Browsing by Author "Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih"
Now showing items 21-40 of 96
Efficient FPGA implementation of field oriented control for 3-phase machine drives
Tüfekçi, Burak; Önal, Buğra; Dere, Hamza Yasir; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2020-09)This paper presents an FPGA implementation of Field Oriented Control (FOC) method with high switching frequency for 3-phase machine drives. A common architecture has been constructed for both BrushLess DC motors (BLDC) and ... -
Efficient methodologies for actualizing haptic feedback in consumer electronics
Kirişken, Barbaros (2021-06-11)There are significant limitations to creating effective haptic illusions in mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. The main limitations are that these devices are too small in size to accommodate complex actuators ... -
Electric vehicle model parameter estimation with combined least squares and gradient descent method
Gözüküçük, Mehmet Ali; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Dedeköy, Mert; Çelik, Mert; Akdoğan, Taylan (IEEE, 2019)Energy management algorithms have a crucial role in electric vehicles due to their limited driving range. For an energy management algorithm to be effective, we should model the vehicle as accurately as possible. That is, ... -
Enabling difference-based dynamic partial self reconfiguration for large differences
Gören, S.; Özkurt, Ö.; Türk, Y.; Yıldız, A.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2013)This paper presents a new Dynamic Partial Self Reconfiguration (DPSR) flow for Xilinx FPGAs. Leveraging the Xilinx FPGA Editor and PlanAhead tools, we provide two implementation approaches that enable partial reconfiguration ... -
Energy consumption modeling and optimization of speed profile for plug-in electric vechiles
Tasooji, Tohid Kargar (2018-05)In recent years, there is a surge in research on Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs), as PEVs are one of the ways that we can reduce carbon emissions. Dramatic cost reduction in PEVs has resulted in their becoming mainstream ... -
Experiences on the road from EDA developer to designer to educator
Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2013)This paper will coin some concepts that came to being as an engineer once made a journey from EDA developer of a behavioral synthesis tool to RTL designer and then on to academia. The EDA developer in disguise of logic ... -
Fast and efficient circuit topologies for finding the maximum of n k-bit numbers
Yüce, B.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Gören, S.; Dündar, G. (IEEE, 2014-08-01)Finding the value and/or index of the maximum (or minimum) element of a set of n numbers (each with k-bits) is a fundamental arithmetic operation and is needed in many applications. This paper proposes several maximum-finder ... -
Fast and efficient implementation of lightweight crypto algorithm PRESENT on FPGA through processor instruction set extension
Varıcı, Abdullah; Sağlam, Gürol; İpek, Seçkin; Yıldız, A.; Gören, S.; Aysu, A.; İskender, Deniz; Aktemur, Tankut Barış; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2019)As Internet of Things (IoT) technology becomes widespread, the importance of information security increases. PRESENT algorithm is a major lightweight symmetric-key encryption algorithm for IoT devices. Compared to the ... -
A fast circuit topology for finding the maximum of n k-bit numbers
Yuce, B.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Gören, S.; Dundar, G. (IEEE, 2013)Finding the value and/or address (position) of the maximum element of a set of binary numbers is a fundamental arithmetic operation. Numerous systems, which are used in different application areas, require fast (low-latency) ... -
Fast incremental least square pose estimation for hardware implementation with rolling shutter camera
Güzel, Aydın Emre; Hisar, Dilara; Claesen, L.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2020-10-05)6 DoF position and orientation estimation is vital for many real-time applications. It is essential to meet low latency, high accuracy and reliability requirements, especially when used for real-time haptic feedback ... -
Fast multiplier generator for FPGAs with LUT based partial product generation and column/row compression
Kakacak, Ahmet; Guzel, Aydın Emre; Cihangir, Ozan; Gören, S.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (Elsevier, 2017)We present a new parallel integer multiplier generator for FPGAs. It combines (i) a new Generalized Parallel Counter (GPC) grouping algorithm for column compression with (ii) a LUT based partial product generation, is (iii) ... -
Fast one- and two-pick fixed-priority selection and muxing circuits
Tosun, Mustafa; Özkan, M. Akif; Güzel, Aydin Emre; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2016)Priority encoders and arbiters usually drive multiplexers (muxes). Latency optimization of priority encoders and multiplexer trees has usually been handled separately in the literature. However, in some applications with ... -
Fast parallel prefix logic circuits for n2n round-robin arbitration
Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Baskirt, O. (Elsevier, 2012-08)An n2n round-robin arbiter (RRA) searches its n inputs for a 1, starting from the highest-priority input. It picks the first 1 and outputs its index in one-hot encoding. RRA aims to be fair to its inputs and maintains ... -
Fast two-pick n2n round-robin arbiter circuit
Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Temizkan, Fatih; Baskirt, O.; Yuce, B. (IEEE, 2012-06)A regular (one-pick) round-robin arbiter circuit picks one active requester (if any) out of n requesters. A two-pick round-robin arbiter selects up to two requesters. An n2n two-pick round-robin arbiter indicates the picked ... -
FPGA based DCO-OFDM PHY transceiver for VLC systems
Levent, V. E.; Sağlam, Gürol; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Annafianto, Nur Fajar Rizqi; Aydın, Furkan; Tesfay, Shewit Weldu; Mohamed, Bassam Aly Abdelrahman; Elamassie, Mohammed; Kebapçı, Burak; Uysal, Murat (IEEE, 2019)Satisfying the demand for high bandwidth and low latency in Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems is a difficult challenge. VLC channels exhibit frequency-selectiveness at peak-speeds. This phenomenon generates a serious ... -
FPGA based particle identification in high energy physics experiments
Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Başaran, A.; Akdogan, T.; Güney, V. U.; Gören, S. (IEEE, 2012)High energy physics experiments require on-the-fly processing of signals from many particle detectors. Such signals contain a high and fluctuating rate of pulses. Pulse shape hints particle type, and the amplitude relates ... -
FPGA bitstream protection with PUFs, obfuscation, and multi-boot
Gören, S.; Özkurt, Ö.; Yıldız, Abdullah; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (IEEE, 2011)With the combination of PUFs, obfuscation, and multi-boot, we are able to do the equivalent of partial bitstream encryption on low-cost FPGAs, which is only featured on high-end FPGAs. Low-cost FPGAs do not even have ... -
FPGA implementation of a dense optical flow algorithm using altera OpenCL SDK
Ulutaş, Umut (2017-08)FPGA acceleration of compute-intensive algorithms is usually not regarded feasible because of the long Verilog or VHDL RTL design efforts they require. Data-parallel algorithms have an alternative platform for acceleration, ... -
FPGA implementation of a dense optical flow algorithm using altera openCL SDK
Ulutaş, Umut; Tosun, Mustafa; Levent, Vecdi Emre; Büyükaydın, D.; Akgün, T.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih (Springer International Publishing, 2017)FPGA acceleration of compute-intensive algorithms is usually not regarded feasible because of the long Verilog or VHDL RTL design efforts they require. Data-parallel algorithms have an alternative platform for acceleration, ... -
FPGA implementation of a low latency and high SFDR direct digital synthesizer for resource-efficient quantum-enhanced communication
Annafıanto, Nur Fajar Rızqı; Jabir, M. V.; Burenkov, I. A.; Uğurdağ, Hasan Fatih; Battou, A.; Polyakov, S. V. (IEEE, 2020-09)A Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) generates a sinusoidal signal, which is a significant component of many communication systems using modulation schemes. A CORDIC algorithm offers minimum memory requirements compared to ...
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