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PresentationPublication Open Access The analysis of a paediatric treatment environment in the context of nurses' and companions’ behaviours through space syntax and behaviour maps(2021-12-02) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Ünlü, Alper; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; ÜNLÜ, AlperPediatric treatment environments are settings that should be designed in a child-centered spatial manner that treats the child as a holistic entity with his/her physical, cognitive, social, and psychological needs. According to David and Weinstein (1987), children are not the only users of these settings, the needs of adults as well as children should be considered, as these environments are also used by their parents. Platt Report (1959) which demonstrates family-centered design procedures in children’s hospitals, also informs that if a mother is staying with her child, she should also be considered as a member of the team involved in the treatment process. So, in addition to medical doctors and nurses, companions are among the main actors of children's treatment settings whose social and psychological needs should be taken into consideration. However, the fact that companions are vital members of the treatment process is usually ignored in the architectural design of many children's treatment services in Turkey. The case study which is carried out in a Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Service with the participation of 30 companions and 13 nurses, through which the significance of the data obtained by behavioral maps and spatial syntax methods are statistically investigated, shows that companions are at least as active as nurses and they take a vigorous role in the treatment of their children and also need social interaction and privacy. As a result of the correlations established between the behavioral data of nurses and companions, and the syntactic data of each space, it is analyzed whether the syntactic data regarding the physical structure of the space are related to the behavioral frequencies of each participant group. Considering the significant data that emerged in the analyzes, it is revealed that the behavior frequencies of the companions are as high as the nurses.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Analysis of behavioural patterns of children and their companions in a paediatric healthcare environment: searching the association between behaviour maps and space syntax(Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, 2017) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Unlu, A.; Architecture; Heitor, T.; Serra, M.; Silva, J. P.; Bacharel, M.; Silva, L. C. da; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülThe relationship between human psychology and space is studied through an ecological approach by Barker (1968) concerning that the harmony between human behaviours and physical and social attributes of space is dependent on the synomorphy of the place offering individuals a balanced amount of basic psychological needs of human beings; privacy and publicity. He puts forward the notions of ritual, display and surveillance as the dominating factors of space and develops the discourse called behaviour setting; stating that spaces have an impact on imposing individuals to behave in certain manners. Within this discourse, each space has a certain structure of behaviour setting so that individuals initially observe the behaviour patterns of others and later on follow the same social norms and behaviours when they first participate into a specific space. According to Barker, this kind of interaction of the individual with the environment has an effect on diminishing environmental stress arisen from the environment and enhancing adaptation of the individual. In this manner, this paper focuses on the correspondent interaction between physical and social attributes of paediatric healthcare spaces where children are treated. Although paediatric spaces are supposed to be designed through a holistic approach respecting children's physical, cognitive, social and psychological needs, these spaces are nonetheless stressful settings especially for inpatient children to get accustomed to various physical attributes together with social attributes that are decision makers on the patient's physical integrity. For that reason, during the child's treatment period, the accompaniment of a parent is a necessity within a paediatric healthcare environment for the well-being of children to ensure them to require physical and psychological support. Accordingly, children and their companions who have diverse physical and social needs, simultaneously share the spaces of the paediatric healthcare environment displaying certain kinds of behaviour patterns. The main aim of the article is to search for the relationship between various sociobehavioural patterns of two social groups (paediatric inpatients and their companions) and physical attributes of an existing paediatric healthcare environment through a methodology of behaviour maps and space syntax. Within the context of case study, behavioural frequency data of paediatric inpatients and companions is gathered, correlated by the syntactic values of the actual spatial structure and evaluated to search for any significant outcomes by regression analyses. The investigation is conducted by the participation of 30 children and 30 companions in a Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Service in Istanbul Cerrahpasa University.ArticlePublication Metadata only Exploring cognitive and syntactic dimensions in a healthcare environment affecting the spatial perceptions of paediatric inpatients(Emerald, 2024-07-16) Canakcioglu, Nevset Gul; Unlu, Alper; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; ÜNLÜ, AlperPurpose The primary objective of this study is to investigate the cognitive aspects of spatial experiences of paediatric inpatients who receive long-term treatment in a healthcare setting in relation to the syntactic parameters of healthcare environment. It is aimed to investigate how the change in the child’s cognition caused by the environmental stress experienced by the child during his/her stay in the hospital is related to the physical parameters of the treatment space. Design/methodology/approach The methodology of the study is based on a correlational analysis to identify the cognitive and syntactic factors of the healthcare environment that contribute to changes in the perceptual processes of a sample group of thirty children. The study examined the relationships between the graph and isovist variables, and the cognitive parameters of paediatric inpatients. The two datasets were subjected to regression analyses in order to identify any significant findings, which allowed for a discussion of how the patients’ changing perceptual processes are influenced by the syntactic measures of the healthcare setting. Findings The study showed that a syntactically intelligible floor plan contributes significantly to reducing environmental stress among paediatric inpatients. The presence of shared spaces within the healthcare environment, where social interaction with peers is possible, emerges as a crucial factor influencing children’s spatial perception. Additionally, the visibility characteristics of shared spaces may also play a key role in enhancing children’s perceptions of safety. Research limitations/implications The limitations of the study include the fact that the study was conducted in an oncology and haematology inpatient unit with challenging conditions in terms of the mobility potentials of the children, which might have affected their perceptual processes. A further limitation is that the sample size comprised only 30 children, and the spatial configuration of the healthcare environment was linear and not particularly complex. Social implications By identifying the impact of spatial design on children’s well-being, the study informs the creation and improvement of healthcare environments. Enhanced understanding of factors like intelligible floor plans, shared spaces and isovist values can lead to more child-friendly facilities, potentially alleviating stress for young patients. Consequently, this research may contribute to improved healthcare outcomes, increased comfort for paediatric inpatients, and a more supportive environment for their families, fostering a holistic approach to paediatric care and positively influencing the overall quality of life for children undergoing long-term treatment. Originality/value This study contributes to the theoretical discourse on how the constrained physical conditions of a paediatric healthcare environment may influence the perceptual processes of paediatric inpatients. The results of this evidence-based study have the potential to inform the evaluation of design guidelines for healthcare settings, with the ultimate aim of enhancing therapeutic environments.ArticlePublication Metadata only Exploring perceived openness and spaciousness: the effects of semantic and physical aspects(Taylor & Francis Online, 2022) Ünlü, Alper; Edgu, E.; Salgamcioglu, M. E.; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; ÜNLÜ, Alper; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülThis study focuses on the effects of the independent spatial variables of volumetric visibility, natural light, and the infinity index value on both perceived openness and spaciousness, and on the concept of familiarity, using computer-generated images of sixteen nodes of a university building. Ninety participants in three groups from two universities were selected to examine the effects of familiarity on the dependent variables of openness and spaciousness. These dependent variables of perception were explored through a semantic evaluation test, where the participants experienced the sixteen spatial nodes in a virtual environment derived from fixed vantage points on two floors of the case study campus building. The results revealed that the perceived spaciousness is significantly correlated to the independent physical aspects of space, such as the volumetric visibility, the natural light, and the infinity value, while familiarity with space indicated a higher ratio of perceived openness.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Exploring the social logic of preschool environments structured with Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia A semantic and syntactic study on preschool environments(Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 2022) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülKindergartens are socio-spatial organizations with their social and cultural as well as their spatial structures which prepare children to be responsible members of the society. In the early years of the twentieth century, the issue of how to raise new generations was one of the primary research areas of many educational scientists, especially in Europe, and therefore different progressive pedagogical methods were generated. Among these views, the Waldorf pedagogical approach developed by Rudolf Steiner, Montessori pedagogical approach developed by Maria Montessori, and Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach developed by Loris Malaguzzi became prominent. Although these three pedagogical approaches have a common view that the child should be accepted as an individual with his/her rights, each of them involved different physical environment requirements in the context of their educational philosophies. The projects obtained in an architectural design studio course constitute the focus of this paper and it aims to decipher the semantic and syntactic characteristics based on twelve student projects. The semantic dimension of the study was revealed by coding the related themes through students’ project reports while the syntactic dimension of the study demonstrated the prioritized social interaction area through isovist area and variance values. Considering the semantic results, it was revealed that the students not only comprehended the spatial requirements of a specific educational pedagogy but also grasped the transformative power of the methods, in terms of physical, social, and natural characteristics. Considering the syntactic results, the fact that the mean isovist area value was higher in Reggio Emilia schools showed that the piazza dominates the physical setting. The fact that the school cluster with the highest variance value emerged in Montessori draws attention to the changeability of isovist perimeter value within the interiors to orientate the individuals to the classroom units.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Interpretations on movement and affordances in the built environment(Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 2022) Ünlü, Alper; Edgü, E.; Şalgamcioğlu, M. E.; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; ÜNLÜ, AlperIs it possible to discuss behaviour pertaining to movement and affordances depending on its potentials for social and physical reflections? To answer such a theoretical question, this study brings forward space syntax with its broader concepts and morphology studies in the building scale. Movement, whether it is guided or not, can be examined as a consequence of people’s interaction with the space, related to their activities of exploring, navigating, and also getting into a congruent relationship with it. This study aims to tackle three major discussions and their interrelationships. Firstly, affordance and syntactic relationship in relation to the nature of the movement through space; secondly the relationship between building programming and its behavioural occurrences, and finally presenting a dialectic discussion about human movement and building function through case studies of the authors’ previous works. Herein, the discussions on how movement occurs in spaces and how architecture and configurative conditions change the nature of the movement as well as how the behaviour patterns emerge in this framework are important. The main emphasis of this study is not only the configurational effects of the space on movement but also the various multi-layered movement that occur in space and change over time depending on behaviour settings. In the framework of the methodology, the presented case study sections on various building types reflect the outcomes of behavioural observations of various individuals’ movement which act as liberating outcomes where the discussions on copresence, encounter, and coawareness are crucial. Thus, it is aimed to gain insight into a comparative discussion between the behavioural and syntactic datasets related to typologies such as a hospital setting and an elderly institution where the movement is assumed to be more dictating as well as other typologies such as university buildings and exhibition halls where the movement is assumed to be more spontaneous. With this in-depth synthesis and discussion based on the previous case study findings of the researchers, it has been noticed that many variable situations can be observed in which behaviour settings are highly influential on movement regardless of the building program depending on people's age, professional roles, gender, and life cycles.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Isometric measurands on perceived spaciousness: Exploring volumetric isovist(Beijing JiaoTong University, 2019) Ünlü, Alper; Edgü, E.; Şalgamcıoğlu, M. E.; Çanakçioğlu, Nevşet Gül; Yılmaz, E. A.; Architecture; ÜNLÜ, Alper; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülThe isovists are essential hypothetical structures for understanding the visibility in space. Regarding the perception of space, volumetric visibility presents a complicated geometrical volume that may be considered as a polyhedron obtained from the optical arrays of the vantage point. Despite the stated importance of volume, the preference for two-dimensional approach was later emphasized to be highly pragmatic by the prominent researchers of the field considering the non-applicable and complex data analysis of isovist radials and accordingly the polyhedron structure within a three dimensional medium. Through an experimental case study, the research explores the extension of syntactic and semantic parameters of visual perception and helps to understand the dynamic nature of the volumetric visibility. Research uses semantic and syntactic data analyses based on the fixed vantage points in a medium to expose the differences in the spatial experience of users. Syntactic data obtained from a modified real environment, and semantic data obtained from the vantage point scenes derived from this environment are correlated. The research is based on four founding subjects of study, which are considered as the main factors in understanding the perception of spaciousness and openness. These factors are defined as isovist parameters, graph parameters, radial data parameters, and volumetric parameters. The selected environment of the case study is a part of a university building. For this study, ground and first floors are abstracted and simplified in the experiment’s virtual environment. Selected 16 vantage points from two floors had diverse variations in width, length and height, which are likely to cause different perceived spaciousness levels. Semantic evaluation is examined through an experimental research with 90 students from two different universities. The participants are asked to evaluate the feeling of spaciousness and openness in the virtual medium of 16 vantage points on a 5-point Likert type scale questionnaire. The last step of the methodology is composed of multiple regression analyses showing the effects of syntactic and spatial determinants of the virtual scenes and one-way-ANOVA analyses showing the effects of spatial experiences related to familiarity and educational background of the sample groups. Results of the research indicated that isovist area is highly correlated with spaciousness, meaning that wider spaces are perceived as more spacious. Higher connectivity values, having more possibility of expansions, lead to an idea of perceptual spaciousness. Volumetric visibility indicates that perception of spaciousness is directly related to the z-dimension. The amount of natural light in space has a positive effect on the participants’ semantic evaluations. The infinity value increases the amount of natural light, giving a feeling of wideness and providing a visual access to beyond. Previous experiences of students, familiarity with the space and educational background are highly effective on the perception of openness. In this research the psychological outcomes of visual perception through concepts of spaciousness and openness with three dimensional geometry of visibility are combined. By the help of novel methods of calculating volume, natural light and infinity values, the research presents a quantifiable data of comparison of semantic assessments with syntactic ones.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access A longitudinal study on the transformation of farm areas in Çukurova, Turkey(Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 2022) Fırat, Fırat Ali; Ünlü, Alper; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; ÜNLÜ, Alper; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülRecently, agricultural production methods have changed drastically in the Çukurova region. Due to the decrease in the need for workforce and the change in agricultural product types in Turkey, there has been a significant transformation in the definition of farming and the use of farm spaces. The main subject of this pilot study is the morphological formation and transformation of the spatial components of farms and the reflections on human behaviour through space syntax. Therefore, six farm areas built since the 1850s in Çukurova were selected. Study aims to find traces of technology and human behaviour in farm spaces, revealing the boundaries between the common and private areas. Two different datasets were obtained to test the validity of the hypothesis. First consists of behavioural data obtained through observations. The second consists of survey diagrams, photogrammetric drone mappings, and aerial photographs from the Civil Aviation Command since 1944 to reveal the changes throughout history. This research shows that use of farms has varied over time in terms of technological changes and living conditions. Recently, the distinction between private and production spaces in the farm layouts has begun to change. These recent morphological changes may be relevant when describing contemporary farm sites. Thus, study is aimed to reveal the spatial adaptation process of the farm areas in Çukurova in this article. Therefore, contemporary agriculture and syntactic studies show how the adaptation of farms has progressed over time. This study also aims to predict spatial planning in sustainability, especially in contemporary/modern agricultural environments.ArticlePublication Metadata only Perceptual processes of children regarding their nearby home environments living in two socially diverse subcommunities(ASCE, 2022-09-01) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Ünlü, Alper; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; ÜNLÜ, AlperHuman life that is collective and diverse on the one hand, but complex and chaotic on the other, is largely experienced in metropolitan cities owing to a significant amount of migration. Istanbul can be defined as a city that constantly witnesses massive influxes of migration and ultimately becomes socially heterogeneous. It was hypothesized in this study that the multilayered urban character of the city affects the perceptions of city-dwellers, especially children. As such, the study focused on the perceptual differences of children living in socially diverse urban settings, and a comparative analysis was conducted to reveal the children's environmental perceptions regarding their nearby home environments. This case-study-oriented research was conducted with 11-year-old children from two subcommunities both located in the periphery of Istanbul: one from a gecekondu settlement on the fringes of Istanbul, and the other, a planned residential settlement (PRS). The methodology was based on the representations by the children since this methodology has the potential to present an understanding of spatial perception through both quantitative and qualitative dimensions. A representation of children's houses with their immediate surroundings was requested from the children so that two different cognitive map datasets were obtained regarding two diverse subcommunities. Significant results were obtained in the study, in which gender and settlement type were used as independent variables. As a result, it was revealed that the girls were more inclined to draw their own rooms, were more focused on indoor spaces and were further apt to draw the domestic appliances. When the results were evaluated depending on the settlement type variable, it was revealed that those living in PRS represented indoors more and were specifically focused on their own rooms, while those living in gecekondu settlement tended to draw domestic appliances and outdoor spaces more.ArticlePublication Metadata only Perceptual processes of children regarding their nearby home environments living in two socially diverse subcommunities(ASCE, 2022-05-03) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Ünlü, Alper; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; ÜNLÜ, AlperHuman life that is collective and diverse on the one hand, but complex and chaotic on the other, is largely experienced in metropolitan cities owing to a significant amount of migration. Istanbul can be defined as a city that constantly witnesses massive influxes of migration and ultimately becomes socially heterogeneous. It was hypothesized in this study that the multilayered urban character of the city affects the perceptions of city-dwellers, especially children. As such, the study focused on the perceptual differences of children living in socially diverse urban settings, and a comparative analysis was conducted to reveal the children’s environmental perceptions regarding their nearby home environments. This case-study-oriented research was conducted with 11-year-old children from two subcommunities both located in the periphery of Istanbul: one from a gecekondu settlement on the fringes of Istanbul, and the other, a planned residential settlement (PRS). The methodology was based on the representations by the children since this methodology has the potential to present an understanding of spatial perception through both quantitative and qualitative dimensions. A representation of children’s houses with their immediate surroundings was requested from the children so that two different cognitive map datasets were obtained regarding two diverse subcommunities. Significant results were obtained in the study, in which gender and settlement type were used as independent variables. As a result, it was revealed that the girls were more inclined to draw their own rooms, were more focused on indoor spaces and were further apt to draw the domestic appliances. When the results were evaluated depending on the settlement type variable, it was revealed that those living in PRS represented indoors more and were specifically focused on their own rooms, while those living in gecekondu settlement tended to draw domestic appliances and outdoor spaces more.ArticlePublication Metadata only Residential satisfaction assessment of a 1970s modernist housing community in Istanbul: searching for the reasons behind the preservation of a housing community’s current architectural status against the urban transformation movements affecting the entire city(Springer, 2022-06) Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülGoing against the mainstream popularity of high-rise housing developments dominating the Turkish construction market in the late twentieth century, Haluk Baysal and Melih Birsel collaboratively built the Istanbul Yesilkoy Housing Community project in 1973 using the principles of modern architecture. Although the modern lifestyle dominant in the design of this housing project did not emerge from the principles of life inherent to Turkish domestic architecture, this study examines how this project could remain resistant to the destructive force of a possible earthquake in a location where the land value is higher than many other districts of Istanbul. This study's research question is whether or not the survival of this residential housing community could be attributed to residential satisfaction. The study's research method was a residential satisfaction survey and factor analyses. The results showed that the continued existence of the residential community in the midst of the urban transformation movement is because the community satisfied its residents' needs for safety, centrality, and neighbourliness.ArticlePublication Metadata only Structural literacy in architectural studio learning(2024-07-15) Canakcioglu, Nevset Gul; Karadag, Omer; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; KARADAĞ, ÖmerArchitectural education encompasses a multidisciplinary curriculum including design, theory, history, technology, environmental considerations, urban planning, social aspects, and professional practice. This study aims to investigate the extent to which students can effectively integrate structural concepts into architectural design. This examination takes place within the framework of a third-year architectural design studio course, where students advance their design processes with input from architectural design instructors and experts in structural concepts. To facilitate this endeavour, a simple visual screening form was introduced to aid in the learning process. The study utilises a newly generated survey, namely ‘Structural System Control Form’, which is inspired by the rapid visual screening forms, to assess the students’ comprehension of structural concepts during a 14-week architectural design studio. Employing a descriptive and correlational research approach, the study assesses the effectiveness of this integrated strategy in enhancing the students’ understanding of structural principles. The findings revealed a notable development among students who participated in the integrated approach, highlighting the value of feedback and evaluation from instructors versed in construction. Furthermore, the use of simplified structural models in students’ projects improved their understanding of structural concepts and their ability to incorporate them into their architectural representations.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access A study on the use of urban spaces in historical environments through behaviour mapping and space syntax: The case of Mudanya(Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), 2022) Erol, Aylin; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet Gül; Erol, AylinUrban spaces which play a key role in the understanding of the historical attributes of cities are effective in the formation of the behavioural patterns of the citizens with their morphological and historical characteristics. Armistice Neighbourhood, located in the Mudanya district of Bursa, where Greek and Ottoman structures exist together, has an important role in its historical significance as a place of encountering where citizens engage through social interactions. The research which started with the hypothesis that the urban spaces in front of such monumental structures should be generating more behavioural patterns focuses on revealing the reasons behind the behavioural frequency of the citizens who use the urban spaces in Mudanya. In the study, it is aimed to investigate the factors affecting the usage of urban spaces that are in front of historical buildings and to understand the relationship between the behavioural data and syntactic data. The methodology of the research was conducted in two phases; first, behavioural maps were revealed through observations of the behavioural patterns of the citizens according to the specified criteria. Second, connectivity, integration, and visibility parameters were revealed through DepthmapX and examined whether there is any significant correlation between the behavioural and syntactic dataset. As a result, the behavioural frequency in front of the Armistice House, located on the coastline where visibility is high, was more intense. Despite the high connectivity of the street near the Uğur Mumcu Cultural Centre is located, where the visibility rate was low, the behavioural frequency was less intense.ArticlePublication Metadata only Teaching earthquake-resistant structural systems in architecture department: a hands-on learning experience(Taylor & Francis, 2023) Karadağ, Ömer; Çanakçıoğlu, Nevşet Gül; Architecture; KARADAĞ, Ömer; ÇANAKÇIOĞLU, Nevşet GülThis paper addresses challenges in teaching earthquake-resistant structural systems to architecture students and seeks to enhance efficiency. Developing a compatible teaching approach is crucial for better collaboration with engineers. The impact of a lack of knowledge about earthquake-resistant systems is more evident in quake-prone regions. The study highlights the importance of hands-on experience in teaching structural theory, fostering better learning and comprehension. The study showcases an undergraduate-level course that diverged from traditional exams. Instead, students undertook a project where groups designed scaled models representing different structural responses, which underwent testing on a handmade shake table. Analysis highlighted demonstrations of various responses like soft stories, dynamic behaviour, pounding and weak columns. The hands-on approach enriched students’ practical insights into structural behaviour, aiding informed design choices. This approach enhances overall learning, deepens comprehension, and readies students to apply seismic design principles conscientiously. Learning by doing proves pivotal in mastering earthquake-resistant structural systems.