Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science
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ArticlePublication Open Access Airport mobile internet an innovation(Elsevier, 2016-08) Martin-Domingo, Luis; Martin, J. C.; Aviation Management; DOMINGO, Luıs MartınThis paper studies the adoption of mobile Internet by airports. Using a new theoretical model, the study tests whether early adopters of mobile Internet for airports can be considered real innovators. Seventy-five international airports from four different geographical areas and of three different sizes are analyzed. The paper complements the analysis with an additional innovation adoption, the PC-Website, and two dimensions are analyzed: the time of adoption and the degree of maturation. Our findings show that there are four real innovator airports: London Heathrow, London Stansted, Amsterdam Schiphol and Copenhagen. Airport innovation is found to be related to geographical location and commercial revenue rather than to airport size. The four real innovator airports iPhone apps are used as case studies to identity best practices for the delivery of airport mobile services.ReviewPublication Open Access Airspace deregulation for UAM: Self-organizing VTOLs in metropoles(University Aviation Association, 2022) Aldemir, Hüseyin Önder; Üçler, Çağlar; Professional Flight Program; Aviation Management; ALDEMİR, Hüseyin Önder; ÜÇLER, ÇağlarSmall-scale aviation has been driven extensively by recent technological developments. Distinct micro/small scale mobility modes are being interlined, where automated Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft (VTOLs) are being conceptualized for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) in the form of air taxi, cargo, disaster relief, or medical help. This implicates many simultaneous flights over cities, which is a significant challenge. Traditional air traffic control is customized for commercial aviation, and it is not suitable for the dynamic variation in the flight routes of UAM. Consequently, a literature review is conducted firstly for air traffic management subject to UAM. Then, as a critical finding, a self-organizing model integrating particularly micro/small scale UAM is proposed utilizing the swarm concept to leverage the autonomous behavior of VTOLs. Rules for self-organization are set, which are then discussed in conjunction with available technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). Finally, the basic concept definition is elaborated to determine challenges and future research.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Analysis of success factors in aviation 4.0 using integrated intuitionistic fuzzy MCDM methods(Springer, 2020) Büyüközkan, G.; Feyzioğlu, O.; Havle, Celal Alpay; Professional Flight Program; Kahraman, C.; Cebi, S.; Onar, S. C.; Oztaysi, B.; Tolga, A. C.; Sari, I. U.; HAVLE, Celal AlpayRecently, emerging digital technologies have launched digital transformation, and it has become a factor that determines the competitiveness of companies, their performance, and digital sustainability. At this point, the aviation industry is one of the areas where digital transformation applications are visible. Both airlines and airports have initiated their digital transformation processes. Just like industry 4.0, the period of aviation 4.0 including airline 4.0 and airport 4.0 has started. Hence, the success of the companies in the aviation industry has become extremely important for their sustainability in terms of aviation 4.0. The aim of this study is then to analyze the success factors of aviation 4.0. The factors are obtained via the literature survey and expert opinions. An integrated approach is used based on intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (IF MCDM) techniques. The weights of the success criteria are calculated by using the IF AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). IF VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) method is used for selection of the most successful company among alternatives. IF helps to eliminate the complexity of real-life problems, an uncertainty of decision-making processes and it allows us to consider hesitation and intuition of decision makers.ArticlePublication Metadata only Analysis of Turkey’s airport network structure and centrality in the opening-out period after the first wave of COVID-19: A complex network approach(Elsevier, 2022-12) Ersöz, Cem; Kılıç, Sena; Aldemir, Hüseyin Önder; Aviation Management; ERSÖZ, Cem; KILIÇ, Sena; ALDEMİR, Hüseyin ÖnderThere are a few studies present analyzing air transport structures of the countries, regions, and the world by using complex network theory. Although Turkey has a complex air network with 56 airports, thorough research has not been carried out applying complex network analysis to reveal the structure of the airport network in Turkey yet. Furthermore, the fact that Turkey is a developing economy and the role of air transport in this development is undeniable, and its use as a transit area due to its geopolitical location, together with social and political factors, makes it important to understand this air transport network in detail. Consequently, in this paper, Turkey's Airport Network (TAN) topology was explored by implementing concepts of complex network theory using domestic and international passenger flight data gathered from FlightRadar during the opening period after the first wave of Covid-19. The average path length and clustering coefficient for connectivity performance and centrality metrics (degree, betweenness, and closeness) were computed and the network correlations were also measured and compared with simulated random, small-world (SW), and scale-free (SF) network models. Also, structural similarities and differences with the air networks of other countries are revealed.ArticlePublication Metadata only Applying deep learning models to twitter data to detect airport service quality(Elsevier, 2021-03) Barakat, Huda Mohammed Mohammed; Yeniterzi, R.; Martin-Domingo, Luis; Aviation Management; DOMINGO, Luıs Martın; Barakat, Huda Mohammed MohammedMeasuring airport service quality (ASQ) is an important process for identifying shortages and suggesting improvements that guide management decisions. This research, introduces a general framework for measuring ASQ using passengers’ tweets about airports. The proposed framework considers tweets in any language, not just in English, to support ASQ evaluation in non-speaking English countries where passengers communicate with other languages. Accordingly, this work uses a large dataset that includes tweets in two languages (English and Arabic) and from four airports. Additionally, to extract passenger evaluations from tweets, our framework applies two different deep learning models (CNN and LSTM) and compares their results. The two models are trained with both general data and data from the aviation domain in order to clarify the effect of data type on model performance. Results show that better performance is achieved with the LSTM model when trained with domain specific data. This study has clear implications for researchers and airport managers aiming to use alternative methods to measure ASQ.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Assessment of using electric pumps on hybrid rockets(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, 2019) Gegeoglu, K.; Kahraman, M.; Üçler, Çağlar; Karabeyoglu, A.; Professional Flight Program; ÜÇLER, ÇağlarIn small hybrid rockets, liquid oxidizer is fed into the combustion chamber by pressurizing the oxidizer tank to achieve the desired injector pressure. However, larger applications employ propellant pumps to keep the propellant tank mass at reasonable levels. Conventionally, pumps are implemented on rockets by means of turbopumps. However, turbopumps are complex systems with serious development time and costs. With the current advancements in batteries and electrical machinery, pumps driven by electric motors become viable actors. In the case of hybrid rockets, operation of a single liquid propellant with a single pump has significant advantages compared to their use in the bipropellant liquid engines. In this paper, an example case of an upper stage hybrid rocket system is introduced and a propellant pump is designed using CFD modeling. The advantage of using electric motor driven pumps has been established via weight analysis and a comparison between alternative feed systems. Turbopump system is not considered due to its complexity as an alternative system. Therefore, comparison is limited to the cold gas pressurization feed system. It has been shown that a significant advantage in total feed system weight is achieved not only with a high-head pump but also with a low-head pump with assistive pressurization. A 69.9 % mass reduction for double-stage pump system and a 45.2 % mass reduction for the single-stage pump system was calculated compared to the reference pressure-fed system.ArticlePublication Metadata only Awareness level of airline pilots on flight-associated venous thromboembolism(National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2020-04) Kılıç, Bilal; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; KILIÇ, Bilal; SORAN, SemihINTRODUCTION: Studies have identified a great number of physiological conditions, including venous thromboembolism and hypoxia, that may give rise to medical disqualifications and in-flight incapacitations that can be costly to individuals and organizations. Over the past three decades, much attention has been focused on venous thromboembolism among passengers. However, studies on venous thromboembolism among commercial airline pilots are very scarce. With this consideration in mind, differently from the literature, this study set out to examine pilots' awareness of venous thromboembolism signs, symptoms, risk factors, and countermeasures. METHODS: For this purpose, a venous thromboembolisrn questionnaire was developed and applied to collect data.There were 427 airline pilots who participated in the questionnaire. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to analyze the results of the questionnaire. RESULTS: According to the results of this study, approximately one-half (57.1%) of the participants had just heard of this particular health issue and 63.9% of the participants were unaware of flight-associated venous thromboembolism. Airline pilots between 20 and 40 yr of age were much less aware of venous thromboembolism in comparison to pilots 41 yr or older, and pilots flying more than 90 h/mo were at a greater risk. DISCUSSION: Airline pilots between 20 and 40 yr have less knowledge about venous thromboembolism and preventive measures against it in comparison to older pilots. Therefore they may be more vulnerable to possible risk factors. The findings of this study will contribute to increasing pilots'awareness on flight-related venous thromboembolism and can improve the overall safety of civil aviation.ArticlePublication Open Access Bringing new customs to an old village: rhetorical legitimation strategies in a peripheral country(Anadolu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2024-03-25) Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, Leyla; Aviation Management; YALÇINKAYA, Leyla AdiloğluActors' efforts against surrounding institutional pressures to pursue legitimacy are critical. Although scholars have mainly focused on the importance of gaining legitimacy, little is known about the context-specific rhetorical strategies of the actors to legitimate the business model in a peripheral country. In this article, based on extensive material, efforts behind the legitimation of a new airline business model in a peripheral country were explored. This study employed a qualitative research method. The data set consisting of multiple secondary data was analyzed based on the content analysis. Drawing on new institutional theory, this study contributes to previous studies on legitimation and business models by showing actors’ arguments content and providing a more nuanced understanding of how actors work on legitimation and how they use context-specific explanations during this legitimation process.ArticlePublication Open Access Çatışma yönetim stratejilerinin izlenim yönetimi taktiklerine etkisi: üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma(Özel Akademi, 2014) Serin, A. E.; Balkan, M. O.; Soran, Semih; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, SemihBu çalışmanın amacı organizasyonlarda sürekli var olan çatışma ve çatışmanın yönetim stratejileri ile çalışanların kullandıkları izlenim yönetimi taktikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu anlamda bir kamu ya da özel sektör kuruluşunda çalışan 171 yüksek lisans öğrencisi üzerinde, çatışma yönetim stratejileri ile izlenim yönetimi taktikleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, Rahim tarafından geliştirilen Rahim Organizational Inventory II (ROCI-II) ve Bolino ve Turnley (1999) tarafından geliştirilen ve Basım (2006) tarafından Türkçeleştirilen İzlemin Yönetimi Taktikleri ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri ile yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, uzlaşmanın izlenim yönetimi taktiklerinden tehdit ve kendini sevdirme ile anlamlı ilişkisi bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, hükmetmenin, tehdit ve işe sahip çıkma ile tümleştirmenin, kendini sevdirme ile işe sahip çıkma ile anlamlı ilişkisi bulunmuştur. Kaçınmanın ise hiçbir izlenim yönetimi taktiği ile anlamlı bir ilişkisine rastlanmamıştırConference ObjectPublication Open Access The causality analysis of air transport and socio-economics factors: the case of OECD countries(Elsevier, 2017) Küçükönal, Hatice; Sedefoğlu, Gülşah; Professional Flight Program; Aviation Management; Kazda, A.; Smojver, I.; KÜÇÜKÖNAL, Hatice; SEDEFOĞLU, GülşahAir transport is one of the most important industries in the world with its rapid growth, and direct and indirect contribution to world economy. In other words, GDP, tourism and employment are the key factors causing that growth in air transport and an increase in those factors boost the demand for air transport. However, uncertainty in economy, rising unemployment and increased terrorist attacks towards tourism would be a big threat to the growth of air transport in the future. To understand the importance of the mentioned factors, we first aim to apply an econometric approach which is panel Granger causality analysis. To achieve that, data from World Bank data set for OECD countries between the year of 2000 and 2013 is used in this study. We apply Pesaran CDLM test and Friedman’s test which are preferred when the number of units (N) is higher than the time (T) to test cross-sectional dependence and we then perform Granger causality analysis in order to see whether there is a causal relationship (unidirectional or bidirectional) or not among air transport, tourism, economic growth and employment. Econometric results indicate that there is a unidirectional short run causal relationship between economic growth, tourism, employment and air transport and that those factors play an important role in the growth of air transport. In this paper, we also aim to discuss the future challenges for air transport within the frame of econometric results and statistical analysis.ArticlePublication Metadata only Centrality and connectivity analysis of the European airports: a weighted complex network approach(Taylor & Francis, 2023-02-23) Ersöz, Cem; Karaman, F.; Aviation Management; ERSÖZ, CemThis study aims to reveal the structure of the European Airport Network (EAN) using concepts from complex network theory by utilising 2019 passenger data collected from Eurostat. Initially, the EAN was explored by computing connectivity and centrality measures and their correlations. The community structure of the EAN was also examined by modularity maximisation using the relatively new Leiden algorithm. When the network was compared with simulated models, it was observed that the EAN had small-world and scale-free properties. To measure the hub performance of the airports, their binary betweenness centrality was compared with a weighted betweenness measure employing the ratio of geographical distance to passenger traffic between the nodes. A significant difference was observed between the two centrality measures.ArticlePublication Metadata only A combined group decision making based IFCM and SERVQUAL approach for strategic analysis of airline service quality(IOS Press, 2020) Buyukozkan, G.; Havle, Celal Alpay; Feyzioglu, O.; Gocer, F.; Professional Flight Program; HAVLE, Celal AlpayTransportation becomes increasingly important for global trade, mobility, and economies. Passengers expect speed and quality from transportation services. As a result, the demand for air transportation is steadily rising. Higher demand for flights brings along new expectations and competition. In particular, airline companies are focused on service quality, knowing that it is a necessity to survive in a competitive market by meeting customer expectations. Hence, it is aimed that to analyze Airline Service Quality (ASQ) in Turkey. A SERVQUAL based model is developed and the criteria of the model is analyzed using group decision making (GDM) based intuitionistic fuzzy cognitive map (IFCM) approach. A real case is conducted in Turkey airline industry. By considering the hesitation, uncertainty and intuition of decision-making processes and the opinions of the decision makers, classical FCM approach is expanded to IF environment. Decision makers who are experts in Turkey airline industry, evaluate the relationship between the criteria. The importance ratings of the criteria are determined. Thanks to dynamic structure of IFCM, scenario analysis is performed to make strategic decisions. Originality of the paper is that it is the first study dealing with GDM based IFCM and SERVQUAL approach for ASQ in Turkey to the best of our knowledge.Book PartPublication Metadata only Competitive strategies in the airline industry(IGI Global, 2022) Sengur, F. K.; Aldemir, Hüseyin Önder; Akınet, M.; Aviation Management; ALDEMİR, Hüseyin ÖnderThe airline industry is a dynamic industry with intense competition. Deregulation, the international competition structure, and economic and COVID-19-like crises make the sector even more fierce. In this chapter, airline industry competitive strategies are discussed. For this purpose, following the introduction part, the concepts of strategy, business strategy, and competitive structure of the airline industry are discussed, and the place of competitive strategies in business strategies is explained. The airline industry structure is analyzed using Porter's five forces model. Two fundamental competitive strategy approaches, Porter's generic strategies and Miles and Snow's competitive strategies, are examined in detail for the airline industry. Following the presentation of the two well-known strategy frameworks, the chapter will end with a conclusion part.ArticlePublication Open Access Customer-focused aircraft seat design: A case study with AHP-QFD(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2023-11-23) Yilmaz Çetin, A.; Üçler, Çağlar; Professional Flight Program; ÜÇLER, ÇağlarAviation is rapidly expanding and recovering from the pandemic impact driven by the experience economy. This is particularly subject to interfaces such as the aircraft seats, which are getting intense attention as a differentiator in the cabin. The focal point of this paper is to assess and convert customer requirements into what must be done for an optimum aircraft seat. To achieve this, a 2-step analytic hierarchy process and quality function deployment (AHP-QFD) methodology was successfully applied, consolidating product quality characteristics. Then, it leverages a novel scoring method of interdependencies to isolate dependable design variables. Consequently, safety, weight, and durability scored maximum, emphasizing backrest design and alternative composite materials, while test infrastructure was determined as a critical investment component. Furthermore, it is shown how AHP-QFD can be used for product strategy and strategic portfolio management of R&D projects.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Determinants of the entrepreneurial intentions: testing the Ajzen’s Model in Turkish sample(Future Academy, 2019) Soran, Semih; Şeşen, H.; Gökalp, Pınar Horasanlı; Professional Flight Program; Ozsahin, M.; Hidirlar, T.; SORAN, SemihMany theories have been put forward in explaining the intentions of individuals to become entrepreneurs. In one of these, Ajzen (1991) sees planned actions as the conclusion of conscious decisions to act determinedly. The intentions that guide these actions are a combination of experiences, individual traits, and own personal motivation. According to Ajzen, the individual tends to be entrepreneurial in the direction of personal expectations and social norms in the society and intends to achieve entrepreneurial behavior by providing personal motivation through perceived behavioral control. In this context, the most critical outcome is the finding that human behavior is a planned action driven by intentions. In this context, it is essential that the university students, who are at the very beginning of their working life, have entrepreneurial intentions. In this studying the light of data that were collected with a questionnaire from 459 university students and Ajzen'sPlanned Behavior Theory tested on student's entrepreneurial intentions. Data were analyzed with correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that attitude and perceived behavioral control are quite useful to explain entrepreneurial intentions of university students.ArticlePublication Metadata only Digital competency evaluation of low-cost airlines using an integrated IVIF AHP and IVIF VIKOR methodology(Elsevier, 2021-03) Büyüközkan, G.; Havle, Celal Alpay; Feyzioğlu, O.; Professional Flight Program; HAVLE, Celal AlpayRecently, low-cost airline (LCA) companies have become more attractive. However, emerging digital technologies have transformed the passengers’ profiles. Digital competency has become a crucial matter to capture digital passenger expectations. Hence, the purpose of the study is to introduce a new digital competency evaluation (DCE) model. The proposed model comprises technology transformation & implementation, and also transformation & adaptation management dimensions, with ten criteria and thirty sub-criteria. Criteria weights are calculated using the IVIF AHP method. The results show that the most significant dimension is transformation and adaptation management. The most digitally competent airline is selected through the IVIF VIKOR method. A case study concerning the LCAs is conducted in Turkey to verify the validity of the proposed model.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Digital technology and the stages of digital business transformation(IEEE, 2022) Mutlu, Irmak; den Hartigh, Erik; Üçler, Çağlar; Entrepreneurship; Professional Flight Program; HARTIGH, Erık Den; ÜÇLER, Çağlar; Mutlu, IrmakCompanies use digital technology to transform their business. Digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation have been proposed as stages in this business transformation process. Researchers have also proposed a variety of maturity models to assess this transformation. The distinctions and the ontology between the stages of digital transformation are not always clearly defined. Using expert interviews and literature review this paper derived a domain-specific ontology from commonly expressed keywords. Based on this, five stages of digital transformation were distinguished and defined: (i) digital passive, (ii) digitization, (iii) digitalization, (iv) digital transition and (v) digital transformation. These five stages may be used in further research as a rubric to assess digital business transformation.ArticlePublication Open Access Drivers and barriers in the diversification of airline business models in Turkey (1980-2020): An institutional logic perspective(Ege Academic Review, 2023-07) Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, Leyla; Aviation Management; YALÇINKAYA, Leyla AdiloğluThe primary objective of this study is to explore the diversification of airline business models in Turkey in four decades and show the reasons and logic behind the diversification from the institutional logic perspective. For this purpose, airline business models were examined, and critical events in the organizational field were explored based on secondary data. The case study research was conducted to explore the diversifications of the business model within institutional logic. The gathered data were examined with the content analysis method. The results show that multiple institutional logic (state and commercial logic) in the field can pave the way or prevent diversifying airline business models. Multiple logics shape the regulations and approaches of the state and other organizations in the field, and these changes may play a role as a barrier or driver for diversification. Each barrier and driver may affect each airline’s business model differently. This study contributes to business models and institutional logics literature by providing evidence of the effect of the pattern of approaches of the actors on the airline business models and by showing the relations between these approaches and institutional logicArticlePublication Open Access The effect of COVID‐related EU state aid on the level playing field for airlines(MDPI, 2022-02) Martin-Domingo, Luis; Martín, J. C.; Aviation Management; DOMINGO, Luıs MartınState aid for airlines around the world has been a common practice during the COVID‐19 pandemic, as the air transport was one of the sectors most heavily affected. This study analyzes 27 cases of state aid to EU airlines between 1 March 2020 and 30 September 2021 with a total amount of €85 billion. The information was obtained from the area of competition of the European Commission (EC), which is the entity responsible for final approval. Results indicate that the largest EU economies (Germany and France), as well as some Northern European countries, are supporting national airlines more extensively. Airlines with a weaker financial performance before the pandemic were more likely to receive state aid. Government involvement in the airline industry during the recent health crisis will have an important influence on the level playing field (LPF) for airlines. It is still unclear how this will evolve in the future, but it seems that some airlines now resemble the public flag companies of the past.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access The effect of job satisfaction and self-efficacy to the intrapreneurial behaviors(Future Academy, 2019) Soran, Semih; Şeşen, H.; Güven, B.; Professional Flight Program; SORAN, SemihOrganizations need to constantly make innovations due to the rapid changes in the political, economic, technological and social areas. In this sense, entrepreneurship is one of the concepts that have become more valuable in recent times. Since those which cannot manage to change might lose their competitive advantages and hence organizational effectiveness, the organizations should act as an entrepreneur, discover and employ the individuals having high entrepreneurial spirit and establish a new organizational environment to promote intrapreneurship. Today, the intrapreneurship is now essential for both private and public bodies and agencies. The citizenry who are habituated to the innovative services provided by private firms expect the same services and modern approaches from public institutions. Therefore, public service providers should also reveal the entrepreneurial qualifications of their personnel. In this context, intrapreneurial employees play critical roles in organizational change and development. 175 information technology managers from various businesses have participated in this research. Data were analysed with correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that job satisfaction and self-efficacy are quite effective to explain intrapreneurial behaviours of technology managers.