Organizational Unit: Aviation Management
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ArticlePublication Open Access Havacılıkta kümelenme anlayışı ve Eskişehir havacılık kümelenmesi örneği(Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2014) Yalçınkaya, A.; Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, Leyla; Aviation Management; YALÇINKAYA, Leyla AdiloğluKümelenme yaklaşımı, spesifik sektörel ağ yapılanmalarının oluştuğu, nitelikli insan kaynağı ile kaliteli girdiler gibi kritik kaynaklarla desteklenmiş ve sektörle ilgili Ar-Ge altyapısı ve kültürünün olduğu bölgesel yoğunlaşmalar olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu çalışma, dünya ekonomisinde gitgide artan bir öneme sahip olan havacılık sektörünün genelde dünyada özelde ise ülkemizdeki kümelenmelerini ortaya koymakla birlikte kümelenme anlayışının havacılık bağlamında analiz edilmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Bu amaçla, ilk olarak, kümelenme anlayışı ve bu anlayışın havacılık penceresinden görünümü irdelenmeye çalışılmış, daha sonra, ülkemizdeki havacılık kümelenme girişimleri ile ilgili olarak bilgi verilmiştir. Son olarak, verilmiş olan bilgiler ışığında Eskişehir Havacılık Kümelenmesi örneği ele alınmış ve kümelenme bakış açısı ile analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır.ArticlePublication Open Access The effect of COVID‐related EU state aid on the level playing field for airlines(MDPI, 2022-02) Martin-Domingo, Luis; Martín, J. C.; Aviation Management; DOMINGO, Luıs MartınState aid for airlines around the world has been a common practice during the COVID‐19 pandemic, as the air transport was one of the sectors most heavily affected. This study analyzes 27 cases of state aid to EU airlines between 1 March 2020 and 30 September 2021 with a total amount of €85 billion. The information was obtained from the area of competition of the European Commission (EC), which is the entity responsible for final approval. Results indicate that the largest EU economies (Germany and France), as well as some Northern European countries, are supporting national airlines more extensively. Airlines with a weaker financial performance before the pandemic were more likely to receive state aid. Government involvement in the airline industry during the recent health crisis will have an important influence on the level playing field (LPF) for airlines. It is still unclear how this will evolve in the future, but it seems that some airlines now resemble the public flag companies of the past.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Global technology leadership: a case for innovative education praxis(Elsevier, 2013-04-03) Bowen, E. E.; Bertoline, G. R.; Athinarayanan, R.; Cox. R. F.; Burbank, K. A.; Buskirk, D. R.; Küçükönal, Hatice; Aviation Management; KÜÇÜKÖNAL, HaticeThe development of a scholarly model of technology leadership necessitates a global component for the modern technology and technology education organization. The authors conduct qualitative research of four key concepts around globalization and innovation in technology higher education, as well as issues in organizational change implementation and the evolution of ‘global technology leadership’ as a new scholarly discipline. Via a process of on-site visits for observation and face-to-face interviews with both academic and industry organizations in multiple countries, participant scholars utilized ethnographic research methods (Lindlof & Taylor, 2002) to gather detailed qualitative data on the development and status of implementing technology innovation and global technology leadership strategies. Results of content analysis conducted manually and via NVivo qualitative data analysis software revealed bifurcation in programmatic approaches and conceptualizations on these topics between established and relatively younger higher educational programs, as well as critical considerations in industry-academic partnerships and the role of leadership and management scientific training in higher education.ReviewPublication Open Access Airspace deregulation for UAM: Self-organizing VTOLs in metropoles(University Aviation Association, 2022) Aldemir, Hüseyin Önder; Üçler, Çağlar; Professional Flight Program; Aviation Management; ALDEMİR, Hüseyin Önder; ÜÇLER, ÇağlarSmall-scale aviation has been driven extensively by recent technological developments. Distinct micro/small scale mobility modes are being interlined, where automated Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft (VTOLs) are being conceptualized for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) in the form of air taxi, cargo, disaster relief, or medical help. This implicates many simultaneous flights over cities, which is a significant challenge. Traditional air traffic control is customized for commercial aviation, and it is not suitable for the dynamic variation in the flight routes of UAM. Consequently, a literature review is conducted firstly for air traffic management subject to UAM. Then, as a critical finding, a self-organizing model integrating particularly micro/small scale UAM is proposed utilizing the swarm concept to leverage the autonomous behavior of VTOLs. Rules for self-organization are set, which are then discussed in conjunction with available technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). Finally, the basic concept definition is elaborated to determine challenges and future research.ArticlePublication Metadata only An evaluation of airport service experience: An identification of service improvement opportunities based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis(Elsevier, 2022-06) Kılıç, Sena; Çadirci, T. O.; Aviation Management; KILIÇ, SenaWith the increase in airport alternatives and airport service variation, passengers' perception of the airport experience has changed. By working with consumer experience through customer reviews, this study aims to define customer experiences and expectations. Topic modeling and sentiment analysis are applied to 1224 passengers' comments on the top 10 airports collected from Skytrax. Ten topics consisting of baggage claim, immigration process, access gates, procedures at the airport, leisure activities, employee service, transfer/transit amenities, terminal facilities, passport control, ambient conditions are identified. With a few exceptions, positive sentiments have been obtained for these topics. Finally, managerial implications and limitations are shared.ArticlePublication Open Access The voice of the consumer on sVoD systems during covid-19: A service opportunity mining approach(Inst Superior Entre Douro & Vouga, 2022-01) Cadirci, T. O.; Gungor, A. S.; Kılıç, Sena; Aviation Management; KILIÇ, SenaElectronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is a vital channel for the exchange of customer-generated content. As the e-WOM messages created by consumers pile all around the Web, they generate an unbiased voice about products and services. With their high-level production in online environments, e-WOM message contributions go far beyond consumer decision-making. They become a vital source for gaining insights on designing and improving marketing offerings. The purpose of the study is to analyze service improvement opportunities for subscription-based video-on-demand (sVoD) services by exploring customer-generated eWOM messages. In addition to this, the study aims to comprehend the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expectations, real feelings, and attitudes of customers towards its subscription-based video-on-demand services and to compare these emotions with those in the pre-pandemic period. Acting on customer-generated e-WOM messages for sVoD services, the paper provides a real-time analysis of monitoring customer needs and wants in a fast-moving service environment with topic-based sentiment analysis. The main procedures include data extraction and pre-processing, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and opportunity analysis. When pre-covid and post-covid sentiments are compared, it is found that all sentiment scores have decreased, except for content diversity. The rich content offered by Amazon has led subscribers to take step to post positive comments about the platform. Addtionally, the results show possible service improvement opportunities in streaming quality, TV series content selection, use of commercials, and customer value generation in sVoD service encounters. The study identifies service improvement opportunities using data mining technology, which can provide a more in-depth understanding of consumer perceptions of marketing offerings and service quality. In addition, it analyzes the perceptions of consumers toward sVoD services in times of the Covid-19 pandemic.ArticlePublication Open Access Traveler's idle time and the value chain at airports(Milli Savunma Üniversitesi Hezârfen Havacılık ve Uzay Teknolojileri Enstitüsü, 2015-07-23) Üçler, Çağlar; Martin-Domingo, Luis; Professional Flight Program; Aviation Management; ÜÇLER, Çağlar; DOMINGO, Luıs MartınThere is a high growth in the air traffic supported by the global trade and tourism and due to airport congestion travelers are spending more time at airports, which are competing to attract airlines with lower aeronautical costs reducing their profitability. The growing transit time spent at airports together with the waiting time in front of check-in, passport, security control or baggage claim is an idle time of the air traveler, which is not generating any value. The perception of waiting is also mostly negative, that the associated airports are disliked, leading to loss of revenue in commercial offerings. Another problem is that due to the high variety in the customer profile, the shops at the airports need to carry a high inventory over a wide spectrum of items required, which is not creating any value as well. Thus in order to deliver a sustainable value chain at the airport, an innovative customer focused integrated approach is proposed herewith, based on a smart phone platform called Gate Ø, facilitating the idle times of the air traveler. This strategic approach is evaluated successfully within a value chain analysis showing up its potential across the value chain stakeholders.ArticlePublication Open Access Drivers and barriers in the diversification of airline business models in Turkey (1980-2020): An institutional logic perspective(Ege Academic Review, 2023-07) Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, Leyla; Aviation Management; YALÇINKAYA, Leyla AdiloğluThe primary objective of this study is to explore the diversification of airline business models in Turkey in four decades and show the reasons and logic behind the diversification from the institutional logic perspective. For this purpose, airline business models were examined, and critical events in the organizational field were explored based on secondary data. The case study research was conducted to explore the diversifications of the business model within institutional logic. The gathered data were examined with the content analysis method. The results show that multiple institutional logic (state and commercial logic) in the field can pave the way or prevent diversifying airline business models. Multiple logics shape the regulations and approaches of the state and other organizations in the field, and these changes may play a role as a barrier or driver for diversification. Each barrier and driver may affect each airline’s business model differently. This study contributes to business models and institutional logics literature by providing evidence of the effect of the pattern of approaches of the actors on the airline business models and by showing the relations between these approaches and institutional logicBook PartPublication Metadata only Nur Gökman: Havayolu bilişim dünyasında bir kadın girişimci(Detay Yayıncılık, 2020-03) Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, Leyla; Aviation Management; Kozak, M.; Kozak, N.; YALÇINKAYA, Leyla AdiloğluHavacılık ve turizmin kesişim noktasında teknolojik altyapılar geliştirmiş, mevcut hizmet anlayışının ötesinde yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmış ve süreçleri kolaylaştırmış bir isim...1970'li yıllardan günümüze değin azalmayan bir hevesle, kesintisiz bir şekilde havayolu bilişim sektörüne odaklanmış, yolcuların seyahatlerine anlam katma ve yolcu deneyimini olumlu yönde geliştirmek adına pek çok yeni hizmetin hayata geçmesini ve mevcut hizmetlerin birbiri ile entegre edilmesini sağlamış, ulusal havayolu bilişim teknolojisi alanında öncü kadın girişimci: Fatma Nur Gökman...Türkiye'de bilgisayar kullanımının yaygın olmadığı zamanlarda programcılığın duayeni olmuş ve bir ilki başararak, havayolu bilişim sektörünün öncüsü Hitit'i (Hitit Bilgisayar Hizmetleri A.Ş. ve Hitit Bilgisayar Hizmetleri Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti.) Dilek Ovacık ile birlikte kuran kişidir. Bu çalışmada geliştirdiği yenilikçi yazılım çözümlerinin yanı sıra mütevazı kişiliği ile de dikkat çeken; bilişim alanında adından sıklıkla söz ettiren Nur Gökman'ın yaşam hikayesine yer verilmektedir. Çalışmada aktarılan bilgiler, gerçekleştirilen görüşmelerden derlenmiş olup, ikincil veriler ile desteklenmektedir.Book PartPublication Metadata only A pandemic experience of remote working: Reflections on emotions(Peter Lang AG, 2021) Ergun, H. S.; Samur Teraman, S. B.; Yanıkoğlu, Özge Peksatıcı; Aviation Management; Batuk, S.; Torgalöz, A. Ö.; YANIKOĞLU, ÖzgeN/A