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Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Acoustical comfort in office buildings(Global Science and Technology Forum, 2019) Artan, D.; Ergen, E.; Tekçe, Işılay; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; TEKÇE, IşılayThis paper aims to provide insight to decision makers such as designers, facility managers and renovators of office buildings on how office occupants perceive acoustical comfort. In the first step, a detailed literature analysis was performed to determine the main criteria that can be used to measure acoustical comfort in office buildings. In the second step, interviews were undertaken with 12 facility managers, and work orders related to acoustical comfort were extracted from facility management and computerized maintenance management software systems. As a result, a list of occupant feedback and complaint types related to acoustical comfort were determined and a hierarchical structure was established. In the third step, a survey was conducted with 308 office employees to determine (1) the importance and satisfaction levels in acoustical comfort criteria and (2) number of respondents who have complaints in each complaint type. The findings present the common reasons behind acoustical discomfort and consequences of poor acoustical performance. It can be concluded that the occupants are more dissatisfied with the lack of acoustical privacy than with the level of noise or echo. In terms of noise level, occupants are most dissatisfied by ‘noise due to conversations’ compared to other sources of noise such as footsteps, ventilation or office equipment.ReviewPublication Open Access The album of the world emperor: Cross-cultural collecting and the art of album-making in seventeenth-century Istanbul(İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi, 2021) Taner, Melis; Architecture; TANER, MelisN/APresentationPublication Open Access The analysis of a paediatric treatment environment in the context of nurses' and companions’ behaviours through space syntax and behaviour maps(2021-12-02) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Ünlü, Alper; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; ÜNLÜ, AlperPediatric treatment environments are settings that should be designed in a child-centered spatial manner that treats the child as a holistic entity with his/her physical, cognitive, social, and psychological needs. According to David and Weinstein (1987), children are not the only users of these settings, the needs of adults as well as children should be considered, as these environments are also used by their parents. Platt Report (1959) which demonstrates family-centered design procedures in children’s hospitals, also informs that if a mother is staying with her child, she should also be considered as a member of the team involved in the treatment process. So, in addition to medical doctors and nurses, companions are among the main actors of children's treatment settings whose social and psychological needs should be taken into consideration. However, the fact that companions are vital members of the treatment process is usually ignored in the architectural design of many children's treatment services in Turkey. The case study which is carried out in a Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Service with the participation of 30 companions and 13 nurses, through which the significance of the data obtained by behavioral maps and spatial syntax methods are statistically investigated, shows that companions are at least as active as nurses and they take a vigorous role in the treatment of their children and also need social interaction and privacy. As a result of the correlations established between the behavioral data of nurses and companions, and the syntactic data of each space, it is analyzed whether the syntactic data regarding the physical structure of the space are related to the behavioral frequencies of each participant group. Considering the significant data that emerged in the analyzes, it is revealed that the behavior frequencies of the companions are as high as the nurses.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Analysis of behavioural patterns of children and their companions in a paediatric healthcare environment: searching the association between behaviour maps and space syntax(Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, 2017) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Unlu, A.; Architecture; Heitor, T.; Serra, M.; Silva, J. P.; Bacharel, M.; Silva, L. C. da; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülThe relationship between human psychology and space is studied through an ecological approach by Barker (1968) concerning that the harmony between human behaviours and physical and social attributes of space is dependent on the synomorphy of the place offering individuals a balanced amount of basic psychological needs of human beings; privacy and publicity. He puts forward the notions of ritual, display and surveillance as the dominating factors of space and develops the discourse called behaviour setting; stating that spaces have an impact on imposing individuals to behave in certain manners. Within this discourse, each space has a certain structure of behaviour setting so that individuals initially observe the behaviour patterns of others and later on follow the same social norms and behaviours when they first participate into a specific space. According to Barker, this kind of interaction of the individual with the environment has an effect on diminishing environmental stress arisen from the environment and enhancing adaptation of the individual. In this manner, this paper focuses on the correspondent interaction between physical and social attributes of paediatric healthcare spaces where children are treated. Although paediatric spaces are supposed to be designed through a holistic approach respecting children's physical, cognitive, social and psychological needs, these spaces are nonetheless stressful settings especially for inpatient children to get accustomed to various physical attributes together with social attributes that are decision makers on the patient's physical integrity. For that reason, during the child's treatment period, the accompaniment of a parent is a necessity within a paediatric healthcare environment for the well-being of children to ensure them to require physical and psychological support. Accordingly, children and their companions who have diverse physical and social needs, simultaneously share the spaces of the paediatric healthcare environment displaying certain kinds of behaviour patterns. The main aim of the article is to search for the relationship between various sociobehavioural patterns of two social groups (paediatric inpatients and their companions) and physical attributes of an existing paediatric healthcare environment through a methodology of behaviour maps and space syntax. Within the context of case study, behavioural frequency data of paediatric inpatients and companions is gathered, correlated by the syntactic values of the actual spatial structure and evaluated to search for any significant outcomes by regression analyses. The investigation is conducted by the participation of 30 children and 30 companions in a Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Service in Istanbul Cerrahpasa University.ArticlePublication Open Access Analysis of behavioural processes in cultural centres through concepts of configuration and time: A three building comparison in Istanbul(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, 2023) Bayram, Ç.; Ünlü, Alper; Architecture; ÜNLÜ, AlperCultural centres have changed throughout history in terms of their configuration and usage. Changing design approaches, socio-cultural patterns, technical improvements, and user demands have also changed the usage, content, and function added resulting in changing the spatial configuration and architectural program. In Istanbul, some cultural centres still have some hard-programmed characteristics or strict rules in terms of architectural programming relating to the defined functions in everyday life and social interactions. Other cultural centres maintain flexibility in their architectural program to include various social activities. This study aims to syntactically demonstrate how the social interaction spaces of cultural centres tended to change from the period of 1938 to 2005 by the correlation between syntactic values of configuration and the frequencies of usage. As a result, it can be seen that the spatial configurations have determinants on spatial behaviour. In one centre that is examined, circulation space is more integrated and connective. Therefore, it is used as a social interaction area that supports random encounters. Hence, weak programming rarely has coherence between usage frequency and syntactical values. On the contrary, in the other centres that are examined, the users strictly follow the rules of spatial configurations. Strong programming also has more significant correlations between syntactic values and usage frequency. The crucial role of spatial morphology and user behaviour are highlighted to support social interaction in strong-weak programming. How the architectural program in cultural centres tends to change is argued.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Analysis of the creativity development and assessment of architectural design education: A case study of basic design studio(IOP Publishing, 2019) Güngör, Beyza Şat; Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; Architecture; ŞAT, Beyza; YORGANCIOĞLU, DeryaBasic design education retains its seminal role in most of the architectural curricula today. Having the primary goal of getting acquainted students with knowledge and skills of design basics, basic design education supports the development of creative ways of thinking combined with hands-on learning experiences. The assignments address the articulation of the basic design in 2D and 3D elements such as lines, planes, volumes, structures and forms, while students are encouraged to experiment the potentials of different materials and techniques. Course included 9 different 2D and 3D exercises that focus on design principles and elements together by adding different design problems in process. For instance, structural problems as self-standing or modular 3D units' penetrations and strengthens for complex design problems are added for further assignments in the schedule. In this process 'creativity development' is assessed and evaluated by considering the whole course schedule at the example of individual student assignments. The objective of this paper is to make an analysis of creativity development with regard to the assessment and evaluation procedures, taking the process and products of a basic design studio as a case study. The methodological framework of this paper is based on the examination of two sets of data; (1) 'quantitative data' that includes the grades of assignments that are designed as part of ARCH 101 Design course of architecture program at Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design in "ARCH 101 in Fall term of 2017-2018 academic program; (2) 'qualitative data' that includes the studio observations and reflective interpretations of instructors regarding the creativity development process for individually student assignments. Grades give the idea of which student exercise has been understood well and reached its learning objectives by considering the whole class. Majority tendency of the grades help assessment of the schedule from the aspect of creativity development. The evaluation of creativity includes manifold aspects of assessment. Teachers' style, schedule of the course, personal factors such as students' personal backgrounds, former education, and the styles of thinking and learning, being individual or collective are all effective on creativity.ArticlePublication Open Access Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin duyulmamış tarihi(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2014) Köksal, Ayşe Hazar; Industrial Design; BİNGÖL, Ayşe Hazar KöksalTarih boyunca toplumsal bellek ve karşı bellek birbiri ile mücadele halindedir. Farklı iktidar ve bilgi ilişkilerinin anlatılarına göre yeniden inşa edilen tarih, toplumsal belleğin, yani bir toplumun neyi hatırlayıp unutacağının sınırlarını çizmektedir. Sanat müzeleri, bu süreçte, görünür kıldığı objeler aracılığıyla, hem bu resmi tarihi meşrulaştırır, hem de tarihin ortak bir toplumsal bellek oluşturmasına aracılık eder. Ancak çoğulcu toplumsal yapı, farklı toplumsal bağlamlar, pratikler ve geçmişlerden beslenen bir öteki tarihi oluşturmayı sürdürmektedir. Toplumsal belleğin sınırlarına rağmen, sessiz ve görünmez bir ortak geçmişi paylaşanlar zaman içerisinde bir karşı bellek oluşturmaya başlar. Bu durum, karşı belleği de kapsayacak yeni bir tarih anlatısı arayışını beraberinde getirir. Müze, toplumsal ve karşı bellek üzerinden yapılan bu iktidar mücadelesinin en etkin aracılarından biri olur. Bu makale, 1970’lerde Ankaralı sanatçıların karşı belleklerinden beslenen bir sanat tarihi anlatısını oluşturma ve bunu kendi sanat müzelerini kurarak meşrulaştırma çabalarını aktarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi 1980 yılında kurulduğunda bu mücadelenin katkısı önemli olmuştur. Bu çerçevede makale, Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin resmi kurum tarihinden ziyade, müzenin kurulmasının ardındaki sessiz dinamikleri ve dolayısıyla kurumun duyulmamış tarihini anlatmayı hedeflemektedir. Erken Cumhuriyet döneminde sanat dünyasında etkin olan Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi, kendisine bağlı olarak kurulan Resim ve Heykel Müzesi aracılığıyla Türkiye’deki sanat tarihi anlatısının sınırlarını belirleyen en önemli kurum olmuştur. Müzede Akademi’nin ulus devlet anlatısına dayalı sanat tarihi yazımı görünür olmuş ve bu anlatı toplumsal sanat belleğini oluşturmuştur. Türkiye konjonktürünün sürekli değişmesine rağmen müzenin aynı pratiği devam ettirmesi 1970’lerde eleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu eleştiriler, aynı zamanda, çeşitlenen sanat ortamında Akademi’nin müze üzerinden yeniden meşruiyetini kurma çabasına da yöneliktir. Aynı dönemde Ankara’daki sanat ortamı Ankaralılık üzerinden bir kimlik oluşturmaya ve bu kültürel kimlikten beslenen üretimler ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Bu süreç, Ankaralı sanatçıların karşı belleklerinin oluşturduğu eserleri görünür kılacak bir müze ve sanat tarihi taleplerini artırmıştır. Mesele, Erken Cumhuriyet döneminden beri değişmeyen sanat tarihi yazımına ve bunun müzede teşhir biçimine alternatif bir anlatı inşa etme çabasıdır. Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi, Ankaralı sanatçıların sanat tarihi üzerinden verdikleri bu iktidar mücadelesi için bir alan olarak kurulmuştur. Ancak, nihayetinde Ankara Müzesi de koleksiyonu, teşhiri ve tasnifiyle İstanbul Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin bir benzerini oluşturmuş, Ankaralı sanatçıların bir raddeye kadar görünür olmasına izin verilen ve resmi sanat tarihinin sınırlarının hissedildiği bir müze ortaya çıkmıştır. Toplumsal bellek, birleştirici bir gösteri olarak karşı belleği yok etmiş ve kendine benzerlik bulaştırmıştır. Bu kapsamda, başta o dönemde müze kurulmasına yönelik etkin yayınlar yapan Ankara Sanat Dergisi’nde çıkan yazılar taranmış, döneme dair diğer yayınlar aracılığıyla dönemin konjonktürü anlaşılmış, eldeki belgelerden ise müzenin resmi tarihinin dışında kalan bazı konulara açıklık getirmek için yararlanılmıştır.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Architettura e archeologia: la composizione conforme dello strato contemporaneo(Società Scientifica nazionale dei docenti di Progettazione Architettonica, SSD ICAR 14, 15 e 16: Naples, 2019) Camiz, Alessandro; Architecture; Calderoni, A.; Di Palma, B.; Nitti, A.; Oliva, G.; CAMIZ, AlessandroNel recente dibattito sul rapporto tra architettura e archeologia (Capozzi, Fusco and Visconti 2019), (Mariniello 2016) prevale la tesi per la quale il progetto contemporaneo dovrebbe configurarsi nel sito archeologico affermando figurativamente la sua contemporaneità. Tale asserzione caratterizza gran parte della recente sperimentazione progettuale italiana nei contesti archeologici (Basso Peressut and Caliari 2014), (Cellini et al. 2009) ma soprattutto alimenta la polemica che contrappone molto spesso architetti e organismi preposti alla tutela, rendendo molto difficile la vita dei progetti. Questo contributo mette in discussione la necessità di tale affermazione figurativa. In un’area archeologica, prima del progetto architettonico, è stata effettuata una operazione progettuale di sottrazione, lo scavo, che si configura come unità stratigrafica negativa (Harris 1989).ArticlePublication Open Access Assessing urbanization dynamics in Turkey’s Marmara Region using corine data between 2006 and 2018(MDPI, 2021-02) Genel, Özlem Altınkaya; Guan, C.; Architecture; ALTINKAYA GENEL, ÖzlemThis study investigated the urban growth dynamics of urban regions. The study area was the Marmara Region, one of the most densely populated and ecologically diverse areas in Turkey. Using CORINE land cover data for 2006, 2012, and 2018, the study utilized multiple correspondence analyses and cluster analyses, to analyze land cover changes. The resulting maps, visualized in GIS, revealed the rapid urban transformation of the regional structure, formerly comprised of four distinct areas, into a more complex structure, in which densification and sprawl occur simultaneously. Our findings demonstrated a dissonance between the spatial dynamics of the Marmara Region during the study period, and the capacity and scope of the simultaneously initiated regional policies and mega‐projects. This uncoordinated approach has endangered the region’s sustainable development. The paper, therefore, discusses the importance of land use planning and transboundary collaboration for sustainable regional development. Beyond the local case, the results contribute to critical theories in regional planning by linking theory and practice.ArticlePublication Open Access Assessment of synchronous online architecture education from students’ perspective(Anadolu University, 2023-10) Kaptan, M. A.; Edis, E.; Ünlü, Gülten Aslıhan; Architecture; ÜNLÜ, Gülten AslıhanThis research aims to identify and investigate different dimensions and underlying factors influencing the successful implementation of e-Learning, from participants' viewpoint, i.e. architecture students. To examine the constituents ofan effective e-Learning experience in education, evaluation themes were formulated as overall substitutability level, cognitive performance, social interaction and engagement, student comprehension and comfort, personal preference, and learners' satisfaction. Through literature survey and review of mostly referred factors affecting e-Learning efficiency, four dimensions were designated for further elaboration in this study: (i) course characteristics, (ii) participant characteristics, (iii) e-Learning environment, and (iv) prior acquaintance, with each category including several sub-measures. Survey method was employed and a questionnaire was administered to 122 architecture students at both undergraduate and graduate levels to investigate participant perspectives in reference to particular synchronous lectures delivered online. Out of ten potential influencing factors hypothesized, seven were verified to be critical determinants of e-Learning effectiveness in architectural education.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Attractors, repellers and fringe belts: origins and medieval transformations of Arsinoe, Ammochostos, al-Mau’dah, Famagusta, Magusa(U+D Edition, Rome, 2019) Camiz, Alessandro; Architecture; Carlotti, P.; Ficarelli, L.; Ieva, M.; CAMIZ, AlessandroThis research poses a number of historical questions about the urban settlement of Famagusta: is it a Medieval, Crusader or a Frankish city? Is there any evidence of an earlier (pre-Lusignan) phase in the urban fabric and in the city walls? Can the application of the attractor theory give some results in the reconstruction of the medieval and late antique phases of Famagusta? We can analyse the urban structure of a city synchronically or diachronically, the theory of attractors, assuming that the deformations of urban routes follow the changing morphology of urban limits and centres, can shed some light on a reconstruction of the city. We can consider the city itself as a material historical document, without any opposition with archaeological data and other documents, such as quantitative notarial sources, cadastres, plans and city views. Most of the written histories identify this settlement with that of Arsinoe, and Ammochostos, interpreting Famagusta as the franchized version of Ammochostos. Starting with a toponymic interpretation the paper seeks evidence of a Roman or earlier phase of the urban settlement, by considering written and epigraphic sources, and analysing the urban tissues with the attractor theory. This analysis is essential to the understanding of the different parts of the urban settlement. The research is an experimental application of some of the urban morphology theories, namely the fringe belts and the attractor analysis, to the understanding of the early history of Famagusta.ArticlePublication Open Access Bedensel deneyime dayalı yer bilgisinin yeniden yapılandırılması için bir yöntem irdelemesi: Deneyimsel haritalama(Yildiz Technical University Faculty Of Architecture, 2020) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Çalak, I.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, DeryaBu makalede “Re-Mapping the Visibles and Invisibles of Vefa-Zeyrek-Fener-Balat” adlı çalıştayın kavramsal çerçevesi ve bulgularına yer verilmiştir. Çalıştay öncelikle, mimarlık eğitiminin okul mekânını aşarak gerçek hayata dokunmasını, öğrencilerin yer, kent ve bedenle etkileşimlerinin artırılmasını ve mekân kavramına ilişkin özgün bir bakış ve algı kazanmalarını hedeflemiştir. Çalıştayın kavramsal çerçevesi bedensel deneyimin yer olgusunu tanımlamadaki rolü ve kentlerin görünen ve görünmeyen bileşenleri bağlamında bedenin deneyimlediği mekân üzerine odaklanmaktadır. İstanbul’da mimari, tarihi ve kültürel çok katmanlılığı nedeniyle Vefa-Zeyrek-Fener-Balat semtlerinden oluşan bir güzergâh çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Bedensel-duyusal algı eylemini mekân deneyiminin odağına oturtarak, kent mekânının görünür olan ve görünür olmayan unsurlarına dair bilgi katmanlarının açığa çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bağlamın özgünlüğü çalıştayın yöntemsel yaklaşımıyla örtüşmüştür. Çalıştay günlük yaşam döngüsünde yerin deneyimlenmesi, deneyim bilgisinin kaydedilmesi, kaydedilen bilginin parçalanarak yeniden yorumlanması ve 2 ve 3 boyutlu deneyim haritaları oluşturulması aşamalarını kapsamıştır. Deneyim haritası, fenomenolojik bir bakış açısıyla, yer ve mekân bilgisinin yeri deneyimleyen beden-özneler tarafından kurgulanmasını ve temsil edilmesini içeren bir yaklaşım olarak benimsenmiştir. Buna göre beden-öznelerin bireysel olarak edindiği ve kaydettiği beneyim bilgisi, daha sonra grup çalışması aracılığıyla üretilen bir tasarım bilgisine dönüşmüştür. Bu tasarım bilgisi kent katmanlarının üst üste geldiği ve/veya iç içe geçtiği bir örüntüyle oluşturulan deneyimsel haritalarda ifade bulmuştur.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access BIM documentation for architecture and archaeology: the shipwreck museum in the Kyrenia castle, Cyprus(Gangemi Editore, 2019) Capparelli, F.; Camiz, Alessandro; Architecture; Conte, A.; Guida, A.; CAMIZ, AlessandroIn May 2018 we joined the “International Survey and Design Seminar & Workshop: Reading and designing the Kyrenia Castle”, at the Girne American University (Cyprus). During the workshop, we started a survey aimed at a general re-evaluation of the archeological data available on the site, in order to draw an updated plan of the castle. The work process started from the historical analysis together with the geometric one. We acquired Laser scans and built a 3D model combining it with a digital photogrammetric survey. In order to make all 3D data interoperable, we developed a Building Information Modelling (BIM) project focused on the Shipwreck Museum in the castle. This new approach not only represents the existing historic fabric but also allows the visualization and the complex analysis of the interventions proposed in various scenarios. We modelled the objects and managed them parametrically for a synthetic definition of the individual elements. The paper illustrates the procedure and the methodology by presenting the outcomes of the research.ArticlePublication Metadata only A BIM-GIS integrated pre-retrofit model for building data mapping(Springer Nature, 2016-10) Göçer, Özgür; Hua, Y.; Göçer, Kenan; Architecture; GÖÇER, Özgür; GÖÇER, KenanIn response to rising energy costs and the impetus to reduce environmental impacts, upgrading the large building stock that is responsible for 40% of the total energy consumption to maximum energy efficiency is becoming an important task. Despite the many benefits associated with retrofit projects, they are still only slowly being implemented because of the many challenges that exist. One of these challenges is optimizing the decision between renovation scenarios based on economic and environmental goals, which can be made possible with an accurate pre-retrofit model. The intention of this paper is to introduce a pre-retrofit model that efficiently obtains and integrates multiple forms of building data as a critical step to develop a comprehensive understanding of a building to be renovated. Opportunities for utilizing building information modeling (BIM) and geographical information systems (GIS) for retrofitting projects were explored through the study of a historical campus building. With the use of as-is geometric data and as-is data, building data maps were obtained. The next step of this study is to use the model to conduct scenarios comparison and optimize renovation decision based on economic and environmental goals.ArticlePublication Open Access Branding ‘New Istanbul’s’ residential real estate: A thematic analysis of residential real estate ads for ‘Canal Istanbul’ and environs(Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, 2022) Uluengin, Demet Mutman; Uluengin, M. B.; Ceylanlı, Zeynep; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; Architecture; ULUENGİN, Demet Mutman; CEYLANLI, ZeynepN/AArticlePublication Metadata only Bypass in urban space: creative scenarios(Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, 2021) Sarı, T.; Aras, A.; Kılıç, Sıddı Zeynep Yılmaz; Kılıç, Sıddı Zeynep YılmazConsidering functional and experiential congestion in Kadıköy, the paper deals with the concept of “Bypass in Urban Space” in the context of the user-centred design. The case study is limited with the axis extending from Söğütlüçeşme and General Asım Gündüz Street which is connected to the main artery. Kadıköy, as one of the rapidly growing and transforming urban centres in Istanbul, reflects variable traumas in terms of human-environment behaviour relationships. A research model is developed to identify these traumas and produce a solution through bypassing the congestion in the area. Within the scope of the study, it is aimed to contribute to the dynamic structure of the city by creating new functional experience spaces in the capillary streets. On the other hand, it is aimed to design the spaces that lead the user to stop and perceive the environment beyond its transition function of the main artery within the dense pedestrian and vehicle traffic. By the research model, it is suggested multi-functional creative scenarios through the problems and hypotheses identified within the framework of the user-environment connection. Environmental and behavioural research, conceptual readings, sketch of ideas and visualization of conceptual studies, the designer scenarios are the main phases of the research as well as developing a proposal within the scope of contribution to the field. Most of design solutions analyses several dynamics such as bypass, main artery, in-between space, spatial conjunction, integration in urban space. So, it is aimed to design integrative mobile spaces for continuity of user-environment relationship beyond establishing a physical and visual connection.Book PartPublication Open Access The chain tower in Kyrenia’s harbour, Cyprus(Universidad de Granada, Universitat Politècnica de València, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, 2020-05) Camiz, Alessandro; Griffo, M.; Baydur, S.; Valletta, E.; Architecture; García-Pulido, L. J.; Navarro Palazón, J.; CAMIZ, AlessandroIn the Middle Ages a chain suspended between two towers defended the entrance of Kyrenia’s little harbour, like the chain across the Golden Horn in Constantinople. William de Oldenburg, who visited Cyprus in 1211 during the reign of King Hugh I, referred to Kyrenia as “a small town well-fortified, which has a castle with walls and towers”. He perceived the chain tower as part of Kyrenia’s fortification system in that time. The Byzantines had already fortified the city, but in the thirteenth century, during the Longobard war, before the siege of the city, Frederick II’s party, under the direction of Captain Philippo Genardo, improved the defences of the city. The chain tower is still visible today in the north side of the old Kyrenia harbour. It consists of an 8,15 m diameter cylindrical tower and a 1,5 m diameter pillar on top of it. The tower was supporting a chain attached on the other side to another structure. The fortifications on the north side terminated against the harbour in a square tower or bastion holding the chain to be raised and lowered by means of a windlass. The paper includes the digital photogrammetric survey of the chain tower using a structure from motion software, the historical research and the comparison with other coeval harbour defence constructions of the eastern Mediterranean.Book PartPublication Metadata only Challenges in synchronous e-learning in architectural education(Springer, 2021) Altıntaş Kaptan, M.; Edis, E.; Ünlü, Gülten Aslıhan; Architecture; ÜNLÜ, Gülten AslıhanDistance learning is a centuries-old method, from first correspondence courses to educational broadcasting. It eventually evolved into e-learning, where the acquisition of knowledge is managed via electronic media and nowadays, the Internet became the prominent medium for information delivery. The use of internet technology and applications allowed two-way communication between students/audience and lecturer/presenter, either simultaneously, or with a time-lag. Despite its long-standing history, e-learning methods still preserve their novelty in terms of changing the traditional ways of face-to-face learning methods in which both lecturer and audience are considerably much familiar with. In an Erasmus + partnership project titled Re-use of Modernist Buildings (RMB), the use of both synchronous and asynchronous e-learning methods was concerted within the context of a joint master’s programme that is planned to be established by the partner universities. Concerning the decision to employ e-learning, some synchronous seminar and lecture sessions were tried and tested both during an RMB project workshop and within other university courses. A survey was conducted after each session in order to understand students’ opinions on e-learning in comparison with traditional classroom learning. In this paper, open-ended responses collected through the survey are examined in detail, and comparative analysis of personal opinions and comments in relation to certain Likert scale questions are reported in order to review and discuss participants’ perspective on the synchronous e-learning session attended. In this respect, a brief introduction regarding the RMB project and e-learning is provided primarily, followed by the synchronous session cases and evaluation method, and finally, the findings are presented and discussed with examples.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Changing household pattern, the meaning and the use of home: Semantic and syntactic shifts of a century–old house and its journey through generations(Beijing JiaoTong University, 2019) Turgut, Hülya; Şalgamcıoğlu, M. E.; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaA home is more than just ‘a territorial core’ and not just ‘an ordering principle in space’. Home is a complex entity that defines and is defined by cultural, socio-demografic, psychological, political and economic factors. The household living in itself makes a house a ‘Home’, although house is a physical and static system, household has a living structure. Therefore, the house and the life embraced by itself build a dynamic system, which dimensions are culture, behavior, environment and time. In course of time, socio-cultural changes affect behavioral settings of households and changing household patterns alter use of homes. These interactions between household pattern and use of home have the vital importance for understanding of man-environment interaction system and grasping the transforming nature of architectural design practice. The main aim of this paper is to show that the design, the meaning, and the use of home are intimately related to a range of socio-cultural, behavioral and spatial dimensions and that all reflect reciprocal relations. Time is a crucial dimension for understanding the domestic space transformation. Grasping the meaning of domestic spaces’ essential dynamism is possible through understanding the use of home space and its spatial, socio-cultural and temporal orders. The paper will consist of four main chapters. Following the introduction, the second chapter covers a conceptual overview on the variables of the "Household Pattern-Use of Home" interaction system; which can be grouped in cultural, behavioral, environmental and temporal components. The theoretical approach to meaning and use of home will be based on the transactional perspective that "Home" is an integrative scheme that creates a bond between the person and the place. Home is also a set of interactions between the experience of the dwelling and the wider spatial, socio-cultural and temporal context. The third chapter includes a case study held on a traditional Turkish house and its users in “Eski Malatya” region which is an agro-town in Malatya, region of East-Anatolia. Interactions between changing household pattern and use of home have been studied in seven characteristic periods over 100 years. In this chapter, a syntactic examination on the change of fourth, fifth and sixth periods will also be focused. Since this research is based on previous study of Hülya Turgut, and Mete Ünügür (1997), the extended study will also focus on especially the changing semantic and syntactic pattern of fourth, fifth and sixth periods of the research including a 47 years period. By focusing to the transformation in meaning and the spatial organization of the house, changing integration and mean depth values on the ground floor of the configurational setting will be scrutinized with the semantic shifts. During these periods many dramatic socio-cultural and political changes occurred both in Turkey that are the first and second world wars; collapsing of the Ottoman Empire; foundation of a new state and nation; technological developments and finally urbanizatıon and globalization process. The case study explores the story of a house built in 1878 and left in 1982 reflecting all cultural, behavioral and spatial changes through the life-cycle of “Cumali Aga (who is the landlord of the area and the grandfather of the author) Family”. Finally, overlapping the data of space syntax (analysis of integration and mean depth) and the meaning of space (the change on behavioral settings) is important for the main discussion. How space syntax may be a tool to understand the changing patterns in the case of this paper is a major issue. As a concluding remark, results on the overlapping syntactic and semantic data will also be discussed for the identification of the future studies.ArticlePublication Metadata only Changing pedagogic identities of tutors and students in the design studio: Case study of desk and peer critiques(Intellect Ltd., 2020-04-01) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya; Tunali, S.; Architecture; YORGANCIOĞLU, DeryaThis article explores the tools and processes of effective learning in the design studio with a special emphasis on the pedagogic roles of the tutors and the students in desk critique and peer critique. It aims to identify the ways that pedagogical roles of the tutor and the student change due to the nature of their communication and the degree of their engagement in learning processes. The inquiry is based on the findings of a qualitative case study involving tutors, students and graduates from a bachelor of architecture degree programme. Data were gathered via focus group and in-depth interviews, studio observations and analysed through qualitative content analysis. The findings indicated that the pedagogic identity of a tutor could help scaffold the formation of a community of learners in the design studio. However, the lack of negotiation and trust between a tutor and students in the feedback processes weakens the students' effective learning experiences.