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Conference ObjectPublication Open Access The walls of gated communities in Brazil and Turkey: security, separation or status?(2010) Turgut, Hülya; Kowaltowski, D. C. C. K.; Monteiro, E. Z.; Aydın Yonet, N.; Teixeira Turczyn, D.; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaGated communities are common types of housing estates found in many countries. They are based on strictly controlled access of people. Houses, and at times high-rise apartment blocks, are built behind a common wall, along private internal streets. Both in Brazil and in Turkey these types of residential neighborhoods can be found mainly on the outskirts of large urban areas. This paper investigates the reasons for the increase of such residential areas, in relation to the two countries urban problems. In Brazil the dominant reason for the proliferation of gated communities, found in the literature and in advertisement of such estates, is security, in view of the countries high crime rates. In Turkey the main reason for a family to choose to live in such residential areas is status and privacy. Although Brazil and Turkey have very different cultural backgrounds, in both countries gated communities are increasingly popular. The attraction of these so-called communities must therefore be analyzed. Are people more vulnerable in large mega-cities? Also, the impact on urban prospects as a whole must be discussed. Socio-cultural and psychological concepts such as territoriality, security, privacy, which can be represented by a pattern of behavior of an individual or group, as based on control of space, are thus touched on in the paper. Conclusions confirm that the reasons for preferences for gated communities are the feeling of belonging to a special place, fear of crime and a sense security and determine decision making of families in their homeownership choices.ArticlePublication Metadata only Urban dynamics and transformations and their impact on urban housing: the case of Istanbul(Open House International Association, 2010) Turgut, Hülya; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaCities throughout the world have experienced fundamental social, cultural and economic transformation in recent decades. Socio-cultural and urban identities have been transforming radically; globalization, internationalization and the rapid flow of information, as the case in the rest of the world, have played a significant role in changing cities and their people. These changing dynamics have affected continuity and development trends in urban-housing environments and housing preferences. The multidimensional outcomes of this transformation are manifest in peculiarities of activity patterns, behavioral relationships, and socio-cultural norms, as well as in architectural and urban configurations. These rapid economic and social changes demand continual redefinition of urbanization and housing concerns. Therefore, the main aim of the article that based on ongoing research is to examine implications of urban and architectural transformations in Istanbul with the subjects of economical, cultural and political conditions. Based on these above arguments, article aims to analyze and discuss the relationship between urban dynamics and new housing developments in Istanbul in the context of transformation process. The article, which consists of five sections, has three sections besides the introduction and conclusion. In the first two part a theoretical framework is established, explaining and discussing culture, continuity and change in the process of urbanization. The second part includes the latest housing trends in Istanbul with the subjects of economical, cultural and political conditions that Turkey is already in and related. The third part examines the emerging patterns of social and cultural differentiation in Istanbul through the examples of the exclusive suburbs At the end, we argue that recent housing projects and trends represent new forms of organizing social and cultural differences, and could be read as urban forms, which create segregation and reproduce inequalities while transforming the character of public life.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Demographic change and urban transformation: the challenges of residents' attitudes(Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, 2010) Güney, Y. I.; Turgut, Hülya; Architecture; TURGUT, Hülyaities around different regions of the world have been subject to important social and cultural alterations due to ever increasing affects of globalization process. The cities in Turkey are no exception to this urban transformation with different physical and social structures emerging as a result of the economical, political, socio-cultural and technological developments. Especially during the last thirty years, the increased linkage of the country to the global world has been even felt in smaller cities in the form of new local developmental opportunities in different sectors including industry, international trade, tourism and real estate. Ever since the 1950s, one of the major components of urban transformation in Turkey has been the migration of masses that changed the socio-cultural and economic structure of the cities and eventually led to rapid transformation of the existing physical environment and created new spatial formations. As such, the topic of the urban transformation of cities while protecting both its physical as well as socio-cultural values, which is also intricately linked to sustainable regeneration and architectural identity issues, has been a hot topic of recent architectural discourse. The ongoing demographic change due to relocation process from rural to urban areas and from smaller to bigger cities, as well as due to industrialization and increasing concentration of people in urban areas, have accelerated socio-cultural and spatial differentiation and diversity, while bringing about some continuity and development trends in urban housing environments. This situation concerning housing environments show a dramatic transition procedure from past to future, from tradition to contemporary while at the same time living through changes in the residents’ perception of home and urban environments with different perceptions for people from different backgrounds. In this context, the city of Istanbul is a good example to observe and evaluate the physical reflections of a mutual interaction between the architectural identity of the city and its social structure and dynamism. Cultural synthesis is more in evidence here than in most other Turkish cities. However, the concepts of social, cultural, spatial diversity and complexity especially in housing environments differ in smaller scale Anatolian cities such as Balikesir where the city center, which always included major housing stock of the city as well, has kept its location and prominence as the only center while the city boundaries has been constantly growing and expanding. In recent years, the city started to change with an ever increasing rate causing the city to have a multi-centered organization while the historic city center is becoming more deteriorated with each day. The housing stock in the center has become a derelict area causing it to be the home for the people migrated from small villages around with low socio-economic status, which is a major threat for the restoration and renovation and later on protection of the cultural heritage of the city.ArticlePublication Open Access Kentsel yenileme ve dönüşüm: deneyimler(Türkiye Mimarlar Odası, 2010) Turgut, Hülya; Enlil, Z.; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaBir kamusal müdahale eylemi olarak kentsel alanların sosyo-mekânsal dönüşümü, sanayi kentlerindeki “sefalet mahallelerini temizleme” programları ile 19. yüzyıla kadar uzanmaktadır. Kent merkezlerindeki köhneleşmiş alanların "kentsel yenileme" yoluyla dönüştürülmesi girişimleri ile de bu eylem, 1960 ve 1970’lerin kentsel politikaları haline gelmiştir. 1980'lerle birlikte, “kentsel yeniden canlandırma" başlığı altında farklı bir yaklaşım egemen olmaya başlamış, kentsel dönüşüm salt fizik mekân odaklı bir eylem alanı olmaktan çıkarak sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel sorunları da kapsayan daha bütünleşik bir yaklaşıma doğru evrilmiştir.ArticlePublication Open Access Tarihî kentsel alanlarda “toplumsal ve mekânsal yeniden yapılanma”: Fener ve Balat örneği(Türkiye Mimarlar Odası, 2010) Şişmanyazıcı, B.; Turgut, Hülya; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaDünya sosyo-kültürel, fiziksel, ekonomik, politik ve teknolojik dinamikler çerçevesinde değişmekte, kentsel alanlar da bu değişimin yansıdığı mekânlar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu dinamiklerin karşılıklı etkileşimi ile şekillenen kent mekânı, her çağda, her ülkede ve her şehirde bazı benzerlikler ve farklılıklar içermektedir. Bu nedenle de hiçbir şehir bir diğerinin aynı olarak şekillenmemektedir. Buna rağmen, belli başlı olaylar çerçevesinde dünya üzerindeki tüm şehirler genel olarak, benzer şekilde etkilenmiştir.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access A social and spatial restructuring in inner-city residential areas: the case of Istanbul(2011) Mutman, D.; Turgut, Hülya; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaIn Turkey over the last twenty years, the disruptive quality of such restructuring processes has been exacerbated by the government’s decision to embrace urban transformation as a tool to speed the country’s integration into the global economy. This article examines the process of “social and spatial restructuring” as called by the authors in inner-city housings of Istanbul, as part of a larger phenomenon. Its particular focuses are the methodologies of urban transformation and the social and spatial restructuring which reclaims the historical housing districts. The paper begins by developing a theoretical background to highlight the multidimensional structure of urban transformation and gentrification. Dealing with this framework, this paper examines different implementation processes between two different projects in the city of Istanbul. It compares two such approaches in Istanbul’s Fener-Balat and Suleymaniye neighborhoods, which are both located at the historic peninsula of the city.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Merging boundaries, techniques and experiences(EAEA, 2013) Hashas-Degertekin, M.; Şahin, Murat; Architecture; ŞAHİN, MuratAn international urban design workshop was conducted with students from a US and a Turkish Universities for 15 days in a waterfront village on Bosporus, Istanbul Bosphorus, a crooked and curved strait dividing the city into two, has traditionally been used mostly for enjoying scenery and nature with its location away from the main trade docks and industrial areas concentrated around the old city center, namely historic peninsula. The strait housed small settlements until the 18th century, during when the royal family started populating the coast with palaces and summer mansions and private gardens and celebrated various festivities. It was a special ritual (Hamadeh, 2009) to experience mansions (yali’s, which are perched on the very edge of the bank with boat houses and access) and palaces, mostly timber-frame ornamental structures, and gardens while sailing on the Bosphorus. Later, public spaces, coffee houses, fountains and parks were added to the waterfront development, improving the public’s participation in the pastoral culture and transforming these small settlements into connected villages. The pleasure of experiencing the Bosphorus was shared with the whole public through songs, poems, novels and paintings. There were even traditional evening excursions and singing on the boats –caiques- on Bosphorus. Hence, for centuries, Bosphorus has been a socializing space and a sensual experience for many. Despite the fact the quality of the built environment and the way of living has dramatically changed due to the spatial and social transformation in the following centuries, the yalı’s and some other contemporary buildings added have continued the dwelling tradition of close proximity to the water. On the other hand, Bosphorus, where used to be a meditative place in the past, has become a natural part of the hectic urban life and architecture. Focusing on spatial experience, the students attempted to understand and propose solutions to urban disconnect in the urban fabric especially between historic waterfront and inland village. The workshop provided an opportunity for each student to formalize his/her opinion of the place based on individual filters and sensual experiences. This method helped to identify a rich set of perceptual characteristics of the site and resulted in diverse and unique exploration and representation techniques. The workshop included a guided tour of the historic peninsula and a trip to various waterfront villages on the both sides of the strait, listening to historic and contemporary Turkish music, discussions, and readings such as Tschumi’s (1995) ideas on program, movement, and contradiction as well as Sancar’s article (2001) on the people’s attachment to place through lyrics. This paper consists of a brief description of the place in question, its changing daily life and architecture, and how the students responded to all of these through design and representation.ArticlePublication Open Access Istanbul as a palimpsest city and imperfection(ITU, 2013) Turgut, Hülya; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaThe first Istanbul Design Biennial with the theme of “Imperfection” took place between 13 October and 12 December, 2012. The theme of “Imperfection” was attempted to be read through Istanbul during the Biennial organised by IKSV. The expectation was for Istanbul to provide an inspiration for the design creation process with its far from being imperfect nature, fuzzy and temporary and yet exciting characteristics. The main theme of the Biennial that refers to the Japanese concept of “Wabi”, started out from the fact that design concepts are no longer fed by the utopias but by the quotidian in the transitory arising from impermanence.Conference ObjectPublication Open Access Performance based pavilion design: a dialogue between environmental and structural performance(Ecaade-education & Research Computer Aided Architectural Design Europe, 2013) Yazıcı, Sevil; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; YAZICI, SevilThis paper investigates the design process of a performance based pavilion from concept towards construction phases, by challenging conventional form and fabrication techniques. The proposed project is considered as a temporary structure, located in Antalya, Turkey. A free-form structure and a parametrically defined cladding are designed to serve as an installation unit, a shading element and urban furniture. The pavilion geometry, performance assessments and proposed fabrication schemes are clearly described in the paper. The method integrates form, performance, material and fabrication constraints and exposes how environmental and structural performances, including Solar Access Analysis and Static Structural Analysis, may inform the design project.ArticlePublication Open Access A study on relations between soil and plant species in alpine zone at Kazdaği National Park, Turkey(Pakistan Botanical Society, 2013-12) Güngör, Beyza Şat; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; ŞAT, BeyzaThis study examines the plant species distribution and cover abundance scales relations with soil and other environmental factors such as elevation, exposure, slope in the alpine region. 10 sample areas were determined for experimental field study in the alpine region. Plant species and their cover abundance scales and 0-5 and 5-15cm soil depth analysis were conducted in the field study. C, N, pH, soil salinity, soil texture, C/N and CaCO3 (%) were determined in soil laboratory analysis. To examine the effect of land use by the local people; sample areas were determined both on used area and non-used area in the alpine region.ArticlePublication Open Access A multiparadigm approach to interpretation in architecture: exploring ideological meaning in political party headquarters(ODTU, 2014) Çekmiş, A.; Hacıhasanoğlu, Orhan; Architecture; HACIHASANOĞLU, OrhanThe attempts to make sense of the built environment are conceptualised within various disciplines also including linguistics and literature. Current theories in literary criticism support different movements in meaning studies. This paper proposes a multiparadigm approach for interpreting and knowing in architecture by employing disparate theoretical perspectives of literary criticism. The research intends to encompass intentionalist, structuralist and post-structuralist paradigms, where the textual meaning is questioned on the basis of the author, the text itself and the reader respectively. The first part elaborates on these major paradigms of literature and then provides extensive review in architectural studies.ArticlePublication Metadata only Relocating the arts in the new Istanbul: urban imaginary as a contested zone(Informa Group, 2014) Erek, Ayşe N.; Köksal, Ayşe Hazar; Industrial Design; BİNGÖL, Ayşe Hazar KöksalParallel to its reconstitution as a global city, Istanbul has experienced an expansion of the arts through the foundation of new institutions, such as museums and galleries, and the dissemination of art events and exhibitions related to the city. The role of the arts and arts institutions in Istanbul's renewal is central to understanding the relationship between the material and immaterial dynamics of this process. The contemporary art world has both invented new strategies for the city's representation, where issues, such as tourism, consumerism, public space, democracy, and identities, are tightly interwoven, while simultaneously revealing conflicts and contestations. In the hands of contemporary artists and arts professionals, the city's “urban imaginary” has become an analytical vehicle that both exposes the tensions of global dynamics and presents the city as spectacle. Thus, this imaginary also serves to document the forces that affect the arts and the city, and a close study of it can enrich our understanding of the reconditioning process.ArticlePublication Metadata only Natural light as a determinant of the identity of architectural space(Informa Group, 2014) Özorhon, İlker Fatih; Ulusu Uraz, T.; Architecture; ÖZORHON, Ilker FatihIn this study, the effect of natural light on the architectural space quality was examined. Contribution of natural light in three different dimensions as the readability of the space, the effect of the space, and its aesthetical evaluation was taken into consideration and discussed in the given order. The study involves a review of the related architecture literature, various books, articles, essays, and opinions. The major objective of this research is to explain the place of natural light in architectural design and its different aspects through its functional and semantic dimensions in the space. In this respect, contributions of natural light to the identity of the space were examined based on three renowned Turkish architects and their significant works. The paper focuses on the contribution of natural light to the space, emphasizing its qualitative aspects; whereas its physical and measurable aspects are beyond the scope of the paper. The study demonstrates the importance of experiencing the space in terms of understanding the aspect of light that determines the space identity. It also stresses that buildings designed considering the use of natural light could turn out to be more original.ArticlePublication Metadata only Investigation of the change of the shopping mall's space organization in Istanbul(Taylor & Francis Group, 2014) Özorhon, Güliz; Özorhon, İlker Fatih; Architecture; ÖZORHON, Güliz; ÖZORHON, Ilker FatihWithin the scope of this article shopping malls were discussed as a building type and the evolution of a building type was tried to be witnessed within a twenty-five year period by comparing the early and late examples of shopping malls in Istanbul. The change of Istanbul’s shopping culture / spaces and the inclusion of shopping centers into the practice of architecture as a building type are briefly mentioned. Each of the selected malls were separately examined in terms of location, concept, space organization and other functions included, and in the fourth section both early and late examples were evaluated together in the same terms with a holistic perspective. The effect of shopping malls, the number of which constantly increases in Istanbul, on the city and its architecture is highly important. These massive bodies of buildings play a significant role in the formation and even definition of the new settlement areas of the city, and generate new areas of attraction. Due to these reasons, from location to architectural characteristic, from schedule to interior quality, they need to be designed punctiliously and with the consideration of the effects at all levels.ReviewPublication Metadata only Introduction(Informa Group, 2014) Erek, A. E.; Köksal, Ayşe Hazar; Industrial Design; BİNGÖL, Ayşe Hazar KöksalThis special issue of Visual Resources examines the ongoing debates about art and urban imaginary by connecting the city with its past and its present. Cities are constantly envisioned throughout history in diverse ways. In the global era, the reimagining of the city involves a process where art and the urban imaginary are recognized as far more mutually constitutive than ever. The globalizing cities necessitate the urban imaginary to restructure its transnational, historical, and cultural conditioning in terms of mapping the global hierarchy. Surely reimagining the city as a multilayered process is not simply a branding strategy. Not only are the cities structured in different forms of representation and imaginaries they are also themselves spaces of imagination and creativity. Hence urban imaginary and art are interwoven in countless ways in the city to reveal or conceal multiple stories. The five essays collected here propose new interpretations on the dynamic ways of producing urban representation interlaced with the contemporary art world, the urban visual culture, as well as its institutions, such as museums, biennials, exhibitions, and cultural events.ArticlePublication Metadata only A challenging design case study for interactive media design education: Interactive media for individuals with autism(Springer International Publishing, 2014) Yantaç, A. E.; Orhun, Simge Esin; Ünlüer Çimen, A.; Communication Design; ORHUN, SimgeSince 1999, research for creativity triggering education solutions for interactive media design (IMD) undergraduate level education in Yıldız Technical University leaded to a variety of rule breaking exercises. Among many approaches, the method of designing for disabling environment, in which the students design for the users with one or more of their senses disabled, brought the challenge of working on developing interactive solutions for the individuals with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). With the aim of making their life easier, the design students were urged to find innovative yet functional interaction solutions for this focused user group, whose communicational disability activate due to the deficiencies in their senses and/or cognition. Between 2011 and 2012, this project brief supported by participatory design method motivated 26 students highly to develop design works to reflect the perfect fit of interaction design to this challenging framework involving the defective social communication cases of autism.Conference ObjectPublication Metadata only Efficiency in architectural geometry informed by materials(Ecaade-Education & Research Computer Aided Architectural Design Europe, 2014) Yazıcı, Sevil; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design; YAZICI, SevilAlthough some studies investigate physics-based dynamic systems to generate structurally efficient forms by incorporating geometry with performance requirements, there is a gap in the field questioning on how to link structurally efficient architectural geometry with mechanical properties of materials. The aim of this paper is to question the possibility of generating an information loop in which Young's Modulus, stiffness of the material may both inform the form-finding process and the structural performance simulation. The proposed method offers steps including form-finding, series of analyses applied for architectural geometry and structural performance, as well as optimization. Based on the simulation results, efficiency values are calculated driven by the use of different materials. The significance of incorporating material properties in the early design stage is underlined, by comparing differences, whether the stiffness of material informs the form-finding process or not.ArticlePublication Open Access Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin duyulmamış tarihi(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2014) Köksal, Ayşe Hazar; Industrial Design; BİNGÖL, Ayşe Hazar KöksalTarih boyunca toplumsal bellek ve karşı bellek birbiri ile mücadele halindedir. Farklı iktidar ve bilgi ilişkilerinin anlatılarına göre yeniden inşa edilen tarih, toplumsal belleğin, yani bir toplumun neyi hatırlayıp unutacağının sınırlarını çizmektedir. Sanat müzeleri, bu süreçte, görünür kıldığı objeler aracılığıyla, hem bu resmi tarihi meşrulaştırır, hem de tarihin ortak bir toplumsal bellek oluşturmasına aracılık eder. Ancak çoğulcu toplumsal yapı, farklı toplumsal bağlamlar, pratikler ve geçmişlerden beslenen bir öteki tarihi oluşturmayı sürdürmektedir. Toplumsal belleğin sınırlarına rağmen, sessiz ve görünmez bir ortak geçmişi paylaşanlar zaman içerisinde bir karşı bellek oluşturmaya başlar. Bu durum, karşı belleği de kapsayacak yeni bir tarih anlatısı arayışını beraberinde getirir. Müze, toplumsal ve karşı bellek üzerinden yapılan bu iktidar mücadelesinin en etkin aracılarından biri olur. Bu makale, 1970’lerde Ankaralı sanatçıların karşı belleklerinden beslenen bir sanat tarihi anlatısını oluşturma ve bunu kendi sanat müzelerini kurarak meşrulaştırma çabalarını aktarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi 1980 yılında kurulduğunda bu mücadelenin katkısı önemli olmuştur. Bu çerçevede makale, Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin resmi kurum tarihinden ziyade, müzenin kurulmasının ardındaki sessiz dinamikleri ve dolayısıyla kurumun duyulmamış tarihini anlatmayı hedeflemektedir. Erken Cumhuriyet döneminde sanat dünyasında etkin olan Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi, kendisine bağlı olarak kurulan Resim ve Heykel Müzesi aracılığıyla Türkiye’deki sanat tarihi anlatısının sınırlarını belirleyen en önemli kurum olmuştur. Müzede Akademi’nin ulus devlet anlatısına dayalı sanat tarihi yazımı görünür olmuş ve bu anlatı toplumsal sanat belleğini oluşturmuştur. Türkiye konjonktürünün sürekli değişmesine rağmen müzenin aynı pratiği devam ettirmesi 1970’lerde eleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu eleştiriler, aynı zamanda, çeşitlenen sanat ortamında Akademi’nin müze üzerinden yeniden meşruiyetini kurma çabasına da yöneliktir. Aynı dönemde Ankara’daki sanat ortamı Ankaralılık üzerinden bir kimlik oluşturmaya ve bu kültürel kimlikten beslenen üretimler ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Bu süreç, Ankaralı sanatçıların karşı belleklerinin oluşturduğu eserleri görünür kılacak bir müze ve sanat tarihi taleplerini artırmıştır. Mesele, Erken Cumhuriyet döneminden beri değişmeyen sanat tarihi yazımına ve bunun müzede teşhir biçimine alternatif bir anlatı inşa etme çabasıdır. Ankara Resim ve Heykel Müzesi, Ankaralı sanatçıların sanat tarihi üzerinden verdikleri bu iktidar mücadelesi için bir alan olarak kurulmuştur. Ancak, nihayetinde Ankara Müzesi de koleksiyonu, teşhiri ve tasnifiyle İstanbul Resim ve Heykel Müzesi’nin bir benzerini oluşturmuş, Ankaralı sanatçıların bir raddeye kadar görünür olmasına izin verilen ve resmi sanat tarihinin sınırlarının hissedildiği bir müze ortaya çıkmıştır. Toplumsal bellek, birleştirici bir gösteri olarak karşı belleği yok etmiş ve kendine benzerlik bulaştırmıştır. Bu kapsamda, başta o dönemde müze kurulmasına yönelik etkin yayınlar yapan Ankara Sanat Dergisi’nde çıkan yazılar taranmış, döneme dair diğer yayınlar aracılığıyla dönemin konjonktürü anlaşılmış, eldeki belgelerden ise müzenin resmi tarihinin dışında kalan bazı konulara açıklık getirmek için yararlanılmıştır.ArticlePublication Open Access Design workshops as a tool for informal architectural education(Open House International Association, 2015) Turgut, Hülya; Cantürk, E.; Architecture; TURGUT, HülyaAlthough the design studio has formally been the locus for design education, informal education approach has gained more and more acceptance in the world. Informal education, which is the education outside the confines of curricula, includes the acquisition of knowledge and skills through experience, reading, social contact, etc. Workshops cover the essential weight of this informal education. Although the role of the design workshops in architectural design education has been very limited through overall design education’s past, many schools of architecture have taken steps to consider workshops as the part of informal learning and education. “Culture and Space in the Build environment” (CSBE) Network of IAPS have been organizing “culture and design workshop series” for graduate and post graduate students in Turkey since 2001. In these workshops, a design teaching approach based on the conceptual framework of culture and space interactions is applied. The conceptual framework developed for the architectural design education, takes three fundamental starting points for workshops as the part of informal design education: as a tool for informal design education (method), as a tool for learning & understanding culture-environment relations (content), and as a tool for awareness of different environments/contexts (scale/place). The foundation of the conceptual framework is based on the general approach that discusses the “architectural design process” with regards to environmental context and content. Within this context the aim of the paper is to discuss and evaluate the importance and the contribution of workshops as tool for informal architectural design education. These discussions will be held on the case of IAPS-CBSE Network’s last workshop “Istanbul as a Palimpsest City and Imperfection”. In the paper, the process, the method, the content and the results of workshop studies will be discussed and evaluated.ArticlePublication Open Access Türkiye'de tarım üretimindeki değişim dinamiklerinin buğday üretimindeki mekânsal yansımaları(Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2015) Göçer, Kenan; Architecture; GÖÇER, KenanTürkiye'de tarım sektöründe üretim, dış ticaret ve istihdam açısından önemli boyutta değişim gözlenmektedir. Önemli bir tahıl üreticisi olan Türkiye'de özellikle tahıl üretiminde dışa bağımlılık artarak dünya ortalamasına yaklaşmaktadır. Bu durum gıda güvenliği için hayati olan buğday üretimine de olumsuz yansımaktadır. Bu çalışmada ilçelere göre buğday üretiminin coğrafi dağılımını üretim alanı, üretim miktarı ve verimliliği dikkate alarak nasıl bir mekânsal dinamiğe sahip olduğunu mekânsal ekonometri teknikleri kullanarak göstermek amaçlanmıştır. Yakın gelecek için buğday üretiminde sürdürülebilirlik açısından avantajlı ve dezavantajlı ilçeler tespit edilmiştir. Buğday üretim alanı, üretimi ve verimliliği açısından artış gösteren ilçeler sürdürülebilirlik açısından avantajlı durumu göstermektedir. Sürdürülebilirlik şartlarını en iyi sağlayan ilçeler Trakya, Güneydoğu Anadolu'nun batısı ve Ege bölgesinde görülmektedir. Tahıl ambarı İç Anadolu Bölgesi ise sürdürülebilirlik açısından yeterince güçlü çıkmamıştır. Buğday üretiminde mekansal etkileşim İç Anadolu'da zayıf çıkmıştır.