact on the development of design literacy of first-year architecture students
    (Oslo Metropolitan University, 2023-12-31) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Dağlıoğlu, E. K.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    Digital skills are emphasized in the ongoing process of digital transformation in higher education. In this article, digital literacy is discussed within the broader perspective of design literacy and the acceleration of the digitalization process of first-year design education at the time of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020is highlighted. The article interrogates the role of digital skills in the develop-ment of designliteracyof first-year architecture students through a multiple case analysis of ARCH 101 design studio practices executed in the Bachelor of Architecture programmes at the Özyeğin University,Department of Architecture andtheMiddle East Technical University,Department of Architecture. The digitalization processesof ARCH 101 studiosincreased rapidly when the COVID-19 pandemic started and resulted in the integration of digital tools into basic design education in ways thattransformed(1) the communication modalities and the representation and research strategies used by students, and (2) the understanding and methodologiesof the design process when used as generative design tools
  • Placeholder
    Changing pedagogic identities of tutors and students in the design studio: Case study of desk and peer critiques
    (Intellect Ltd., 2020-04-01) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Tunali, S.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    This article explores the tools and processes of effective learning in the design studio with a special emphasis on the pedagogic roles of the tutors and the students in desk critique and peer critique. It aims to identify the ways that pedagogical roles of the tutor and the student change due to the nature of their communication and the degree of their engagement in learning processes. The inquiry is based on the findings of a qualitative case study involving tutors, students and graduates from a bachelor of architecture degree programme. Data were gathered via focus group and in-depth interviews, studio observations and analysed through qualitative content analysis. The findings indicated that the pedagogic identity of a tutor could help scaffold the formation of a community of learners in the design studio. However, the lack of negotiation and trust between a tutor and students in the feedback processes weakens the students' effective learning experiences.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Bedensel deneyime dayalı yer bilgisinin yeniden yapılandırılması için bir yöntem irdelemesi: Deneyimsel haritalama
    (Yildiz Technical University Faculty Of Architecture, 2020) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Çalak, I.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    Bu makalede “Re-Mapping the Visibles and Invisibles of Vefa-Zeyrek-Fener-Balat” adlı çalıştayın kavramsal çerçevesi ve bulgularına yer verilmiştir. Çalıştay öncelikle, mimarlık eğitiminin okul mekânını aşarak gerçek hayata dokunmasını, öğrencilerin yer, kent ve bedenle etkileşimlerinin artırılmasını ve mekân kavramına ilişkin özgün bir bakış ve algı kazanmalarını hedeflemiştir. Çalıştayın kavramsal çerçevesi bedensel deneyimin yer olgusunu tanımlamadaki rolü ve kentlerin görünen ve görünmeyen bileşenleri bağlamında bedenin deneyimlediği mekân üzerine odaklanmaktadır. İstanbul’da mimari, tarihi ve kültürel çok katmanlılığı nedeniyle Vefa-Zeyrek-Fener-Balat semtlerinden oluşan bir güzergâh çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Bedensel-duyusal algı eylemini mekân deneyiminin odağına oturtarak, kent mekânının görünür olan ve görünür olmayan unsurlarına dair bilgi katmanlarının açığa çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bağlamın özgünlüğü çalıştayın yöntemsel yaklaşımıyla örtüşmüştür. Çalıştay günlük yaşam döngüsünde yerin deneyimlenmesi, deneyim bilgisinin kaydedilmesi, kaydedilen bilginin parçalanarak yeniden yorumlanması ve 2 ve 3 boyutlu deneyim haritaları oluşturulması aşamalarını kapsamıştır. Deneyim haritası, fenomenolojik bir bakış açısıyla, yer ve mekân bilgisinin yeri deneyimleyen beden-özneler tarafından kurgulanmasını ve temsil edilmesini içeren bir yaklaşım olarak benimsenmiştir. Buna göre beden-öznelerin bireysel olarak edindiği ve kaydettiği beneyim bilgisi, daha sonra grup çalışması aracılığıyla üretilen bir tasarım bilgisine dönüşmüştür. Bu tasarım bilgisi kent katmanlarının üst üste geldiği ve/veya iç içe geçtiği bir örüntüyle oluşturulan deneyimsel haritalarda ifade bulmuştur.
  • Placeholder
    Student and tutor perceptions of the pedagogical potential and challenges of design jury as an assessment method
    (Sage, 2022-04) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Tunalı, S.; Çetinel, M.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    This article examines the pedagogical potential and challenges of the design jury as an assessment method from the perceptions of the tutor/jury member and the design students. It aims to gain an understanding of the factors that create opportunities for, and barriers to, the promotion of learning in the design jury. It inquires the possible contributions of the jury into formative evaluation processes in design education. The results show that (1) the communication modalities, and (2) the evaluation criteria influence the way tutors and students perceive design jury as a pedagogical method. While the hierarchy between the jury member and the student creates a barrier to constructive feedback, a balance between formative and summative evaluations is essential in the design jury. Transparency of evaluation criteria decreases design students’ concern for grade. The design jury could also serve for formative evaluation. A student-centred approach to design jury engenders experiences of deep learning.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Mimari tasarım eğitiminde alternatif yaklaşımlar: bir mekân tasarımı stratejisi olarak “parazit mimari”
    (Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesİ, 2018) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Güray, T. S.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    Bu çalışmanın amacı mimari tasarım stüdyosunda mimarlık ürününün kentsel mekânla kurduğu diyaloğun, mekânın parazitik bir şekilde yeniden sahiplenildiği ve anlamlandırıldığı tasarım yaklaşımları bağlamında ele alındığı projenin ürünlerinin paylaşılmasıdır. Parazit mimari konusunun bir mekan tasarımı stratejisi olarak ele alındığı 3 haftalık bir tasarım projesinin ürünleri üzerinde durulan çalışmada, mimari parazitlerin biçimlenişi ve kent içindeki yayılmaları strüktürel, çevresel, deneyimsel bağlamları gözetilerek analiz edilmiş ve mekânın yeniden kullanabilme potansiyelleri sorgulanmıştır. Günümüzde mimarlık literatüründe yer bulan parazit mimari konusu, kendi yaşamını devam ettirme savıyla, var olan kentsel mekânlara, yapılara ya da altyapı elemanlarına eklemlenerek nüfuz eden, onlardan yararlanarak tek taraflı faydacı bir ilişki kuran, esnek, adapte edilebilir, geçici ama sürdürülebilir bir mekânsal yaklaşımı tarif etmektedir. Parazit mimari ev sahibi yapıya eklemlenirken, yeni bir program getirerek, farklı işlevsel olasılıklar ortaya koyarak, hem yapısal hem de deneyimsel anlamda yeni bir var olma biçimi tanımlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede mimarinin kalıcı olma savına ve durağanlığına alternatif olacak şekilde geçici ya da göçebe mekânlar ortaya koymakta, bu mekânlarda hayat bulan eylemler yeni yaşam biçimlerini doğurmaktadır. Bu çalışmada parazit mimarinin kentsel mekânda daha önce farkında olunmayan yeni mekânsal olasılıkları görünür hale getiren tasarım stratejisinin mimari tasarım stüdyosunda öğrenme sürecine katkıları üzerinde durulmuştur. Alternatif mekânsal potansiyelleri sorgulatan bu tasarım stratejisinin amacı, kriterleri ve yapısal ve kentsel ölçekte ortaya koyduğu değerler 2. sınıf mimarlık öğrencileri tarafından ele alınmış, kendi deneyimledikleri kentsel mekanlar üzerinden parazit mimari ürününe ilişkin yer önerilerini program önerileriyle ilişkisini kurarak belirlenmiş, kentsel kullanıcılarının kimler olacağı irdelenmiş, ve yerle kurulan ilişkinin deneyim olgusu üzerinden nasıl tanımlanabileceği araştırılmıştır.
  • ArticlePublicationOpen Access
    Inquiring the generative capacity of urban abstraction and mapping for first-semester basic design studio
    (Nilay Özsavaş Uluçay, 2023-06-01) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Güngör, Beyza Şat; Aman, Doğa Dinemis; Faculty of Architecture and Design; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya; ŞAT, Beyza; AMAN, Doğa Dinemis
    The development of students’ critical and creative thinking skills is at the core of the first-semester basic design studio. Students’ perceptual experiences of their environment form the key references of abstraction in this beginning phase. This paper inquires studio approach based on abstraction and mapping as tools for intertwining visual reasoning and bodily experiences in the design process. Focusing on the case study of a basic design studio assignment, the authors analyze the structure, application, and products of the “Urban Abstraction and Mapping” project. The study adopted the case-study method as part of qualitative research approach and dwelled on researchers’ first-hand interaction with a phenomenon within its real-life context, ARCH/MIM101 studios. The findings showed that abstraction and mapping strategies based on students’ bodily experiences in urban contexts raised awareness of design as a generative and iterative research process. Students who were able to reveal and reconstruct the relationship between different forms of knowledge through experiential and conceptual levels of the design process managed to develop heuristic 2D and 3D design strategies. The findings of this study provide a ground for discussions on the effectiveness of teaching/learning methods applied in the introductory level of design education.
  • Placeholder
    Reversing the design process in the introductory architectural design studio: The exploratory function of sketch modelling
    (Intellect Ltd., 2022-04-01) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Genel, Ö. A.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    This study investigated the exploratory potentials of sketch modelling in the introductory architectural design studio. It focused on the course ‘ARCH 102 Architectural Design Studio I’, in which sketch modelling was deployed as a creative problem-solving practice, triggering an exploratory process through thinking and doing. The study adopted the case-study method. Hence, the principal sources of data are student projects and studio tutors’ first-hand observations and reflections. The findings reveal that, along with its iterative and communicative functions, the exploratory nature of sketch modelling helps first-year students overcome design issues in the making of design. The findings lay the groundwork for more systematic studies on reflective learning practices in design education.
  • Conference paperPublicationOpen Access
    Analysis of the creativity development and assessment of architectural design education: A case study of basic design studio
    (IOP Publishing, 2019) Güngör, Beyza Şat; Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; Architecture; ŞAT, Beyza; YORGANCIOĞLU, Derya
    Basic design education retains its seminal role in most of the architectural curricula today. Having the primary goal of getting acquainted students with knowledge and skills of design basics, basic design education supports the development of creative ways of thinking combined with hands-on learning experiences. The assignments address the articulation of the basic design in 2D and 3D elements such as lines, planes, volumes, structures and forms, while students are encouraged to experiment the potentials of different materials and techniques. Course included 9 different 2D and 3D exercises that focus on design principles and elements together by adding different design problems in process. For instance, structural problems as self-standing or modular 3D units' penetrations and strengthens for complex design problems are added for further assignments in the schedule. In this process 'creativity development' is assessed and evaluated by considering the whole course schedule at the example of individual student assignments. The objective of this paper is to make an analysis of creativity development with regard to the assessment and evaluation procedures, taking the process and products of a basic design studio as a case study. The methodological framework of this paper is based on the examination of two sets of data; (1) 'quantitative data' that includes the grades of assignments that are designed as part of ARCH 101 Design course of architecture program at Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design in "ARCH 101 in Fall term of 2017-2018 academic program; (2) 'qualitative data' that includes the studio observations and reflective interpretations of instructors regarding the creativity development process for individually student assignments. Grades give the idea of which student exercise has been understood well and reached its learning objectives by considering the whole class. Majority tendency of the grades help assessment of the schedule from the aspect of creativity development. The evaluation of creativity includes manifold aspects of assessment. Teachers' style, schedule of the course, personal factors such as students' personal backgrounds, former education, and the styles of thinking and learning, being individual or collective are all effective on creativity.