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Department of Architecture

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  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Syntactic analysis of the spatial change of Çorum Binevler housing cooperative
    Zihar, Beyza; Ünlü, Alper; Ünlü, Alper; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Enginöz, E. B.; Department of Architecture
    In this study, the built environment is handled with a holistic approach, not only in the context of physical functions but also as an essential factor in determining the social structure of societies. Housings, as the primary building unit that constitutes the concept of the built environment, has undergone various formations since the early ages and have become a complex concept due to the sheltering needs of living things. Thanks to housing research, which has an essential place in literature, it is possible to examine the changes in the spatial organization of housing units in line with different reasons and processes. Changes in spatial organization shape the social structure by affecting the communication between individuals; It has been observed that changes in the social structure are also an essential factor in the configuration of housing spaces. In addition, the changes and developments experienced in the historical process have affected and shaped societies and, therefore, the housing units in various aspects. Thanks to the evaluation of cooperative housing projects, which are presented as a solution to the housing problem that arises for various reasons, the functioning mechanisms of the social housing concept in our country will be evaluated. The effect of environmental design and behavior theory on the behavior patterns of individuals are revealed in the thesis study. Binevler Housing Cooperative located in Çorum, designed by Behruz and Altuğ Çinici and implemented between 1971-1975, has been examined within the scope of this dissertation. In this study, which deals with the change and formation of the dwelling space with its social dimensions, 25 houses, which are exposed to various changes due to the adaptation processes of the house users and the personalization they make in the spatial elements in this process, have been selected with the aim of understanding the changes in the spatial context and questioning their reasons. Observations, face-to-face interviews, changes between the original and current plans of the residences, photographs, and selected syntactic parameters to reach mathematical data within the scope of the space syntax method were discussed for each residence. In this study, the importance of examining the spatial preference behaviors of the users is emphasized to understand which spatial unit personalization occurs the most in the houses during the adaptation of users and the relationship between the changes made in the spaces included in the research and the social structure. To make these measurements, each residence included in the study was visited, and the dwellers of the residences were interviewed. After the observations made, in addition to the explanations of the participants about their residential use preferences, the reasons for the residents' tendency to be adding and removing some specific spaces and the changes in the spatial elements of the houses were tried to be correlated. As a method in the research, the space syntax method was applied together with the observations, interviews with the residents—moreover, markings made in the original plans. Thanks to the Syntax 2D program used to take the outputs of space syntax analysis in the research, the spatial units that shape the houses that are the subject of the research and the relations between these units are examined. With Syntax 2D, the dynamics between the original plan of the house and the current plan that emerged as the output of the adaptation process were interpreted accordingly. The research used syntactic parameters such as integration, connectivity, mean depth, variance, circularity, and occlusivity within the space syntax method. The mean average mathematical values and numerical changes in the parameters were also examined for selected from the functional units of the house, and mathematical data were compared. In light of the data obtained from the interviews, the behavioral patterns of the participant group and the mathematical data obtained from the syntactic parameters were synthesized and interpreted through graphics. It has been observed that the changes in the spatial elements in the dwellings discussed in the research create results related to the behavioral patterns and lifestyles of the dwelling users stated in the interviews. As a result of the research, semantic shifts and changes occurred in spatial elements and physical elements of daily life. It has been determined that these changes in the spatial layout have resulted in some functional housing units gaining importance, some becoming deeper and more private spaces, and a hierarchical change in space syntax for the privacy needs of the users. In present plans, changing areas have been identified with the differentiation in the heating system and the television added to the dwellings over time. In this context, it has been determined that the living room and kitchen function areas, doors and partitions in the changed living area have been opened. In the light of interviews with residential users, changing behavioral patterns, especially in the living space, are observed with television. Some of the results obtained from the analysis can be listed as the transformation of the kitchen and living room spaces, which are determined as the main living areas, into more integrated spaces, and the bedroom and bathroom areas into deeper and more private spaces.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    City information modeling for water management in climate adaptive campus design
    Bitik, Doğa; Aman, Doğa Dinemis; Aman, Doğa Dinemis; Hacıhasanoğlu, Orhan; Aytaç, G.; Department of Architecture
    Cities must deal with increasing disasters due to global climate change. University campuses are socio-ecological systems that can act like urban prototypes in which we can test self-sufficiency and resilience in their physical context. Current studies commonly look for smart city indicators and how to demonstrate them on university campuses, but most of them do not offer resilient planning and design strategies. This thesis focuses on proposing a resilient and sustainable smart campus design index. The proposed research methodology involves the determination of the index by integrating resilience and sustainability indicators, followed by a case study assessment with City Information Modeling (CIM) and climate analysis simulation with a particular attention on water. Simulation and modeling tools, including computer simulations, 3D modeling, and digital twins as part of "Smart," is used to evaluate the effectiveness of existing campus masterplan design guidelines and strategies for water related disaster resilience and sustainability. The simulation method created for this thesis can be extended and used for offering climate change adaptive design strategies of different typologies, capable of functioning for different types of hazards. The potential use of digital twin and smart city technologies in disaster-resilient university buildings and campus design is explored, and potential challenges and limitations are identified. Integrating smart city principles and resilient thinking is a major demand for the city's future sustainability. This research methodology contributes to the literature on adaptive and smart disaster-resilient urban design index. The proposed study can assist in climate change adaptation and help decision-makers support further comprehensive planning and design approaches.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Football stadiums' integration into urban fabric in context of spatial discourse
    (2019-01) Bayraktar, İrem; Şahin, Murat; Şahin, Murat; Ünlü, Alper; Koca, S. K.; Department of Architecture; Bayraktar, İrem
    Football and society have always been connected, and stadium has become one of the venues for social interaction. Because of the zoning policies, economic constraints and urban transformations, stadiums have been constructed wıthin central locations and/or any other location away from the center. Location have a clear impact on the use of a stadium. People react differently to these type of venues and its near surroundings while socializing and interacting. How does the integration of stadiums within their environment affect the city? Evaluating the integration of stadiums within the existing urban fabric, this thesis examines three different representative examples in Istanbul and interprets the outputs of integration values and visibility graph analysis to make a comparison, considering urban patterns, human behavior, certain routes that users follow when approaching the stadium. Axial lines which used to indicate the integration values of each route around the selected stadiums, were juxtaposed with the behavioral analysis.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Analyzing perceptions of pediatric children in the context of place attachment regarding their inpatient rooms
    Dönmez, Seda; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Ünlü, Alper; Tanrıöver, S. H.; Department of Architecture
    The thesis investigates inpatient rooms of healthcare settings in the context of place attachment regarding children whose intention to change the interior architecture of the inpatient room is linked to their tendency to place attachment. The aim of the study is to determine children's place attachment modalities in the inpatient rooms where they are actually hospitalized and the cognitive maps of their inpatient rooms where they would like to be hospitalized through the categorizations clarified in the methodology of the research. The research is conducted through four hypothesizes. It is hypothesized in this research that, (1) the frequency of place attachment modalities of 'self-identity', 'privacy', 'social affiliation', and 'technological tendency' is correlated with the 'gender' of children for the occupied actual situation of their inpatient rooms. (2) the frequency of place attachment modalities of 'self-identity', 'privacy', 'social affiliation', and 'technological tendency' is correlated with the 'age range' of children for the occupied actual situation of their inpatient rooms. (3) the frequency of place attachment modalities of 'self-identity', 'privacy', 'social affiliation', and 'technological tendency' is correlated with the 'gender' of children for the imagined situation of their inpatient rooms. (4) the frequency of place attachment modalities of 'self-identity', 'privacy', 'social affiliation', and 'technological tendency' is correlated with the 'age range' of children for the imagined situation of their inpatient rooms. In the case vise, the sampling group is selected as 7-14 years old children staying more than five days in inpatient rooms of the hospital located in İstanbul. Within the framework of the case study, first, the place attachment frequency of inpatient children during their stay in their inpatient rooms and the place attachment modalities of children are revealed according to the children's gender and age range (Occupied Actual Situation). Secondly, children are requested to draw the inpatient room where they would like to stay during their treatment time while they are hospitalized (Imagined Situation). For both situations, place attachment modalities are categorized according to four different spatial tendencies of children which are arisen depending on their (1) self-identity, (2) occurred because of the need for privacy, improvement of (3) social affiliation (Chawla, 1992), and (4) technological tendency which is added to the scope of the research in accordance with the obtained datasets resulted from the observations and cognitive maps during the case study. Both two phases are analyzed in SPSS through Mann-Whitney U Tests as the nonparametric version of the T-test, to find possible correlations between the independent and dependent variables. Through the results of the first phase (occupied actual situation), the place attachment items for the modality of self-identity are most frequently observed in the inpatient rooms of the children with the dominancy of female participants and 7-11 years old participants. All items related to the place attachment modality of social affiliation are conducted by participants 7-11 years old whose frequency of place attachment modality of technological tendency is more than 12-14 years old participants' frequency. Through the results of correlations of gender and the frequencies of place attachment modalities, it is revelaled that there are not any significant correlations between the variables. Through the results of correlations of the participant's age range and frequencies of place attachment modalities, it is revelated that there are not any significant correlations between the variables except the items of the place attachment modality of technological tendency which can be interpreted as 'almost significant'. Upon this result, it can be deduced that children aged 12-14 years old utilize items of technological tendency the more compared to the children 7-11 years old. Through the results of the second phase (imagined situation), the place attachment modality of social affiliation is most frequently observed in the drawings of children. Besides, the frequencies of the place attachment modalities of self-identity and privacy are similar for both genders. There is an evident dominance of male participants through the frequency of the items of place attachment modality of technological tendency. The frequencies of the drawn items related to the place attachment modalities of privacy and technological tendency are observable for the age range of 12-14 years old when compared with the age range of 7-11 years old. Through the results of the participant's gender and the frequencies of place attachment modalities, it is revelated that there are not any significant correlations between the variables for the imagined situation. Besides, through the results of the correlations of participants' age range and the frequency of place attachment modalities, it is revealed that there are not any significant correlations between the variables for the imagined situation. Regarding future studies, obtained results of this research showed that the flexibility of the interior design of the inpatient rooms which may provide possible opportunities for the needs of children's place attachment related to their gender and age range can be enhanced. With this flexibility which is related to the content of children's need for self-identity, privacy, social affiliation, and technological tendency, the opportunities for personalization of the inpatient room environments can be provided to children. This situation may lead the further interiors of inpatient rooms to be designed through a more child-centered approach.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    An investigation of critical success factors for green retrofitting of existing healthcare buildings
    (2020-01-17) Ergin, Aslıhan; Tekçe, Işılay Akkoyun; Tekçe, Işılay Akkoyun; Ashrafian, Touraj; Sertyeşilışık, B.; Department of Architecture; Ergin, Aslıhan
    The fundamental principle of health care practice is ‘first do no harm,’ but ironically, the activities of healthcare itself consume critical pollution, and, consequently, indirect adverse effects on public health. Concerted efforts to enhance the sustainability performance of existing healthcare buildings could reduce impacts directly through waste and carbon footprint reduction, saving of energy, and indirectly through reducing pollution. Therefore, the first motivation is that existing healthcare buildings are large users of energy, and they contribute an opportunity and potential to mitigate these resources consumption for the sustainability performance of existing healthcare buildings. At this point, the green healthcare building can be identified as one that improves occupant well-being and assist the healing process while using natural resources. In the green buildings’ research agenda, the relationship between buildings and health has drawn considerable attention over the last two decades. Thus, the second motivation for healthcare buildings is to incorporate construction, sustainable green design as well as operating practices. That action improves not only indoor environmental quality but also the health of patients, professionals, staff, and visitors. Several studies have shown that green healthcare buildings have various positive outcomes, such as reducing the recovery duration of patients, improving the health and well-being of patients, and improving the performance of staff. In the existing literature, there is much published about the going green of the healthcare buildings which will be newly constructed, but there is more limited literature available about the green retrofitting of existing healthcare buildings (GREHB). Hence, the objectives of this thesis are; i) to do comprehensive literature research to put the research in context ii) to identify, to categorize, and prioritize a set of critical success factors (CSFs) for prospering green retrofitting of existing healthcare building projects. iii) to develop a conceptual CSFs framework for GREHB In the context of this thesis, initial CSFs were identified according to a structured literature review and categorized systematically based on GREHB. A questionnaire survey was designed according to identified CSFs and applied to get thoughts about the CSFs for retrofitting of existing healthcare buildings from academics and professionals who have experience in green buildings. According to the results of the questionnaire survey, a conceptual CSFs framework for GREHB was finalized. Furthermore, the developed framework was presented to professionals and practitioners from the industry and its validity and reliability were validated by them. This set of CSFs can be used as potential inputs, which can be considered as a possible checklist for practitioners and stakeholders when conducting a green retrofitting of a healthcare project in the preparation phase. Therefore, this study will be beneficial for the implementation of green retrofitting of existing hospitals and any future research related to this subject.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    An assessment on the development of mosque architecture in the United Arab Emirates: cases from contemporary mosques
    (2020-01-13) Alkhaled, Zahraa; Özorhon, İlker Fatih; Özorhon, İlker Fatih; Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Eryıldız, D. I.; Department of Architecture; Alkhaled, Zahraa
    This study has two main purposes: First, to demonstrate the change of mosque architecture in the UAE by chronologically following the selected examples from the first available mosque to the present day. The mosques in this sequence were selected and analyzed according to their architectural style, construction dates, and places and they were visualized within a taxonomy chart. This method was developed as an assessment to understand the development of mosque architecture in the UAE. The classification revealed that the mosque architecture in the UAE can be grouped within the four proposed periods. The second aim of this study is to investigate the design approaches of contemporary mosque architecture in the UAE. To this end, a case study was carried out for five contemporary mosques in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, built over the last decade. The five mosques were analyzed in terms of form, function, spatial arrangement and materials, and their architectural approaches were revealed through interviews with their architects. Besides, the analyzed mosques were compared with the architectural elements and qualities of traditional and vernacular mosques, and it has been tried to explain how and to what extent the design approaches were changed.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Görme engelli bireylerin kentsel algısının İstanbul üzerinden irdelenmesi
    Kılınçoğlu, Müzeyyen; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Turgut, Hülya; İnalhan, G.; Department of Architecture
    Perceptual processes of individuals are shaped by stimuli in various environments throughout their lives. These perceptual processes cause individuals to display different behavioural patterns. The perceptual process can be summarised as follows; environmental stimuli are perceived by the senses, the cognitive information formed in the mind according to these stimuli is transformed into behavioural information that forms thoughts. Individuals perceive spaces through their sense organs. The sense of sight, which is the most important of the sense organs that enable the perception of space, is the sense organ that first perceives the components and changing situations in a space. When the sense of sight loses its function and leaves its duty to other sense organs, the behaviours of individuals change significantly. In this context, this thesis study, which deals with how the spatial perception and behaviour process differs when the sense of sight loses its full or partial effectiveness, focuses on the accessibility of visually impaired people in public space. As a matter of fact, visually impaired individuals experience various levels of difficulties in their movements and behaviours, especially in public spaces, which sometimes they can overcome and sometimes endanger their lives. However, in addition to this, sociocultural conditions as well as physical conditions of the city negatively affect the behaviours of visually impaired individuals regarding urban accessibility. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to understand how and in what kind of physical and social parameters the spatial perceptions and behaviours of a group of visually impaired individuals, who are taken as participants, in the public spaces they frequently use in their daily lives change compared to individuals without disabilities, and to examine the accessibility criteria of public spaces used by visually impaired individuals in Istanbul by using qualitative and quantitative methods. In line with the surveys conducted with visually impaired individuals, it was tried to determine the perceived physical and sociocultural factors related to the participants' individual public space experiences in Istanbul. The verbal data obtained as a result of the qualitative analysis study of the thesis were qualitatively investigated by descriptive content analysis method, and a thematic determination was made regarding which factors are more prominent regarding the public space experiences of a group of visually impaired individuals living in Istanbul. In addition, in order to statistically investigate the factors that stand out in line with the qualitative data depending on gender and age, and to understand whether the factors perceived negatively in this context change depending on gender and age groups, the frequencies obtained by classifying the qualitative data were converted into quantitative data and analysed with a comparative evaluation method between groups. With this thesis study, it has been tried to determine the physical and social characteristics of public spaces frequently used by visually impaired individuals in their daily lives within the scope of accessible design. It is aimed that the data obtained as a result of this study will provide evidence-based data for design criteria and design guidelines to facilitate the behaviours of visually impaired individuals regarding the accessibility of public spaces in Istanbul.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Impact of indoor environmental quality on occupant’s comfort & energy use in an office building
    (2021-07) Şen, Emine; Ashrafian, Touraj; Ashrafian, Touraj; Sağlam, Neşe Ganiç; Atmaca, M.; Department of Architecture; Özyeğin University; Şen, Emine
    Due to the transitions of technological systems and scientific data related to the building sector and environment under the developing world conditions, the challenges of air pollution and increased energy use have become the main concerns to be urgently and globally acted upon. By its extensive role in occupant’s health and energy use, the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) considerations in building design have become a priority with its various parameters examined in a holistic approach. IEQ is highly related to various chemical and physical factors, including subsistence gases, ventilation rates, indoor air temperatures. The increment in time spent indoors with all kinds of work and entertainment activities culminates as more prolonged contact and contingence with the pollutants, pathogens subsistence in the air, also the continuous interactions with indoor air temperatures. While the poor conditions of IEQ are known to have acute and chronic effects on the occupant's health, resulting in adverse outcomes such as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), it emphasizes the importance of significant determinants of IEQ more profoundly. The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort, correspond to the further issues of occupant behavior, ventilation strategies, and energy efficiency. The thesis aims to investigate the methods to improve IEQ levels in an office building, with enhanced fresh air intake and indoor temperatures to ensure healthy and livable conditions by examining the effects of ventilation strategies, HVAC systems, material selection, and activity scheduling on building energy efficiency and occupant comfort. An office building is used for the analysis and modeled to collect data by simulation using DesignBuilder software. The thesis methodology is followed by the collected data obtained from building modeling variations and their comparisons made by analyzing the levels of indoor air quality parameters as well as the energy use of the building.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Kentin dönüşümünde kamusal mekan-sanat etkileşiminin izleri : 17. İstanbul bienali örneği
    Eş, Elif; Özorhon, Güliz; Özorhon, Güliz; Turgut, Hülya; Görgülü, T.; Department of Architecture
    This thesis, art in the public sphere as a type of space; It is aimed to make sense of it in a two-sided, multi-layered, complex network that occurs in the communication of art, individual and space, and in addition to to to make visible the participation of the city in this weave and what remains of this weave to the city. This aim first required the concepts of art, individual and space, each of which should be understood separately, and the translation of these concepts into the public sphere and the analysis of the dynamic relations between them. This analysis has been accompanied by an evolutionary narrative in which the aforementioned phenomena are sometimes centered in historical perspective, sometimes one by another. The relations between the concepts are examined with the phenomena of experience, interaction, visibility and transformation, so that the conceptual framework and limits of the thesis are revealed in the 2nd part of the thesis. In the next stage of the study, the issues of public space and art in the public sphere were examined with different perspectives and different scales. From past to present, what kind of art practices exist in the public sphere on a wide scale and the effect and contribution of these practices to the public sphere have been made visible. One of these practices is; The biennial activities were examined in detail and the dialogues with the public sphere were tried to be understood with examples from around the world. It is important to discuss this type of permanent but temporary activity in the context of the city and architecture and to observe the different ways of intervening in the city with art as the basic space of the discipline of architecture, to follow its journey and to study the traces it leaves and the potentials of all these for the city and architecture. After this necessary preparation and holistic understanding, art in the public sphere in Istanbul, Istanbul and the arrival of the Istanbul Biennial from 87 to the present day have been examined in the context of the city and public space. In the field survey; The relationship of this large and temporary type of event with the public sphere in the context of the city and architecture is exemplified by the multi-layered structure of the 17th Istanbul Biennial. The evolution of the triad of art, the individual and space into the triad of artwork, urban and public space, and the biennial spaces are examined in the cyclical relationship of the concepts of "experience, interaction, visibility and transformation". In this review, quantitative data about the biennial spaces and audiences, mappings, personal observations and the opinions of the participants were used, and local dynamics were also included in the evaluations. Through the alternative routes of the biennial, the visible and invisible effect of art in the public sphere was explained separately and integrated. Within the scope of the thesis, it is tried to understand how biennials leave their mark on the city in their own temporariness. What does the art activity that takes place in various public spaces of the city for a certain or limited time leave behind? What is left after the biennial period is completed and the vast majority of the works have moved away from the space/public space/city? What are the remains, the visible and the invisible, from this temporary layer? The 17th Istanbul Biennial, which is an example of art in the public sphere, was taken into the lens and its distribution to the city, the potential to turn the audience into an active participant, the visible and invisible traces were tried to be identified and at the same time made visibly, and it was mapped how the seeds sown by the biennial turned into a city exhibition. As a result, with this thesis study, different situations of the effect of a temporary art activity on the city and public space are defined. Keywords: Art in public space, Istanbul Biennials, interaction, experience, transformation, visibility.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Tarihi sur kalıntılarının oluşturduğu kentsel boşluklarda mekânsal davranışın dizimsel irdelenmesi
    Erol, Aylin; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Turgut, Hülya; Çebi, P. D.; Department of Architecture
    Urban spaces are such places where citizens come together and interact socially, and different socio-cultural groups of society encounter with each other. In the formation of urban spaces, there is a mutual interaction between the perceptions, interpretations and behaviours of the citizens within the physical environment. While these interactions in daily life take place, cities with dense historical, spatial and perceptual layers, where the traces of the past are transferred to the present time, leave deep traces in the memory of the citizens by influencing their perceptions and behaviours. The structures and cultural values of different historical times that exist in the memory of the city contribute to the best understanding of the characteristics of urban space. One of the components in which this process in the cities can be read is the cultural heritage and ruins of various civilizations revealed by the historical past. As a matter of fact, the structures that carry the morphological structures and traces of different periods and civilizations and the ruins left behind continue to provide important data on the memory of the urban space and contribute to the belonging of the citizens to the city they live in. For this reason, environmental and urban perception, which can be defined as the memory of a city, is of great importance for the citizens to make sense of the city they live in, the cultural values and social patterns that make up the city. This thesis study aims to examine the effects of the structures and remains of the Galata walls on the perception and behaviour of the citizens, which have witnessed various empires since the Byzantine Empire period and are still physical parts of the urban space. It is based on the hypothesis that in the urban areas where today's ruins are located, the parking lot, warehouse area, various functions, being under the subway excavation, as well as the unplanned construction in the immediate vicinity of these structure and the ruins, cannot be experienced visually and physically enough by the citizens due to the reasons that affect their visual perceptions. It is thought that the space syntax data of integration and visibility (isovist) belonging to the current morphological structure of the region also affects the perceptions and behaviours of the citizens. This study, in which this interaction is discussed together with syntactic analyses and behavioural analyses of individuals using the urban area, is based on the determination of the reasons that prevent the transfer of urban memory to new generations. As a matter of fact, it is thought that these reasons, which directly affect the behaviour in the perceptual processes of individuals, have a negative impact on the cognitive perception of the society over time and create an urban void while posing a threat to the transfer of urban memory to the future. In this study, the theoretical background of the research consists of examining the concept of urban void in the context of urban spaces identified in the Galata region, which has transferred the physical and social layers of various civilizations throughout the historical process to the present day. The methodology of the study is based on the comparison of the behavioural patterns of the urban spaces that formed around the remnants of the city walls in the Galata region and the syntactic characteristics of the urban space. In this context, it is aimed to investigate the behavioural patterns of 10 urban areas around the ruins of the city walls in the Galata region, to investigate the impact of the morphological structure of these urban areas on behaviour and to reveal the reasons behind the behavioural patterns of the citizens. For the field research, historical buildings, ruins, and their nearby urban environments in which these structural components are located in the Galata region, which is one of the regions where the historical stratification affecting the physical structure of Istanbul is intense, is studied. To determine the environmental perception in 10 different areas, behavioural data were used, and descriptive and statistical analyses were carried out in comparison with the space syntax data that constitute the existing morphological data of the region. In this direction, behavioural analyses were prepared for each of the 10 selected regions by using the information about the behavioural data of the individuals using the region through observation in the urban areas selected as the study area. This first dataset of the research created the behavioural data of each region. The second dataset of the study consisted of the syntactic data obtained by the space syntax method for each region. The two datasets obtained were analyzed comparatively.