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Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Adaptation to internet-based services by seniors in Turkey(The Design Society, 2018) Kuzuluk, Nisan; Balkaya, Melike; Güner, Güney; Ekströmer, P.; Schütte, S.; Ölvander, J.; Kuzuluk, Nisan; Balkaya, Melike; Güner, GüneyThe motivation of this article is to analyze and define the barriers and opportunities in senior people’s adaptation to the Internet-based services in Turkey. Digitalization has emerged in developed countries where people’s lifestyle was molded by it, then the technology diffused to the developing countries including Turkey. With this emergence, internet-based applications have entered into people’s daily life activities such as shopping and using banking services. However, Turkey can be seen as a late-adopter of these digital technologies, yet Turkish companies have been fairly quick in adaptation and improving internet-based services to local needs. Today, many young and middle-aged users in Turkey are using above-mentioned services, and they take internet-based applications for granted in their daily life activities. On the other hand, senior people could not catch up with the diffusion of these kinds of internet-based services. There seem to be barriers to the adaptation of elderly people to the digitalized world and it seems to prevent usage of internet-based applications which makes accomplishing those tasks easier. A design researcher’s perspective can point out opportunity areas and provide innovative solutions to overcome barriers to adaptation. In this study, our approach is to conduct ethnographic interviews with senior people in Turkey in order to understand how they use internet-based services and how digitalization in this aspect is affecting their life. The second part of this study is to understand internet-based service providers’ perspective. By conducting interviews at service provider companies, we aim to understand their approach regarding the inclusion of senior users. As a result, service providers and end users will be examined simultaneously, therefore deeper analysis and conclusions will be obtained. To our knowledge, there is no research study investigating adaptation to internet-based services of seniors in Turkey from a design research perspective. As a conclusion, this study investigates the barriers in the adaptation of internet-based services by senior people in Turkey, and the study aims to find opportunities where design can help with the integration of the digital world and senior people.ArticlePublication Open Access Ahlak dışı nesneler: Ulus’ta kentsel dönüşümün bir psikocoğrafyası(Vehbi Koç Ankara Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (VEKAM), 2016-09-25) Taşdizen, Burak; Kaygan, H.; Industrial Design; TAŞDİZEN, BurakBir zamanlar genç Cumhuriyet'in siyasi ve ekonomik merkezi olan Ankara'daki Ulus semti, kentin hem cumhuriyetçi hem de manevi geleneklerine ev sahipliği yapmayı sürdürmektedir. Önce gecekondularla sarılmış, sonrasında Kızılay'ın, başkentin yeni ekonomik merkezi olmaya başlamasıyla geri plana itilmiş semt, düşük gelir gruplarına terk edilmiştir. Günümüzde Ulus'un kendine özgü, çok katmanlı karakteri, kentteki önemli bir dini alan olan Hacıbayram'ın temsil ettiği manevi ve ahlaki değerleri gölgede bıraktığı iddiasıyla hedef gösterilmekte ve bu gerekçeyle bir kentsel dönüşüme tanıklık etmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı, psikocoğrafi bir yöntem kullanarak Ulus'un pazarlarında görüldüğü iddia edilen bu "ahlak dışılığın" izini sürmektir. Mevcut kentsel dönüşüm literatürünün sınıfsal yer değiştirmeye yaptığı vurguyu destekleyecek şekilde, dönüştürücülerin söylemsel müdahalelerinin deneyime dair temellendirmelerini görünür hale getirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesinin 2008-2016 yılları arasında yayımladığı bültenler taranmış; sonrasında İtfaiye Meydanı ve Telefoncular Pazarı gibi farklı bölgelerde, raflarda sunulan nesnelere ve bu nesnelerin sunumuna dair bir dizi gözlem yapılmıştır. Ortaya çıkan öznel harita, Ulus'taki "ahlak dışılık" hissine doğrudan etkisi olan maddi kültüre, bu maddi kültürün davet ettiği önemli pratiklere ve farklı toplumsal gruplara dair içgörüler sağlarken bu hissin üç bileşenini öne çıkarmaktadır: ekonominin kayıt dışılığı, mevcut erkeklik rejimi ve çatışan nostaljiler.ArticlePublication Open Access Characterizing industrial design education in Turkey: a current synthesis for future directions(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2015-06-26) Doğu, D. I.; Öğüt, Ş. T.; Er, Hamit Alpay; Industrial Design; ER, Hamit AlpayIn recent years, we see an expansion of schools offering degrees at different levels in the field of industrial design in Turkey. Reasons for this expansion can well be found outside the design field itself as well as the national education reforms. This shift towards corporatization of universities is a business model usually adapted from foreign models. This adoption in education models also lead to the expansion of industrial design programs especially in private universities. Despite the rapid growth of industrial design education in Turkey, there is relatively little knowledge about the features or qualities that serve to identify these design departments. The main aim of this article is to discuss characteristics of industrial design departments in Turkey as a case regarding programs' profiles in geographical distribution, housing universities and faculties, academic members, student selection criteria and student numbers. Final remarks are recommendations for a prospective state of design education in Turkey.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access A co-authorship analysis of product and industrial design education literature, 2000-2015(The Design Society, 2018) İlhan, Ali Oğulcan; Industrial Design; Bohemia, E.; Kovacevic, A.; Buck, L.; Childs, P.; Green, S.; Hall, A.; Dasan, A.; İLHAN, Ali OğulcanToday, collaboration is the norm rather than exception in scholarly publications. Through coauthorship scholars can increase the volume and quality of their scientific output. Utilising these networks, they establish knowledge communities, which shape how academic fields evolve. As such recognising the structure of these collaborations is important for understanding fields and their trajectories. This paper undertakes an exploratory quantitative analysis of co-authorship networks in industrial and product design literature extracted from Web of Science between 2000 and 2015. Results indicate that the number of co-authored papers is rising yet large research networks do not exist in this area.ArticlePublication Open Access Conceptions of professionalism in U.S. research universities: Evidence from the gradSERU survey(Springer, 2022-12) Brint, S.; İlhan, Ali Oğulcan; Industrial Design; İLHAN, Ali OğulcanRecent scholars of the professions have argued that a new hybrid form of professionalism is becoming dominant. This new form combines traditional commitments to ethics and community service with new commitments to managerial and entrepreneurial objectives. We analyze the perceptions of 4,300 U.S. graduate students in 21 fields concerning how well their programs have prepared them for leadership and management and for ethics and community service. These assessments allow us to examine the prevalence of this new conception of professionalism and to examine it in relation to two other conceptions: the “neo-classical” emphasis on ethics and community service as opposed to leadership and management, and another that emphasizes a divergence between business and technical professions on one side and social and cultural professions on the other. Hybridization was comparatively rare but occurred more frequently among students preparing for management, law, and medicine, and among men and students from more affluent families. We also find some support for the neo-classical thesis insofar as students tended to score higher on the ethics and community measure than on the leadership and management measure. However, the largest number of students took positions consistent with the divergence thesis.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Creative problem-solving assessment and product design education(The Design Society, 2018) Oraklıbel, R. D.; Ülkebaş, S. D.; İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Industrial Design; OYGÜR İLHAN, IşilThis study reports findings from the administration of Creative Engineering Design Assessment (CEDA) to product design. The aim is to assess the applicability of CEDA in this discipline for the analysis of students’ level of creative problem-solving (CPS) abilities throughout the years of product design education. CEDA measures CPS in four dimensions; i.e., originality, usefulness, flexibility and fluency. 225 students studying at three universities from Istanbul, Turkey completed CEDA on a voluntary basis. The analysis of the data indicates statistically significant differences between 3rd and 4th (on originality), 1st and 3rd (on usefulness), 2nd and 4th (on originality and usefulness), and 1st and 4th (on all dimensions) year students’ CEDA scores. Originality aspect of creativity seems to develop more as the students get into their final year, whereas the usefulness develops starting from the second year. While CEDA was useful as a tool to discuss our studio pedagogies, our experience in applying it in the context of product design illustrates the need to revise the instrument according to the nature of this discipline.ArticlePublication Open Access Cyborg encounters: Three art-science interactions(Springer, 2022-08) Ural, Ayşe Melis Okay; Taşdizen, Burak; McKinnon Bell, C. J.; İrez, Beyza Dilem Topdal; Şahinol, M.; Industrial Design; TAŞDİZEN, Burak; Ural, Ayşe Melis Okay; İrez, Beyza Dilem TopdalThis contribution includes three selected works from an exhibition on Cyborg Encounters. These works deal with hybrid connections of human and non-human species that (might) emerge as a result of enhancement technologies and bio-technological developments. They offer not only an artistic exploration of contemporary but also futuristic aspects of the subject. Followed by an introduction by Melike Şahinol, Critically Endangered Artwork (by Ayşe Melis Okay) highlights Turkey’s ongoing problems of food poverty and the amount of decreasing agricultural lands. It displays seeds of a promising endemic plant to mitigate these problems using the seeds of the Thermopsis Turcica, a herbaceous perennial endemic plant. Ecomasculinist Pregnancy (by Burak Taşdizen and Charles John McKinnon Bell) follows the design fiction methodology and illustrates a future scenario through a patient’s diary and the medical letters he receives during his pregnancy with an extinct sea-lion. Polluted Homes (by Beyza Dilem Topdal) is a fictional art installation consisting of polychaete species evolved in time under the ecological circumstances prevalent in the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara today. These works show, that manufacturing life has consequences, not only for the human body and its physical appearance, but also, for example, for gender orders, the social structure of society, and even the environment, and thus for (re)shaping (non)living matter and their environments. This Art-Science Collection intends to provide an impetus for debate about the extent to which cyborg encounters should be taken seriously.ArticlePublication Open Access Designing on the spot: Learning from the social design projects in Gökçeada/Imbros island(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28) Erözçeli̇k, Meram Alayça; Taşdizen, Burak; Industrial Design; TAŞDİZEN, BurakDesign for social innovation is the emerging movement of the 21st century. Nonetheless, the socioeconomic impact of social design projects is conditional upon their multifaceted conception and upon their array of influence. In Turkey as elsewhere, sustainability is one of the main issues of social design projects in urban/rural territories. Generating innovation at the local level and for individual people also rely on design teams’ persistency on penetrating on local communities’ lives. This paper will focus on the design workshop series implemented on Gökçeada/ Imbros Island between 2014 and 2016. By expanding the problematics of sustainability in social design projects, the paper will propose a three years’ experience with academic purposes, based on benevolent participation and unfunded co-design. Finally, this paper will aim to contribute to the social design literature by illustrating a model of “designing on the spot” concept, for the sake of sustainable, long run design projects.ArticlePublication Open Access Facebook as a boundary object in industrial design studio. A sotl study(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28) İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Ülkebaş, S. D.; Industrial Design; OYGÜR İLHAN, IşilWe introduced Facebook groups as instructional tools in our industrial design studio courses. One of us experienced the effects of Facebook on freshmen while the other examined it with sophomores and juniors. Our analysis of the data focused on the content of students’ posts on Facebook groups, informal student interviews, our experiences in studios, and our reflective cross-evaluation. Our comparative analysis showed that Facebook better serves as a boundary object in the later years of design education. The freshmen, and partly sophomore, were not able to make effective use of this medium for exchanging knowledge. From the perspective of SoTL, this study not only helped us to experiment ways of advancing our pedagogy but also served as a platform for us to discuss and exchange knowledge on teaching and learning that is taking place in studio.ArticlePublication Open Access Hybrid workplace: Activity-based office design in a post-pandemic era(Wiley, 2022-09) İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Karahan, Ebru Ergöz; Architecture; Industrial Design; OYGÜR İLHAN, Işil; KARAHAN, EbruN/AArticlePublication Open Access Industrial design education in the age of digital products(Taylor & Francis, 2019) İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Karapars, Gülhis Zeynep; Industrial Design; OYGÜR İLHAN, Işil; KARAPARS, Gülhis ZeynepPreparing product design students for the design of digital products provides a challenge for product design educators. This paper reports an experiment in a senior-year product design studio course. Students were assigned three projects with three different strategies based on the management and the structure of the design process. The analysis of observations on students’ design processes, semi-structured interviews with students, and the analysis of design solutions revealed that students mentally separate a product’s physical form and digital interface. Students reported time management as their biggest challenge for the design of digital products. Even though they experienced problems in their design process, they think interface design skills as a part of their professional requirements. These findings indicate a need to better address the design of digital products in product design curriculum in general and studio education in particular.ArticlePublication Open Access Kamusal tuvaletlerde kullanıcı deneyimini anlamak: bir araştırma yöntemi olarak kültür sondaları(Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, 2015) Köylü, Z. S.; Er, Hamit Alpay; Industrial Design; ER, Hamit AlpayGündelik yaşamın önemli bir parçası olan kamusal tuvaletlerin koşulları bu tesisleri sürekli kullananların yaşam kalitelerini belirgin ölçüde etkilemektedir. Kullanıcılar kamusal tuvaletlerde yer alan ürünlere konut tuvaletlerindeki ürünlerden farklı yaklaşmakta ve kir ile başa çıkmak adına farklı kullanım biçimleri geliştirmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı kullanıcının kamusal tuvaletlerde temiz-kirli algısı ve ürün kullanımı arasındaki bu ilişkiyi incelerken, kültür sondalarının bu mahrem ve hassas ortamda araştırma yöntemi olarak kullanılabilirliğini de ortaya koymaktır. Tuvaleti gündelik yaşam pratiğinin gerçekleştirilmesinde vazgeçilmez rolü olan kültürel bir nesne olarak değerlendiren çalışmanın, kullandığı yöntem ve benimsediği yaklaşım ile tasarım araştırmalarına ve pratiğine de katkıda bulunması beklenmektedir.ArticlePublication Open Access The role of interaction design in smart product development activities(2015-10) Akoğlu, Canan; Er, Hamit Alpay; Industrial Design; AKOĞLU, Canan; ER, Hamit AlpayAlthough interaction design is a rapidly growing and even evolving design practice today, interaction designers still often have to explain what an interaction designer actually does and argue that their specialty is not something that anyone could do without a formal education both to stakeholders and clients who buy their designs.Furthermore, there still seems to be confusion when the job of industrial designers and interaction designers are overviewed together. The aim of this article is to build a background for the role of interaction design in smart product development activities within relationship to industrial design. Based on its strong roots within industrial design, this study also aims to present the relationship between industrial design and interaction design in the same activities. We conducted this research by having an interdisciplinary literature review and a field research consisting of 2 phases such as a series of interviews and a case study. The most extensive collaboration between industrial design and interaction design is seen at Planning and Concept Development phases which are the very early steps of product development activities. Compared to industrial design, interaction design is foreseen to have a wider activity area, a more strategic role in especially in early design process such as Planning, Concept Development phases of smart product development activities.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Students’ product perception: a cross-sectional analysis(The Design Society, 2018) İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Industrial Design; Bohemia, E.; Kovacevic, A.; Buck, L.; Childs, P.; Green, S.; Hall, A.; Dasan, A.; OYGÜR İLHAN, IşilThis paper reports a study that was conducted to analyze the differences in product design students’ perception of products. While product perception is reported as one of the competencies of product design students, our knowledge on the development of this competence via design education is limited. In order to address this gap, students studying at different levels of design education at a 4-year product design programme were asked to participate in a keyword assignment study. Students were distributed a pen to analyze and asked to assign keywords that they associate to this product. The analysis of the keyword preferences across years indicates an increase in the use of keywords related to instrumental function of products. While students prefer using fact/description based keywords in the early years of design education, they rely more on opinion-based keywords in the later years. Most of these opinion-based keywords are associated with the instrumental dimension. Thus, the data from this case indicates more focus on instrumentality in the contemporary product design education.ArticlePublication Open Access User, research, and practice. learning from design consultancies(Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-28) İlhan, Işıl Oygür; Industrial Design; OYGÜR İLHAN, IşilThis paper reports a study that focuses on the impact of design research department on a consultancy's design process. Six 10-business-day long field studies were conducted at design consultancies representing architecture, industrial design, and interaction design. The findings show that design research departments impact the design process through design research outcomes and processes. Design research outcomes mainly target the client; but also serve as a validation tool for designers, provide a checklist for designers to target, and work as a boundary object between the client and the design team. In contrast to research outcomes, the design research processes were observed to have a deeper impact on designers through collaborative learning, contextual information, shared user scenarios, focus on user experience, and project rooms. In conclusion, rather than the existence of a design research department, the active participation of designers in the user involvement process has the biggest impact on the design process.