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    Master ThesisPublication
    Ticari işletmenin devrinde ayıp
    Sarfati, Selim; Yakuppur, Sendi; Yakuppur, Sendi; Özer, Işık; Ünver, T. A.; Department of Private Law
    Günümüz ticari hayatının en önemli aktörlerinden biri, belki de en önemlisi ticari işletmelerdir. Bu sebeple ticaret hukukunun da en kritik konularından biri ticari işletme ve ticari işletmenin devridir. "Ticari İşletmenin Devrinde Ayıp" konusunda hazırlanan bu çalışmada gerek Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nda gerekse de Türk Borçlar Kanunu'nda özel olarak düzenlemiş olan ticari işletmenin devri ve devredilen ticari işletmenin ayıplı olması halinde Türk Borçlar Kanunu'nda düzenlenmiş olan ayıp hükümlerinin ne şekilde uygulanacağı ve ayıptan doğan seçimlik hakların sonuçları incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızın bölümleri "Ticari İşletmenin Devri", "Ticari İşletmenin Devri Bağlamında Ayıp" ve "Ticari İşletmenin Devrinde Ayıptan Doğan Seçimlik Haklar ve Bu Hakların Kullanılmasının Sonuçları" olarak belirlenmiş olup inceleme bu şekilde yapılmıştır.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Türk ceza kanununda uyuşturucu ve uyarıcı madde suçlarında etkin pişmanlık
    Haznedar, Emirhan; Ünver, Yener; Ünver, Yener; Hakeri, Hakan; Atladı, R. B.; Department of Public Law
    Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda uyuşturucu ve uyarıcı madde suçları için düzenlenmiş olan etkin pişmanlık hükümlerini değerlendirmeye alan bu tez çalışması, ilk önce suç teorilerini irdelemiştir. Suçun ne olduğunu, hangi unsurlardan oluştuğunun değerlendirilmesinin ardından cezanın amacı, nitelikleri ve Türk Ceza Kanunu’na faile verilecek cezanın hangi norm ve usullere uyularak verildiği anlatılmıştır. Suçun failin iradesi dışındaki sebepler nedeniyle tamamlanamaması ile gündeme gelen teşebbüs kurumu, şartları ve cezalandırılmasını açıklayan teoriler izah edilmiştir. Bu kurumlara ve onlara ilişkin teoriler ele alınırken hem yabancı hukukçular, kriminologların görüşleri hem de Türk hukukçuların görüşleri kıyaslanarak değerlendirilmiştir. Etkin pişmanlık ile benzerlik gösteren bir kurum olan gönüllü vazgeçme ve onun cezalandırılmama nedenlerini açıklayan teorilerin anlatılmasının ardından, gönüllü vazgeçmenin oluşabilmesi için aranan şartlar anlatılmıştır. Gönüllü vazgeçme kurumunun ardından etkin pişmanlık ele alınmıştır. Etkin pişmanlık kurumunun hukuki niteliği ve gönüllü vazgeçmeden farkları karşılaştırılmasının ardından unsurları ele alınmıştır. Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda düzenlenmiş olan etkin pişmanlık hükümlerinin örneklerinin verilmesinin ardından bu hükümlerin Ceza Muhakemesine etkisi ele alınmıştır. Ceza muhakemesinin farklı aşamalarındaki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesinin ardından Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda düzenlenen uyuşturucu veya uyarıcı madde suçlarına ilişkin olarak 192. maddede düzenlenmiş olan etkin pişmanlık hükümleri ele alınmıştır. Bu hükümlerin amaçları, uygulama şartları ve sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinin ardından konulara ilişkin genel bir değerlendirme yapılmış ve şahsi görüşlere yer verilmiştir.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Emotion regulation in emotionally focused therapists working with high-conflict couples
    Yıldızhan, Cemile; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Erdem, G.; Söylemez, Y.; Department of Psychology
    Therapist emotion regulation is an important factor in the therapy process and Cited among the common factors that explain change in effective therapy models. This study was conducted to explore emotional experiences and emotion regulation Strategies of emotionally focused therapists who use primary emotions as a change Mechanism while working with high-conflict couples. 21 psychotherapists who use Emotionally focused therapy (eft) and have experience working with the highconflict couple(s) were recruited and interviewed. Thematic analysis was conducted To understand the common themes and patterns of eft therapists working with high Conflict couples. The results indicated five main themes: “different compelling Emotional experiences of the therapists”, “relief after sessions as a positive Emotion”, “triggers of therapists’ emotions”, “perceived adaptive emotion Regulation strategies”, and “positive impact of the therapist’s regulation strategies On the therapy process”. Results from the current study are discussed based on the Literature on emotion regulation and the person-of-the therapist training model. Strengths, limitations, possible future research, and clinical implication are presented.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Boşanmanın mali sonuçları
    Çakır, Edanaz; Topaloğlu, Mustafa; Topaloğlu, Mustafa; Usta, Sevgi; Şeker, M.; Department of Private Law
    Bu çalışmada, boşanmanın sonuçlarından; maddi tazminat, manevi tazminat ve yoksulluk nafakası anlatılmıştır. Maddi tazminat ve manevi tazminatın amacı, hukuki niteliği, koşulları, özellikleri, ödeme biçimleri ve sona ermesi titizlikle incelenmiştir. Uygulamaya bakıldığında özellikle son dönemlerde boşanma konusu sıklıkla gündeme gelmesi sebebiyle, yoksulluk nafakasında süre sorunu karşılaştırmalı hukukla birlikte, Türk Hukukunda yer alan güncel tartışmalar ayrıntılı bir bakış açısı ile alınmıştır. Nihai olarak ise aile konutu ve yasal mal rejimi tasfiyesiyle ilgili iki mesele olan aile konutunun nafaka ile ilişkisi ve yoksulluk nafakası ile mal rejiminin tasfiyesi talebi arasındaki ilişkisi anlatılmıştır.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Türk hukuk sisteminde hatır senetleri
    Karıksız, Muhammet Can; Özer, Işık; Özer, Işık; Kocabıyık, Sami; Polat, Ö. A.; Department of Private Law
    Hatır senetleri bedelsiz senetlerin bir alt başlığına karşılık gelmektedir. Her bedelsiz senet hatır senedi olarak nitelenemez. Fakat bütün hatır senetleri bedelsiz niteliktedir. Hatır senetleri tedavül gayelerinin bulunup bulunmamasına göre temelde iki amaç uğruna düzenlenmektedirler. Tedavül gayeli hatır senetleri sayesinde hatır alacaklısına bir nevi kredi temin edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Tedavül gayesi bulunmayan hatır senetlerinde ise tarafların amacı yalnızca hatır alacaklısının mali durumunun olduğundan çok daha iyi gözükmesini gerçekleştirmektir. Gerek bedelsiz senetler genelinde gerekse hatır senetleri özelinde mevzuatımızda herhangi bir yasal düzenleme bulunmadığından, çalışmamız konusu hakkında Yargıtay kararları oldukça belirleyici niteliktedir.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Exploring parents' general psychological distress and coparenting in families with young children : the mediating role of couple satisfaction
    Ertem, Pelin; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Acar, İbrahim Hakkı; Tetik, A. B.; Department of Psychology
    Coparenting relations are a crucial component of family functioning, and cooperation of parents in child related issues have been highlighted as a protective factor for family cohesion especially when parents are in distress. This research explored the relationships between general psychological distress and coparenting dimensions of cooperation, conflict, and triangulation through the mediating role of couple satisfaction on a dyadic level among Turkish parents with young children. The sample was composed of 184 heterosexual parents (184 mothers, 184 fathers, age range from 25 to 57 years) married for 10 years on average. Parents completed demographic information form, Depression Stress Anxiety Scale, Couple Satisfaction Index, and Coparenting Inventory for Parents with Preschoolers. Results of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) and APIM Mediation Model (APIMeM) analyses demonstrated statistically significant relationships between mothers' and fathers' psychological distress and all three of their own coparenting dimensions (direct actor effects) and between mothers' psychological distress and fathers' coparenting cooperation (direct partner effect, mothers to fathers). Mothers' and fathers' psychological distress had significant indirect effects on all three of their own coparenting dimensions through their own couple satisfaction (indirect actor effects). Furthermore, fathers' psychological distress had significant indirect effects on all three dimensions of mothers' coparenting through mothers' couple satisfaction, plus on mothers' coparenting triangulation through fathers' couple satisfaction (indirect partner effects, fathers to mothers). Findings of this study were in line with Family System Theory and prior research. Clinical implications are discussed.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Preschool children's self-regulation, parental feeding styles and emotional eating behaviors : a short-term longitudinal study
    Altundal, Merve Nur; Acar, İbrahim Hakkı; Acar, İbrahim Hakkı; Gürleyik, Duygu Karataş; Uzundağ, B. A.; Department of Psychology
    Children's emotional eating could be driven by their individual characteristics and parenting behaviors. From this perspective, in this study, we tested the child-driven and parent-driven antecedents of emotional eating to understand the underlying mechanisms of emotional eating in children. In detail, we explored the transactional association among parental feeding styles, mealtime technoference, and children's self-regulation in predicting emotional eating during preschool years. We collected data from 231 children at two-time points, the fall and spring semesters. Children's ages ranged between 36 to 76 months (M = 58.49, SD = 9.07) in the fall and aged between 44 to 80 months (M = 65.26, SD = 8.27) in the spring. Parents reported children's eating behaviors, feeding styles, and mealtime technoference in the fall and spring semesters. Researchers measured children's performance-based self-regulation. Cross-lagged path analyses were conducted for a total of six different models. We found a bidirectional relationship between mealtime technoference and children's emotional overeating behaviors but could not find bidirectional relations between parental feeding styles (emotional and control feeding) and children's emotional eating behaviors. However, emotional overeating was predicted by parental emotional feeding and child self-regulation; parental control feeding was predicted by emotional undereating. These results show that emotional eating is an outcome of both child- and parent-driven factors. The results are discussed in detail within the Transactional Human Development Model (THDM) framework.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Children's emotion regulation in family context : contributions of coparenting and parents' self-compassion
    Yalçıntaş, Zeynep; Acar, İbrahim Hakkı; Acar, İbrahim Hakkı; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Yaman, N.; Department of Psychology
    The purpose of the current study was to examine the dyadic relationship between parents' self-compassion and children's emotion regulation in early childhood, with a specific focus on the mediating role of the coparenting relationship (cooperation, conflict, and triangulation). The sample of this study consisted of 361 parental dyads (361 mothers and 361 fathers) who had at least one child between 29 and 118 months (M = 70.15, SD = 18.08). Both parents reported their level of self-compassion, the coparenting quality, and their child's emotion regulation. The Actor–Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) and Actor–Partner Interdependence Mediation Model (APIMeM) analyses were conducted. APIM results showed a significant and positive relationship between parents' self-compassion and their report of child emotion regulation. In partner effects, only fathers' self-compassion was significantly and positively associated with mother-reported child emotion regulation. Additionally, both parents' self-compassion was associated with higher quality of coparenting relationship (higher cooperation, and lower conflict and triangulation) reported by themselves and their partner. However, fathers' self-compassion was not significantly associated with mothers' cooperation. Also, fathers' cooperation mediated the relationship between mothers' self-compassion and father-reported child emotion regulation, as well as the relationship between fathers' self-compassion and report of child emotion regulation. Additionally, mothers' conflict mediated the relationship between their self-compassion and father-report of child emotion regulation, as well as the relationship between fathers' self-compassion and mother-reported child emotion regulation. Implications of the findings, limitations, and future directions were discussed.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Cyberbullying involvement, basic psychological need satisfaction, and socio-emotional competencies : a person centered analysis
    Musti, Nesibe; Gözkan, Ayfer Dost; Gözkan, Ayfer Dost; Acar, İbrahim Hakkı; Akçınar, B.; Department of Psychology
    The current study aimed to explore the cyberbullying involvement (i.e., bully, victim, and witness) trends of adolescents with a person-centered approach, and to examine how cyberbullying involvement profiles differ from each other in terms of socio-emotional skills and satisfaction of basic psychological needs (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) in their close relationships (i.e., with their mother, father, and best friend). The sample consisted of 1176 high-school students (Mage= 15.17, SDage = 1.07) from Eskişehir, Turkey. The latent profile analysis revealed four profiles, three of which were characterized by the co-existence of different cyberbullying involvement types (which were named as High Witness-Moderate Bully-Victim, High Victim-Witness-Low Bully, and High in all), while the fourth profile was characterized by very low involvement in cyberbullying (named as Not-Involved). The findings showed that adolescents in the Not-Involved (79.1%) profile had significantly higher levels of basic psychological needs satisfaction in their relationships with their parents compared to adolescents from other three profiles. They also exhibited significantly higher empathy and self-control skills than High Witness-Moderate Bully-Victim (11.6%) and High in all (2.6%) profiles, and higher emotion-control skills than High Victim-Witness-Low Bully (6.7%) profile. On the other hand, adolescents in the High Witness-Moderate Bully-Victim profile exhibited the highest assertiveness levels, significantly differing from the low assertiveness observed in the Not-Involved profile. The indications of these results are further discussed.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    The mediating effect of attachment behavior on the link between Partner Phubbing and relationship satisfaction
    Sevinç, Selen; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Şen, Celia Katrine Naivar; Söylemez, Y.; Department of Psychology
    As digital technologies have become an indispensable part of our everyday life and the consequences of excessive mobile phone usage have begun to be noticed, a relatively new phenomenon called phubbing (the word derived from two words "phone" and "snubbing") has attracted great attention from researchers. In this respect, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the negative impacts of perceived partner phubbing (PPP) on relationship satisfaction. It aimed to bring the concept of attachment behavior as a protective factor by analyzing its mediating role in this relationship. Four research questions have been addressed in this study to investigate the relationship among the major study variables and the mediating role of attachment behavior on the link between PPP and relationship satisfaction. There were 396 participants who were recruited from Turkey, among adults who were older than 18 years old to be able to assess adult romantic relationships. The inclusion criteria were that the participants needed to own a smartphone, were not married or cohabiting, and were currently in a romantic relationship at least for 6 months. The results showed that the major study variables which were PPP, attachment behavior, and relationship satisfaction all significantly correlated with each other. In addition, attachment behavior partially mediated the link between PPP and relationship satisfaction. The findings of the study, strengths, limitations, clinical implications, and future directions were discussed considering the existing literature.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Parentification and psychological distress in adulthood : the moderating effect of differentiation of self
    Akkuş, Şeyma Öztürk; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Şen, Celia Katrine Naivar; Tetik, A. B.; Department of Psychology
    The present study aimed to investigate the contributions of childhood parentification and differentiation of self (DoS) on psychological distress. Also, the moderating role of DoS was examined in the relationship of parentification with psychological distress. The sample consisted of 475 adults. Inclusion criteria were determined as being above the age of 25, having no child, and not currently caring for a parent. The data was collected online via Qualtrics. The participants were offered demographic information form, Parentification Inventory (PI), Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised (DSI-R), and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) (Hooper, 2009; Skowron and Schmitt, 2003; Kessler et al., 2003) respectively. Bivariate correlations, hierarchical regressions, and moderation analysis were conducted to test the hypotheses. The moderation model indicated that DoS moderated the relationship between perceived benefits from parentification and psychological distress. Higher levels of DoS strengthened the negative association between perceived benefits from parentification experience and psychological distress. However, the interaction of differentiation of self with parent-focused parentification and sibling-focused parentification were not statistically significant in predicting psychological distress. These findings suggest that the interaction of different DoS levels with parentification has no significant effect on psychological distress. The findings are discussed in light of the previous literature regarding clinical implications, limitations, and future research.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Çevrimiçi platformlara özgü üretilen program formatlarının internet ortamında korunması
    Erdoğan, Halil Berk; Kocabıyık, Sami; Kocabıyık, Sami; Özer, Işık; Büyükkılıç, G.; Department of Private Law
    Bu tez çalışması medya ve eğlence sektörlerinde ticari ve kreatif açıdan önemli bir yer tutan program formatlarının tartışmalı hukuki niteliklerinin ve bu formatlara sağlanabilecek hukuki korumanın incelenmesi maksadıyla kaleme alınmıştır. Programlar ve program formatları birbirlerine karıştırılmaması gereken farklı yapıtlar olup formatlar, görsel işitsel bir eser olan programların yapıtaşı olan yazılı ürünlerdir. Gelişen teknoloji sayesinde eser ve içeriklere ulaşma yöntemleri çeşitlenmiş, fikri mülkiyet hukuku internet ve dijitalleşmeden önemli ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Çalışmamızda program formatlarının hukuki nitelikleri ve fikri mülkiyet hukuku kapsamında eser olarak korunup korunamayacakları, hukuk doktrinindeki farklı görüşler ve Yargıtay ve yabancı ülkelerin yüksek mahkemelerine ait kararlar çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiş, devamında eser sahibinin mali hakları; internet ortamında gerçekleşebilecek telif hakkı ihlallerine, önemli çevrimiçi ortam aktörlerine ve temel bilişim hukuku esaslarına değinilerek incelenmiştir. Program formatlarına sağlanabilecek özel hukuk koruması irdelenerek çalışma noktalanmıştır.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Food as medicine : the healing power of sugar in ottoman medical manuscripts during the 14th and 15th centuries
    Kadırgan, Pırıl; Samancı, Özge; Samancı, Özge; Selçuk, Oya İklil; Bilgin, A.; Department of Design, Technology and Society
    This thesis intends to explore how people perceived intertwined relationships between food and health in the Ottoman Empire during the early modern era with a particular focus on sugar. Sugarcane which originated from Southeast Asia reached the eastern Mediterranean region in the 7th century. Produced in a long and arduous process, sugar obtained from sugar cane became an object of desire and a status indicator in medieval Arab, European and Ottoman worlds. Sugar was used for multiple practical purposes, including medicinal use. The thesis explores the role of sugar in the Ottoman health system within the framework of humoral theory by examining four Ottoman medical manuscripts from the 14th and 15th centuries. According to the medical manuscripts sugar was considered hot and moist. Different types of sugar such as white sugar, solid white sugar (tabarzad) was used to expel phlegm from the body and to relieve cough. There are also sweets in which it is recommended to use sugar for its benefits. The thesis findings show that being a rare and valuable commodity sugar besides its cultural and symbolic meanings, played an essential role as a medicine in the Ottoman health system based on humoral theory. Moreover, the information obtained from the Ottoman medical manuscripts coincides with the use of sugar in the European medical understanding of the period.
  • Placeholder
    Master ThesisPublication
    Effects of protein addition and substitution of refined sugar on the quality of hazelnut butter
    Zahedinia, Sayna; Kırkın, Celale; Zuluğ, Aslı; Kırkın, Celale; Zuluğ, Aslı; Tireki, Suzan; Baykut, E. D.; Department of Design, Technology and Society
    Recently, people have preferred reducing their sugar intake and replacing it With high-nutritious sweeteners and consuming more protein. This study aims to Promote hazelnut butter by replacing refined sugar with date syrup, enriching it with Green pea protein and collagen, and analyzing their quality changes. Their sensory, Color, emulsion stability, rheology, and stress sweep properties were investigated. Sensory analysis showed that collagen had not affected the sensory properties. The overall acceptability of samples with green-pea protein was lower than those With collagen. Date syrup decreased the overall acceptability slightly, but the Acceptability was satisfactory. Emulsion stability was high, ranging between 93% And 99%. The viscosity of all samples decreased with increasing shear rate and showed Pseudoplastic flow behavior, and the flow behavior (n) of the samples was similar. The consistency index (k) and apparent viscosity (µa) value of the samples Containing date syrup were higher than those prepared with refined sugar. The Incent and decent shear rate curves showed that they had thixotropic properties. In All samples, the storage modulus (gʺ) values were higher than the loss modulus (gʹ) Values, which showed that the viscous behavior dominated the elastic behavior. In conclusion, replacing table sugar with date syrup did not negatively affect The sensory properties of samples; therefore can be used as a sweetener in hazelnut Butter. In overall samples enriched with collagen showed better resulats than than The samples enriched with green pea protein. Rheological properties of samples Were not changed compare to the samples without protein and replaced sugar with Date syrup.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Enerji projelerinde halkın rızası
    Avcı, Emin; Topaloğlu, Mustafa; Topaloğlu, Mustafa; Dursun, Hasan; Caşın, M. H.; Department of Private Law
    Enerji geçmişten günümüze insanlık tarihi ve ilerlemesi açısından oldukça önemli bir faktör olmuştur. Odun ve kömür kullanımı ile başlayan enerji kaynaklarının günümüzde yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile birlikte çeşitliliği artmıştır. Enerji kaynakları bu denli önemli olmasına rağmen yapılan enerji yatırımları insan ve çevre sağlığı açısından ciddi sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, gerçekleştirilen enerji yatırımları ekseninde halkın rızası kavramını incelemektir. Bu çerçevede yapılan yatırımlar karşısında halkın karşıt direnişleri ve bu direnişler karşısında hukuksal mevzuat dışı geliştirilmesi gereken stratejiler ve hukuksal mevzuat kapsamında ilgili kanun ve yönetmeliklerin incelenmesi çalışmanın spesifik amaçları kapsamında değerlendirilmektedir. Bu amaçlar çerçevesinde çalışmanın ilk bölümünde enerji yatırımları ve türleri, ikinci bölümde enerji yatırımları kapsamında halkın rızası ve bu süreçte halkla ilişkiler konularına değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde Dünyada ve Türkiye’de enerji yatırımlarına karşı halk hareketleri örnekleri ve enerji yatırımlarında halkın rızası sürecinde hukuksal mevzuat dışı ve hukuksal mevzuat kapsamında neler yapılabileceği konularına değinilmiştir.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Examining the relationship between the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in couples and their communication patterns
    Özdemir, Selma; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Çarkoğlu, A.; Booth, M. P.; Department of Psychology
    The present study examined the relationship between the demand/ withdraw pattern and levels of depression, anxiety, and stress in newlywed couples. The sample consisted of 107 Turkish heterosexual couples that were part of another project at Ozyegin University. Scale data were collected online and the observational data in the laboratory. Participants were asked to complete the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) and Demographic Information Form. Couple Interaction Rating System (CIRS) developed by Heavey, Gill, and Christensen (1998) was used to measure the demand/ withdraw pattern during two discussion sessions and each session included an important topic for each partner. Actor Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) was conducted in the data analysis. For both the husbands’ and wives’ topics, the results indicated a negative significant relationship between husband demand/ wife withdraw pattern and men’s depression levels (actor effect). Again for both the husbands’s and wives’ topics, the results for the partner effects showed a positive significant relationship between the wife demand/ husband withdraw pattern and men’s level of anxiety, and a significant negative relationship with men’s level of stress. Findings are discussed regarding the literature and possible implications in both research and clinical areas. Finally, the contributions of the current study, its limitations and possible directions for future research were discussed.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    The length of time and the duration of space: Word learning of spatial and temporal metaphors across auditory and visual modalities
    Tarakçı, Bahar; Ünal, Ercenur; Ünal, Ercenur; Açık, Alper; Göksun, T.; Department of Psychology
    Space and time are highly interconnected domains in language and cognition. Here, we focus on the interactions between the conceptual and linguistic aspects of these domains. We ask to what extent the conceptual and perceptual processes of space and time influence how word meanings are learned and extended across space and time domains. To answer this question, we taught 4-5-year-old and adult native speakers of Turkish a novel word with spatial (i.e., length) or temporal meaning (i.e., duration) and investigated how well they learned and extended the word meaning to the other domain. We manipulated two aspects of learning multiple word meanings of spatial metaphors: (i) the direction of extension and (ii) the modality of temporal perception. Children could learn the spatial meaning of the novel word more easily than the temporal meaning. In fact, they failed to learn the temporal meaning. Although children successfully learned the spatial meaning, they failed to extend this meaning to the time domain. By contrast, adults were able to learn spatial and temporal meanings equally easily. However, they learned the temporal meaning better from the visual modality than from the auditory modality. Once they learned the temporal meaning, they could extend the temporal meaning to the space domain as easily, regardless of time modality; suggesting a facilitative role of polysemy in overcoming modality differences in word learning.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Spor uyuşmazlıklarında spor tahkim mahkemesi (CAS) yargılama usulü
    Pak, Gürkan; Güman, Nihat; Güman, Nihat; Işık, Salim; Aşık, İ.; Department of Private Law
    Sporun kendine özgü dinamik yapısı ve sportif faaliyetlerin devamlılığı nedeniyle sportif uyuşmazlıkların; bağımsız ve tarafsız olan uzman kişiler tarafından hızlı ve kesin bir şekilde çözüme kavuşturulması gerekmektedir. Sportif rekabetin eşit koşullar altında devam edebilmesi için ise benzer uyuşmazlıkların çözümünün farklı sonuçlar doğurmaması, yeknesak olması gerekmektedir. Bu sebeple sportif uyuşmazlıkların çözümü için uluslarüstü kabul gören bir yargı kurumuna ihtiyaç duyulmuş olup Spor Tahkim Mahkemesi (“Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport” veya TAS, “Court Of Arbitration For Sport” veya CAS) kurulmuştur. Çalışmamız kapsamında doktrinde sürmekte olan güncel tartışmalar ve yargı kararlarına da değinilerek CAS’ın; sportif hiyerarşi içerisindeki yeri, yargılama usulünün nasıl gerçekleştiği, yapısal olarak bağımsız ve tarafsız olup olmadığı, yargılama yetkisinin kapsamı, kararlarının uluslararası alanda kabul görüp görmediği, icrailiği ve kararları aleyhine kanun yolu imkânı değerlendirilmiştir.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    The relationship of conflict resolution styles with dyadic adjustment in newlyweds
    Akyıldız, Hande Nur; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer ; Gözkan, Ayfer Dost; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer; Harma, M.; Department of Psychology
    This study examined the relationship between conflict resolution styles (positive, negative, subordination, and retreat conflict resolution styles) and dyadic adjustment among newlywed couples in Turkey. This study was conducted with 252 couples married for less than 15 months. The present study is part of a more extensive longitudinal study conducted at Ozyegin University by Kafescioğlu and colleagues funded by TÜBİTAK (Grant Number: 113K538). Data were collected in four waves at seven monthly intervals. For the current study, the first wave data on conflict resolution styles and the second wave data on dyadic adjustment were used. Participants filled out the following measures: Demographic Information Form, Conflict Resolution Styles Scale (CRSS), and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) and ANCOVA were conducted to examine research questions. Results showed that the two-profile model was the best-fitted model considering fit statistics among the four models. The profiles differed in three conflict resolution styles: wives’ positive conflict resolution style, husbands’ retreat, and subordination conflict resolution styles. The first profile had a low level in all three conflict resolution styles, named “Less Positive Wife- More Engaged Husband.” In contrast, couples in the second profile used the three conflict resolution styles more, so the profile was named “Positive Wife- Avoidant Husband.” ANCOVA analysis indicated insignificant differences in dyadic adjustment between profiles. The findings were discussed in light of existing literature and theoretical framework. Finally, research contributions, limitations, and future research suggestions were presented.
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    Master ThesisPublication
    Individual therapy in systemic approach : perceived therapeutic change from the perspective of therapists and clients
    Balcıoğlu, Elif; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Gürmen, Münevver Selenga; Şen, Celia Katrine Naivar; Söylemez, Y.; Department of Psychology
    Therapeutic change is well-studied construct in psychotherapy process and outcome studies, providing the basis for how psychotherapy practices are effective in individuals wellbeing. The current study explores the experiences of therapists and clients regarding how therapeutic change is experienced in individual therapy from systemic perspective by using systems theory as the fundamental framework. 12 clients (2 men, 10 women) and 12 therapists (1 men, 11 women) were recruited as participants from Bilgi University Psychological Counseling Center and Özyeğin University Couple and Family Center. Both therapists’ and clients’ experiences are investigated with semi-structured interviews using thematic analysis (TA). Results revealed three main themes for therapists: “Going Beyond One-to-one Relationship in Therapy”, “Increasing Relational Awareness”, “Shift in Clients’ Attitudes Towards Boundaries with Significant Others”, and a total of two subthemes. Regarding clients’ perspective, the results yielded three main themes: “Sensemaking the Problems Through Relational Awareness”, “Acceptance in Relationships”, and “Manifesting the Differentiated Self in Relationship”, and total of two subthemes. Current study findings are discussed in the context of the systems theory literature, limitations, strengths, future research directions, and clinical implications.